notice for foreign students

Dear Students, the Italian Government introduced a new Prime Ministerial Decree which stated the suspension of the in-class teaching activities in all Italian Universities until 15 March 2020. This provision was taken after hearing the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee and the Ministry of Health, who deem this a necessary measure in order to contain the contagion. For that reason lessons and exams  are currently suspended up to the 15th of March.  Degree courses coordinators will provide students with a new exam schedule, which will take into account all postponed activities. Students who should have graduated from 5th March 2020 and 15 March 2020 will receive further communications as far as graduation sessions are concerned. Study rooms and library are  closed in all University and Departmental venues from March 5th 2020 to March 15th 2020.
Professors are requested to not meet personally students during office hours, but to agree distance meeting via email, skype, telephone, skype, etc. 
The University of Catania is progressively organizing a  teaching offer via distance learning ONLY if a new provision for extending  the suspension of the in-class teaching activities will be decided after the 15 of March.

Data di pubblicazione: 06/03/2020