Full Professor of Transportation [CEAR-03/B]

Matteo Ignaccolo (1958), graduated in Civil Engineering in 1983 at the University of Catania (Italy), had a post degree scholarship at MIT (Boston-Mass) and obtained the PHD degree in Transportation Engineering in 1991 at the Politecnico of Milano.

He is Full Professor at the University of Catania, lecturer of “Planning and Design of Transport Systems”, course of Master’s Degree in Water and Transport Civil Engineering and “Sustainable Mobility”, course of Master’s Degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering. He is author of more than 200 publications about urban transport systems, maritime and air transport and sustainable mobility.

He is currently the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (since November 2022).

He was the National President of AIIT (Italian Association of Traffic and Transport Engineering - from 2017 to 2020, he is editor-in-chief of the international journal, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, "European Transport"; he is member of the Scientific Committee of the international journal "Portusplus - The journal of Port-City relationship and urban waterfront redevelopment" and member of the Scientific Committee of the editorial book series "Transport Engineering" - EGAF.

He was coordinator of a II level university master titled “Transport systems: sustainable mobility and multimodality” and responsible for the University of Catania in European projects (IEE: INTERREG IVC, MED), PON2 projects (SEAPORT, maritime transport) and POFESR projects (RESET, land transport, Responsible of the “Sustainable Mobility Laboratory” – real-time traffic monitoring, estimating and forecasting system).

He was the Principal Investigator (national coordinator) of the National Research Interest Project - PRIN WEAKITRANSIT (shared public transport in weak demand areas) and he is currently the scientific coordinator of the European Project “IN-MOB – Innovative Products For Sustainable Micromobility” (Project 101115057) funded by the ERDF Programme 2022 - Innovation investments Strand 2° (I3- 2021-INV2a-GREEN).

He has participated in scientific and organizational committees of national and international conferences and lectures. Some of them are listed below: 4th International Conference on Transport Infrastructure and Systems – TIS Roma 2024 (Roma) (member of the “Advisory Committee”);  3th International Conference on Transport Infrastructure and Systems – TIS Roma 2022 (Roma) (member of the “Scientific Committee”); 2nd International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world – TIS Roma 2019 (Rome) (Chairman of the conference), 5th International Summer School - URBAN MOBILITY 2018 (Palermo), International Conference on Coastal Cities and their Sustainable Future - COASTAL CITIES 2019 (Rome), International Conference on Transport Science - ICTS 2020 (Portorose), International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering - ICTTE 2018 (Belgrade), International Conference "Psycho Urbanism vulnerable users through healing spaces" (Enna), XXIII International Conference "Living and walking in the city" - LWC 2019 (Brescia).

He was member of the Committee for the evaluation of research programs, development and innovation within the national Project of Industrial Innovation" Sustainable Mobility" (Program "Industry 2015"- Ministry of Economic Development).  He is a the President of the Scientific Committee of the technological district NAVTEC.

As for the third mission, he has been recently the Scientific Responsible for the drafting of the Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan of the metropolitan city of Catania of the city of Vittoria. He was also Scientific Responsible of transport plans at different levels – municipal (General Urban Traffic Plan of Catania and Acireale), provincial (Catania and Syracuse) and regional (latest update of the Regional Transport Plan of Sicily) – and of feasibility studies for infrastructural and operational interventions in the transport system. In addition, he is President of the administrative technical testing committee of the Giovanni XXIII - Galatea metro line section of Catania.

He is a member of the Permanent Working Group - thematic area Economy of the Sea - of the Regional Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization for the period 2014-2020 RIS3 Sicilian Region. He has been also a consultant of the Monitoring Committee for Urban Sustainable Mobility Plans (PUMS) at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. He was also a consultant for INVITALIA for the touristic ports in the northern Sardinia area (2012).

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016
  • Planning and design of transport systems
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Transport system modelling and simulation tools
  • Sustainable planning of port areas, with specific reference to the interface between port and city
  • Planning and management of logistics and intermodal transport
  • Mobility and logistics management through ITS