Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Cettina SANTAGATI
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the theoretical knowledge and basic practices of drawing as the basic language for the representation and communication of the project for the transformation of the environment and territory. The teaching method of the course includes classroom lectures and contextual exercises on paper and computer.

Detailed Course Content

Architectural and Civil representation

Orthogonal projections

Axonometric projections

Architectural elements for buildings covering

Surfaces representation and features

Elemets of vertical connections (stairs)

Representation scales

Digital representation

Textbook Information

1. Mario Docci, Manuale di Disegno Architettonico, editori Laterza

2. Mario Docci, Diego Maestri, Scienza del Disegno, libreria Utet

3. F. Mirri: La Rappresentazione Tecnica e Progettuale, NIS

4. M. Docci, R. Migliari: La Scienza della Rappresentazione, NIS