Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° Year
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 28 hours
Laboratories: 30 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the main cognitive tools on design criteria, constructive methods and techniques, referring to the sector of the new construction in seismic area.

Course Structure

The topics of the program of theoretical lessons will be presented through classroom lectures.

During the course the students will also develop a design project, with periodic reviews by the teacher.

Where possible, the teacher will organize guided tours on construction sites.

Detailed Course Content


1. General overview.

1.1. Object and purpose of the course.

2. Construction process and building construction.

2.1. Construction process.

2.2. Building construction.

3. Design models for sustainable architecture.

3.1. Principles of sustainable architecture.

3.2. Bioclimatic design solutions.

3.3. Articulation of interior spaces in residential buildings.

3.4. Use of renewable sources for on-site production of thermal and electrical energy.

4. Construction materials.

4.1. Wood. Physical-mechanical characteristics and technical properties; seasoning and protection; fire resistance. Classification of timber types. Artificial timber: plywood; MDH and HDF panels; sandwich panels; plywood panels; particleboards; CLT.

4.2. Metals. Technology of ferrous metals: steel; physical-mechanical characteristics of steel and fire resistance; classification of steels for architecture. Technology Non-ferrous metals: cast iron; aluminum and its alloys; copper and its alloys; lead.

4.3. Bricks. Production. Classification: solid bricks; hollow bricks; bricks for roofing; lightweight clay blocks.

4.4. Mortars. Composition and dosage. Classification and properties: aerial mortars; gypsum mortars; hydraulic mortars; cement mortars; compound mortars; mortars with additives; special mortars; formulated; ready-made mortars. Uses: for masonry; for plasters; for cladding, paving and sub-floors.

4.5. Concrete. Mix. Cast, compaction and seasoning. Beton brut. Lightweight concrete.

5. Building components.

5.1. Supporting framework.

5.1.1. Generality. Functions, geometry, construction elements. Overview of anti-seismic requirements; pre-sizing.

5.1.2. Supporting framework with reinforced concrete (RC) and prestressed concrete. Generality. Characteristics and properties of RC; reinforcement systems; formwork; transporting and placing concrete. Characteristics, properties, uses of prestressed concrete.

5.1.3. Steel Structures. Features and properties; connection details.

5.1.4. Foundations. Soil: classification; physical and mechanical characteristics. Direct and indirect foundations steel and RC structures. Construction details.

5.2. Vertical closures.

5.2.1. Current load bearing and non-load bearing walls. Function and classification; materials and construction techniques. Energy issues. Construction details.

5.2.2. Underground vertical closures. Function and classification; solutions with and without air-gap. Protection of counter-ground walls. Construction details.

5.2.3. Windows. Function and classification; construction materials and details.

5.3. Horizontal closures.

5.3.1. Floors on ground. Function, types and construction techniques. Construction details.

5.3.2. Intermediate floors. Characteristics, properties and executive modalities of wooden, steel, c.a. floors. Floors with prefabricated RC and prestressed concrete joists. Construction details.

5.3.3. Roofs. Pitched roofs: nomenclature; carpentry; types of tiles; thermos-hygrometry; construction details. Flat roofs: slope patterns; waterproofing materials; insulating materials; types of stratifications; construction details.

5.4. Stairs. Form and classification. Elements of the stairs. Sizing. Bearing structure. Finishes. Geometric and construction issues. Construction details.

5.5. Partition walls. Function and classification; materials, construction techniques and details.

Textbook Information

Powerpoint slides posted on and/or on the dedicated MS Teams group.

Summary of design technical standards, posted on and/or on the dedicated MS Teams group.

Lecture notes.

AA.VV., Manuale di progettazione edilizia, vol. 5, Hoepli, Milano 2000 (M c 80/5).

Caleca L., Architettura Tecnica, Libreria Dario Flaccovio, Palermo 1987 (E a 151).

Koenig K.G. et Al., Tecnologia delle costruzioni, Le Monnier, Firenze 1977-80 (E a 97/1).

Mandolesi E., Edilizia, tomi I-IV, UTET, Torino 1978-91 (E a 99/1-4).

Sciuto G., Modelli progettuali per la sostenibilità edilizia, Anabiblo Ed., Roma 2010 (M h 120).

Dassori E., Morbiducci R., Costruire l'architettura, Tecniche Nuove, 2010 (E a 303; E a 312).

Campioli A., Lavagna M., Tecniche e architettura, Cittàstudi, Milano, 2013 (E a 310).

It is also recommended to consult the "Detail" magazine and the "Atlases" UTET and "The Plan", available at the DICAR library (Building 4 - DAU).

For the texts available at the DICAr library, the relative locations are indicated in brackets.

The illustrations presented by the teacher during the lessons will be available on the web page