Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Gaetano Antonio SCIUTO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The module is addressed to give to the students knoledge and competences to solve both typological and technological problems; this subjects forms the base of the architectural design. Will be arried out suitable analysis to satisfy the needs of the users, in order to design the building components. Theoretical lessions, exercitations and laboratory activities will be carried out in synergy to solve the building problems both at the architectonic and at the detailed scale. In particular the mix typology (pluryfamily apartments and tertiary activities) will focussed.

Course Structure

The teaching will be carried out through lectures on theoretical topics and practical design exercises. The design exercises will take place in groups. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus. The attendance is mandatory. Students are asked to be present at least at 70% of lessons. Professor let it self free to decide to verify the frequency of the students in the classroom.

Detailed Course Content

1. Design of multifamilary buildings. Mixed tipologyes.

2. Indoor space organizzation and Universal design.

3. Building tipologies

4. Sustainability

5. Detail design (precast reinforced concreat, steel, X-Lam)

6. Parametric Design

7. Integrated installations.

Textbook Information

[1]. E. Mandolesi, Edilizia, Utet, Torino.

[2]. G. Sciuto, Modelli progettuali per la sostenibilità edilizia, Ed. Anabiblo, Roma, 2010.

[3]. G. Turchini, M. Grecchi, Nuovi Modelli per l’abitare, Il Sole 24 Ore Editore, Milano, 2006.

[4]. G. Sciuto, I rivestimenti lapidei. Modernità nella tradizione, Ed. Il Lunario, Enna, 2006.

[5]. E. Arbizzani, Tecnica e tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi, Maggioli Editore, Milano, 2015.

[6]. E. Dassori, R. Morbiducci, Costruire l'architettura, Ed. Tecniche Nuove, 2010.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1La progettazione dell'edilizia plurifamiliare [3]
2Criteri di organizzazione funzionale degli alloggi e di aggregazione delle unità edilizie [3]
3La progettazione sostenibile [2]
4La progettazione tecnologica [1] - [4] - [5] - [6]