Recovery And Preservation of the Building

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Angela MOSCHELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students with knowledge about issues, methodology and analytical tools and intervention strategies to deal with the renovation of existing buildings stock within  a needs-performances approach and in line with current principles of environmental sustainability and circular economy.

Course Structure

The topics of the program of theoretical lessons will be presented through classroom lectures. During the course the students will also develop a rehabilitation design, with periodic reviews by the teacher.

Required Prerequisites

Building Construction II, Building Physics

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is compulsory. The student is required to attend at least 70% of the hours of each individual course. Reduced compulsory attendance up to a maximum of 20% is recognised for students in the status of student workers, or student athletes, or students in difficult situations.

Detailed Course Content


1.     Framing of the topic.

2.   Complexity and systemic approach. Built Environment as system. Needs-performances approach for renovation of existing buildings.

3.     Evolution of construction systems in the twentieth century.

4.     Categories of intervention: Maintenance, Requalification, Reuse.

5.   Methodology for renovation of built heritage. Analyses of existing buildings and its context. Non-destructive investigations. Technical and performance diagnosis. Design strategies. Technical and architectural solutions.

6.    Environmental sustainability of design: Sustainability paradigm, role and responsibility of the construction sector. Recovery and environmental sustainability. Life Cycle approach (LCA method, Environmental Product Declarations). Tools for assessment of design environmental sustainability (LEED Protocol and ITACA Protocol). Reuse, Recycle. Minimum Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement.

Textbook Information

1.     Di Battista V., Ambiente costruito. Un secondo paradigma, Alinea, Firenze, 2006.

2.     Di Battista V., Giallocosta G., Minati G. (a cura di), Architettura e approccio sistemico, Polimetrica, 2007.

3.     Conte V. Elementi della costruzione edilizia, 1970

4.     Gasparoli P., Talamo C., Manutenzione e recupero. Criteri, metodi e strategie per l'intervento sul costruito, Alinea, Firenze, 2006.

5.     Grecchi M., Malighetti L. E., Ripensare il costruito: il progetto di recupero e rifunzionalizzazione degli edifici, Maggioli, 2008.

6.     Guarnerio L., Elementi costruttivi dell’architettura, Gorlich, 1964

7.     Lavagna M. et al., Murature ad alte prestazioni, Maggioli editore, 2011.

8.     Lavagna M., Lyfe Cycle Assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilità ambientale, Hoepli, 2008

9.     Malighetti L. E., Recupero edilizio e sostenibilità. Il Sole24ore, Milano, 2004.

10.  Malighetti L. E., Recupero edilizio. Strategie per il riuso e tecnologie costruttive, Il Sole24ore, Milano, 2011

11.  Moschella A., Organismi di pietra. Argomenti per la qualificazione del processo diagnostico, Bonanno editore, Acireale-Roma, 2012.

12.  Petrignani A., Tecnologia dell’architettura, Hoepli, 1984


During the course further bibliographic material will be provided.



Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1For each programme’s topic, the lecturer will provide slides as teaching support.For each programme’s topic, the lecturer will provide slides as teaching support.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination will consist of an oral interview on the topics covered during the lectures. The assessment of the oral exam is based on the following criteria: level of knowledge of the required topics, expressive ability and language property, ability to connect the various topics of the programme. The final grade will take into account both the outcome of the aforementioned oral interview and the assessment of the design exercise, that is based on the following criteria: completeness, correctness, originality and accuracy of the work. This design exercise must be completed within approximately one week of the end of the course (the exact date will be indicated well in advance by the lecturer) and the evaluation will be group-based. Each member of the group will be free to appear at the examination calls independently of the other colleagues in their group.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises