Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° YearLearning Objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the skills necessary to deal with the typical problems of Transport Engineering with a systemic approach.
Detailed Course Content
1 TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Transport Planning Process 1.2.1 Planning for mobility and planning for accessibility 1.2.2 Sustainable mobility 1.3 Paradoxes in Transport 1.3.1 Braess’ paradox1.3.2 Down-Thomson’s paradox 1.3.3 The dogma of speed 2 TRANSPORT MODES 2.1 Sea Transport, Road transport, Rail Transport, Air Transport. 2.2 Intermodality. 2.3 Walking and cycling. 3 TRANSPORT DEMAND. 3.1 Zoning. 3.2 O-D Matrix. 3.3 Demand analysis by survey and by modelling. 3.4 Discrete choice modles. 3.5 Four step demand model. 3.6 Exercises on transport demand models 4 TRANSPORT SUPPLY. 4.1 Basic s of graph theory. 4.2 Public and private transport networks. 4.3 Cost functions. 4.4 Dijkstra’s algorithm. 5 TRAFFIC FLOW THEORY. 5.1 Road capacity. 5.2 Greenshields’ model. 5.3 Road level of service. 6 INTERACTION OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY. 6.1 Assignment models. 6.2 Path flow calculation. 6.3 Network loading network and user equilibrium network. 7 NETWORK EQUILIBRIUM. 7.1 User Equilibrium: examples and graphic solving. 7.2 Wardrop’s principles. 7.3 Beckmann’s algorithm. 7.4 User Optimized and System Optimized networks. 7.5 Optimal fare. 7.6 Assignment’s algorithms 8 MECHANICS OF LOCOMOTION. 8.1 Grip. 8.2 Resistance to motion. 8.3 Internal combustion engines and electric engines. 8.4 Road and rail mechanical performance 8.5 Engine elasticity. 8.6 Fuel consumption. 8.7 Exercises on mechanics of locomotion. 9 TRANSIT SYSTEMS 9.1 Classification of transit systems 9.2 design criteria of transit systems 10 SEMINARS 10.1 Simulation of transport networks. 10.2 Simulation of complex systems
Textbook Information
Lectures notes, available at