Salvatore CAFISO

Professore ordinario di STRADE, FERROVIE ED AEROPORTI [ICAR/04]

Professore ordinario di Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti (ICAR/04), presso il Dipartimento di ingegneria Civile e Architettura dell’Università di Catania. Docente di progetto di “Infrastrutture Stradali” e “Pavement Engineering” nel corso di laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile delle Acque e dei Trasporti. Ha ricoperto il ruolo di responsabile scientifico del laboratorio di Infrastrutture Stradali, Coordinatore del dottorato in ingegneria delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti, delegato di Ateneo nel gruppo di lavoro tematico permanente Regione Siciliana “Smart Cities & Communities”. Membro di Gruppi di ricerca internazionali e di comitati editoriali di riviste internazionali. Autore di oltre 200 pubblicazioni su riveste e atti di convegni internazionali, responsabile scientifico di numerosi progetti di Ricerca. È responsabile scientifico dello Spin-off dell’Università di Catania, “Infrastructure & Transport Engineering Research - ITER”.

Salvatore Cafiso, Master of Science in Civil Engineering in 1987, he was enrolled as research assistant in 1991, associate professor in 2001 and from 2017 he is full professor of “Road, Railways and Airport” at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Catania. He has been involved both in teaching and research in the field of transportation engineering since 1987. Several of his courses involve design elements and roadway focusing on highways design and safety while addressing the needs of all facility users (drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists).  His research expertise includes highway geometric design, traffic safety, pavement engineering and road asset management. He has been successful in securing research funds in these areas from local, national and international agencies. The dissemination of this research includes more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and peer-reviewed conference papers and presentations in international conferences. He is scientific coordinator of the Spin-off "Infrastructure & Transport Engineering Research - ITER" at the University of Catania, 


1997 Best paper safety International Road Federation XIII world Meeting: “Statistical Analysis of Accidents on Italian Highways”

2004 Best Paper in poster session SIIV II International Congress: “in Field Data Collection for Driving Behavior using DIVAS Instrumented Car”

2015 Best paper Transportation Safety Management, TRB Annual Meeting: “Reliability Based Assessment of Benefits in Roadway Safety Management”



2012 – 2016 – US Transportation Research Board - ANB10 “Transportation Safety Management” Committee

2007 – 2016 – US Transportation Research Board - AFB10 “Geometric Design Committee”

2016 – present – US Transportation Research Board – AKD10 “Performance Effects of Geometric Design” Committee

2016 – present – US Transportation Research Board – ACS10 “Transportation Safety Management Systems” Committee

2002 – present – US Transportation Research Board - International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design

Member of steering Committee

2012 – present - Permanent International Association of Road Congress (PIARC) - National Technical Committee CT.3.1b " Design of road Infrastructures" – CT 2.4 Esercizio della rete stradale - ITS

2010 – 2014 - International Road Federation - Group of Expert in Road Safety

2006 – present - European Commission - European Road Safety Charter - representative of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

2002 – 2010 - Permanent International Association of Road Congress (PIARC) - National Technical Committee C.4.2 " Road/Vehicle Interaction"


Transportation Research Record (Handling Editor)

Archives of Transportation – Polish Academy of Sciences

International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology

Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering


visiting professor

1999 - Transportation Engineering Group and Transport Operations Research Group - University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK).

2004 - Departamento de Transportes Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (ES)

2009 - Brno University of Technology (CZ)

2014 - Cracow University of Technology (PL)

2016 - Szechenyi Istvan University (HU)

2016 – present “Joint International Research Laboratory of Transportation Safety”, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University

2019  Universidad Nacional de San Juan

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

Autore di oltre 200 articoli scientifici su riviste e atti di convegni internazonali

Le principali aree di ricerca sono riconducibili a:

Sicurezza Stradale in relazione alla progettazione geoemtrica e funzionale: Modelli statistici per la stima dgli incidenti - Ispezioni di sicurezza per l'adeguamento della viabilità esistente - Sicurezza Utenti vulnerabili (pedoni, ciclisti, motociclisti) con tecniche di conflitti di traffico - Monitoraggio comportamento di guida del conducente tramite studi naturalistici - Definizione del dominio operativo dell'infrastruttura fisica per la guida autonoma - Monitoraggio e manutenzione programmata dell'e infrastrutture di trasporto

Author of over 200 scientific articles in international journals and conference proceedings

The main research areas are: Road Safety in relation to geometric and functional design: Statistical models for crash prediction - Safety inspections for the risk assessment of existing roads - Safety of Vulnerable users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists) with traffic conflict techniques - Monitoring of road users (driver, motorcyclist, bicyclist) behavior through naturalistic and in field studies - Physical infrastructure and operating design domain for automatic driving - Monitoring and maintenance systems of transport infrastructure


- PRIN 99: Italian Ministry of Research: Analysis of the interactions between road system elements and the human factor for optimizing design standard criteria (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2000: Italian Ministry of Research: Pavement maintenance system and treatments effectiveness for road safety (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2001: Italian Ministry of Research: Relevance of driver – highway system on human behaviour with respect to road safety (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2002: Italian Ministry of Research: Model development for safety assessment of road section based on operating speed scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2003: Italian Ministry of Research: Analysis of driver behavior in function of road and environment characteristics. Safety assessment and treatment design. (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2004: Italian Ministry of Research: Integrating human factor evaluation in the design process of roads – a way to improve safety standards for rural roads (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- PRIN 2006: Italian Ministry of Research “Road safety in complex environment. Theoretical experimental models for preventive safety road design” (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- 2004: DGTREN European Commission: Project IASP Identification of Hazard Location and Ranking of Measures to Improve Safety on Local Rural Roads (PI of the project)

- 2004-2011 National Safety Plan: in the field of monitoring centers set up previewed by the National Plan of Road Safety, prof. Cafiso was scientific responsible of research projects with the Sicily Region and the Regional Province of Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa for the Accident Analysis, Safety Audit for new road projects and Safety review for existing roads and the monitoring of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation interventions for road safety

- 2009, Italian Ministry of Industrial development, “Preventive Safety for eco-compatible Urban BUS” (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- 2010: DGTREN European Commission: Pilot4Safety - Pilot project for common EU Curriculum for road safety experts: training and application on Secondary Roads (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- 2013: EU TEMPUS - HiT4Med - Highway and Traffic Engineering: Curricular Reform for Mediterranean Area (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- 2014 CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme (CEDR-TRRP) 2013: ESReT European Safety Review Tool (scientific responsible of the operating unit of the University of Catania)

- 2014: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR): call MIUR StartUp (PON “R&C”). Project: “WIKI Roads Map” (project PI).

- 2018: Italian Ministry for Environment: Recovery and reuse of volcanic dash from Etna (scientific responsible of the operating unit)

- 2020: P.O. FESR SICILIA 2014/2020: SAFE-DEMON: SAFE Driving by E-health MONitoring

- 2020 EuroS@P : European Road Safety Partnership. EU KA203 - KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education

- 2021 InfRO@D: European Digital Education in Road Infrastructure Management”. EU+ Strategic Partnerships in response to the COVID-19 situation