Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: CHIM/07 - Chemical foundations of technologies
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
Students will learn the knowledge of basic chemistry aiming to face the interpretation of chemical and chemico-physical phenomena. Furthermore they aquired the knowledge of the behavior and characteristics of the most common materials.
Course Structure
During the course, both lectures and numerical exercises on each part of the course will be carried out.
Detailed Course Content
Atomic nature of the matter, structure of the matter, chemical bond, aggregation states of the matter, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, electrolytic solutions, electrochemical.
Textbook Information
M. Schiavello - L. Palmisano: "Fondamenti di Chimica" (EdiSES) A. Clerici - B. Morrocchi: "Esercitazioni di Chimica" (Ed. Spiegel) L. Jones - P. Atkins: "Chemistry: Molecules, Matter and Change" (W.H. Freeman Ed.)
Lecture notes