Academic Year 2019/2020 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 50 hours
Exercise: 40 hours
Laboratories: 50 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning

    The “Laboratorio di Pianificazione Territoriale”, is aimed at providing students a set of analytical tools to analysing different features of city and territory and deliver a project on a specified area that is assigned at the begin of the Laboratory. During the Laboratorio students will analyse the assigned area with a set of traditional tools (land use maps) and more innovative techniques (land cover analysis). The laboratory is fully integrated with the “Pianificazione Territoriale” module.

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning

    The “Laboratorio di Pianificazione Territoriale”, is aimed at providing students a set of analytical tools to analysing different features of city and territory and deliver a project on a specified area that is assigned at the begin of the Laboratory. During the Laboratorio students will analyse the assigned area with a set of traditional tools (land use maps) and more innovative techniques (land cover analysis). The laboratory is fully integrated with the “Pianificazione Territoriale” module.

Course Structure

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning

    The course is structured in lectures, exercises and supplementary seminars. Lectures frame the relation between theoretical and technical issues that characterise spatial planning. Best practices will be offered in the supplementary lectures. During the Atelier, students will be guided by teachers in a completing a set of assignments on urban analysis and design.

Detailed Course Content

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning


    The course aims at introducing the most relevant issues of Town and Regional Planning, following the more recent cultural evolution and national/regional legislations. The course introduces the different methods for planning and designing the territory with a sustainable use of natural resources. It is integrated with the Atelier “Laboratorio di Pianificazione Territoriale”, that is aimed at providing students a set of analytical tools to analysing different features of city and territory.

    Structure of the course

    The course is structured in frontal lectures, exercises and supplementary seminars. Lectures frame the relation between theoretical and technical issues that characterise spatial planning. Best practices will be offered in the supplementary lectures. During the Atelier, students will be guided by teachers in a completing a set of assignments on urban analysis and design.

    Participation to the course

    Students must formally register to the course. The attendance is compulsory, both for lectures and the Atelier. In the Studio, students will form work groups that will be constantly followed by teachers and tutors.

    Final exam

    Only students that have attended 70% (50% for worker student) of lectures and Studio will be admitted to the final exam. The final exam is an oral and group presentation of the content of the project, aimed at verifying the correct development of the project assignments.

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning


    The course aims at introducing the most relevant issues of Town and Regional Planning, following the more recent cultural evolution and national/regional legislations. The course introduces the different methods for planning and designing the territory with a sustainable use of natural resources. It is integrated with the Atelier “Laboratorio di Pianificazione Territoriale”, that is aimed at providing students a set of analytical tools to analysing different features of city and territory.

    Structure of the course

    The course is structured in frontal lectures, exercises and supplementary seminars. Lectures frame the relation between theoretical and technical issues that characterise spatial planning. Best practices will be offered in the supplementary lectures. During the Atelier, students will be guided by teachers in a completing a set of assignments on urban analysis and design.

    Participation to the course

    Students must formally register to the course. The attendance is compulsory, both for lectures and the Atelier. In the Studio, students will form work groups that will be constantly followed by teachers and tutors.

    Final exam

    Only students that have attended 70% (50% for worker student) of lectures and Studio will be admitted to the final exam. The final exam is an oral and group presentation of the content of the project, aimed at verifying the correct development of the project assignments.

Textbook Information

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning

    Alcuni testi di riferimento vengono di seguito indicati:

    • Astengo, G. (1966) Voce “Urbanistica”, Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte.
    • Clementi, A., Dematteis, G., Palermo, P.C. (a cura di) (1996), Le forme del territorio italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
    • Friedman, J. (1993), Pianificazione e dominio pubblico. Dalla conoscenza all’azione, Dedalo, Bari.
    • Gambino, R. (1997), Conservare Innovare. Paesaggio, ambiente, territorio, UTET, Torino.
    • Magnaghi, A. (2000), Il progetto locale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.
    • Secchi, B. (2000), Prima lezione di Urbanistica, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
    • Miceli E. (2011). La Gestione dei Piani Urbanistici. Perequazione, accordi, incentivi. Marsilio. Venezia

    Students will be advised about recent scientific literature (mainly journal articles and book chapters, and other technical reference) on topic addressed by each project in the laboratory

  • Laboratory of Urban and Regional Planning

    Students will be advised about recent scientific literature (mainly journal articles and book chapters, and other technical reference) on topic addressed by each project in the laboratory.