Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° YearCredit Value: 6
Taught classes: 25 hours
Exercise: 37 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge on the following topics
- Air pollution and dispersion of pollutant in the atmosphere
- Use of renewable energy sources and efficient energy use.
- Sound propagation and noise control. Effects of noise on human beings
The teaching method of the course consists of lectures, design exercises with application on the proposed case studies, and use of specific software.
Course Structure
This course foresees the alternation between theoretical lessons and practical exercises on the issues discussed in the classroom.
If the teaching will be given in mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus
Detailed Course Content
Basic concepts of acoustics. Analysis of acoustic signals. The effects of noise on human beings. Noise emitted by moving and stationary sources. Acoustic materials. Noise control. Numerical modelling of noise propagation. outdoor noise propagation and attenuation. Acoustic barriers and . Acoustic zoning. noise detection. Limit values on the outdoor noise.
Air pollution
Sources and Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Pollutants. Emission of pollutants from fixed and mobile combustion sources.
Dispersion of air pollutants
The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer. Turbulence. atmospheric stability models. Elements of fluid dynamics. Modeling of dispersion of air pollutants.
Renewable energy and rational use of energy.
The solar angles. Calculation of solar radiation incident on an inclined and oriented surface. Solar thermal systems. Photovoltaic systems. Fuel cells
Lecturers are integrated by laboratory exercises, computer training, technical visits and seminars
Textbook Information
1. Appunti delle Lezioni
2. Renato Lazzarin Sistemi solari attivi: manuale di calcolo: F. Muzzio,
3. Duffie-Beckman- Solar_engineering_of_thermal_process
4. Ursula Eicker, Solar Technologies for Buildings- John Wiley & Sons Ltd
5. M.Z. Jacobson “Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling” Cambridge University Press
6. M . Santamouris . Energy and climate in the urban built environment
7. J.R. Hassel et al. “Acoustic e Noise Measurements” Bruel Kjaer
7. Spagnolo R., Manuale di Acustica, Torino, UTET, 2001