University meet Industry during the course of SYSTEMS ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN FOR INNOVATIVE PROCESSES

All meetings will be open for both students of first and second year:

26.04.18 Eng. S.Corso Sasol
“The continuous improvment in industrial plants”
08.05.18 Eng. S. Corso Sasol
“Industry Sustainabilyty”
15.05.18 Eng. S. Marziano Sasol 
“Energy needs in the industrial plants” Si informano gli studenti interessati che il seminario   del 15.05.18  Eng. S. Corso Sasol  “Energy needs  in the industrial plants” è stato spostato al 06.06.18.
23.05.18 Eng. A.Bifulco ISAB “Maintenance”
29.05.18 Eng. S. Marziano Sasol
“Water use treatment in a chemical plant”


Data di pubblicazione: 09/04/2018