Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Gaetano Antonio SCIUTO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: ICAR/10 - Building design
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide a preliminary basis for the graphical representation of any object and then intensify the knowledge of the different phases of the construction process, the construction procedures aimed at design and construction of a building structure and to define, understand and design the buildings by using a performance approach.

Detailed Course Content

1. Problems and general definitions. 2. The representation of a building and its parts. The basic rules for technical drawing. 3. The building. Construction and housing needs. 4. Sustainable design. distribution criteria for residential environments and their association in a dwelling. Criteria and strategies for the sustainable architectural design. Elements of bioclimatic. 5. The materials for the building. The building and its parts. 6. The construction process. The materials processing. The static safety design principles. Environmental comfort. 7. The technological design. 7.1.1 Concrete frame. 7.1.2 Steeel frame.7.2 Load-bearing walls. The masonry. The mortar. Walls within the ground. The external finishes of walls. The plasters. The coatings. The exterior doors. 7.3 The ceilings. Horizontal base elements. Flat roofs. Roof garden. Pitched roofs. Ventilated roof. Correlation with the plants. Ceilings. Raised floors. 7.4 Internal partitions. 7.5 Elements of vertical communication. Types of stairs. Design criteria for stairs.

Textbook Information

1. A. De Vecchi, O. Fiandaca, Tecnica del disegno architettonico, Flaccovio Editore

2. E. Mandolesi, Edilizia, volumi 1, 2, 3, 4, Utet

3. L. Caleca, Architettura Tecnica, Flaccovio Editore

4. G.Turchini, M. Grecchi, Nuovi modelli per l’abitare, Il Sole 24 Ore Editore

5. G. Sciuto, La pietra lavica nell’architettura, Ed. Il Lunario

6. G. Sciuto, I rivestimenti lapidei. Modernità nella tradizione, Ed. Il Lunario

7. G. Sciuto, Modelli progettuali per la sostenibilità edilizia, Ed. Anabiblo

8. S. Cascone, Finestre e pareti vetrate, Gangemi Editore