Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Bartolomeo REJTANO
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: ICAR/02 - Hydraulic and marine contructions and hydrology
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course attains to planning, design and operation activities aiming to provide water supply and wastewater and runoff disposal in municipal, agricultural and industrial sectors. It accounts for social, economic and environmental inter-relationships in a comprehensive context of river systems, complex water systems and urban water systems.

Students attain the understanding of problems, methodologies and instruments for both operational and design activities. Furthermore, the optional participation to working groups allows them to attain the capability of performing an actual design activity on cases from reality.

Course Structure

The course includes front lectures, guidance to practical exercises and guidance to optional design work to be carried in groups.

Detailed Course Content

Part I: General aspects. Hydraulic structures and water management. Water systems. Water rights and use regulations. Construction and operation responsibility. Design, construction and verification of civiland hydraulic works. Planning of water systems. Integrated water service.


Part II: Water supply in municipal and industrial sectors. Components of a water supply system. Schemes of municipal water supply systems. Estimation of water demand: water use per capita, population forecasting, peak demand. Water quality requisites. Sources of supply. Groundwater withdrawal. Transport waterworks: under pressure, free surface, with pumping. Pipeline materials. Flow measurement and regulation. Appliances. Storage reservoirs. Distribution networks. Release modes. Hydraulic design. Operation and mantainance. Supply rates. Remote control.


Part III: Water supply in the agricultural sector.

Agricultural soils. Water, soil and plant interactions. Water balance of agricultural soil. Water uses in agruiculture. Agricultural water demand. Irrigation water quality. Irrigation methods. Design of farm irrigation systems. Schemes and operation principles of district irrigation. Sources of supply. Conveyance and distribution works. Water measurement and regulation. Scheduled and “on demand” distribution. Design and operation of public irrigation systems. Benefit-cost analysis.


Part IV Sewerage and runoff disposal . Wasteater and runoff disposal systems. Sewerage facilities. Collection schemes. Design of sewer systems. Runoff evaluation . Computational methods for hydraulic design. Specific questions about mixed systems. Materials. Cross-sections, appliances and accessories for sewer systems. Overflow disposal. Storage tanks. Pumping stations. Final disposal. Regulations and legal planning context. Best management practices. Special problems for industrial wastewater. Disposal of agricultural runoff. Land reclamation.


Part V. Optional design exercise. It refers to a water supply system (municipal water supply or irrigation system), a drainage system or a sewerage system. Guidance to activity will be provided in classroom, while further assistance will be provided during reception hours. Students are requested to develop the activity in groups, on one of the above areas to be agreed with the professor. The activity will include the analysis of the problem, the development of design schemes, hydraulic computations, drafting of constructions and devopment of report.

Textbook Information

1. AA.VV.: "Manuale di Ingegneria Civile", E.S.A.C.-­Zanichelli (Cremonese).

2. CENTRO STUDI DEFLUSSI URBANI: "Sistemi di Fognatura: Manuale di progettazione". HOEPLI, 1997.

3. DA DEPPO L., DATEI C.: “Fognature”. Edizioni Libreria Cortina, Padova, 1997.

4. FREGA G.: "Lezioni di acquedotti e fognature". Liguori, 1992.

5. IPPOLITO G.: "Appunti di Costruzioni Idrauliche". Liguori, 1995 (edizione aggiornata a cura di G. De Martino).

6. MILANO V.: "Acquedotti, guida alla progettazione". Hoepli, 2012.

7. Course notes.