International Mobility programme UNICT (for non-EU countries' students)


STUDENTS interested in becoming VISITING at DICAR's, University of Catania, must:

  • for studying purposes - check if the DICAR has already signed an agreement with their own institution, analyse the department courses offer and contact the Departmental Internationalization coordinator or the Departmental Office for International Mobility (Departmental International Didactic Unit (IDU)) for support on subjects and educational activities selection
  • for research for final dissertation or placements - get in contact with the departmental internationalization coordinator  or departmental office for International Mobility for support in definying a research or placement programme
  • PhD and postgraduate mobilities - students have to agree with the sending and hosting course coordinators a joint programme
  • prepare a learning proposal using the Activities Agreement form and send it back, duly signed by the sending institution, to the host department, and ask for an acceptance letter (doctoral students must provide the  “agreement of doctoral exchange” already signed by his/her course coordinator too)
  • get back the acceptance letter and the Activities Agreement countersigned by the director of the hosting department (the acceptance letter will also specify the name of the tutor assigned)
  • fill out the on-line form attaching the above-mentioned documents
  • register his/her arrival at the Departmental International Didactic Unit (IDU) or as othewise indicated
  • at the end of the mobility, the tutor has to send a final report in english (specifying the dates of the mobility period, the successful activities carried-out, the amount of acquired CFU/ECTS credits) to the IDU that will provide the students with a “visiting student certification” and inform the International Mobility Office (IMO) about the successfully mobility period performed.