Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Annalisa GRECO
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/08 - Structural mechanics
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge on static and kinematics of rigid and deformable bodies and to analyze the structural response and the stability of structures composed of beams.

Detailed Course Content

Static of beams- Stress and strain analysis of solids- The principle of virtual work- Fundamental laws in the theory of elasticy- Elastic equilibrium of beam systems- The Saint Venant problem: Axial load, Bending, Shear, Torsion- Failure criteria for fragile and ductile materials- Stability of elastic equilibrium and buckling loads.

Textbook Information

  1. Annalisa Greco “Scienza delle Costruzioni” Edizione Aracne, Roma
  2. Annalisa Greco -Salvatore Meli "Esercizi svolti di Scienza delle Costruzioni" Edizione CULC Catania