Course Overview
The objective of the Building Construction and Architectural Engineering Programme is to train future professional construction designers who through interdisciplinary training may be able to identify problems and search for appropriate design solutions, keeping pace with the sector’s innovative dynamics and improving the overall building construction quality.
The evident cross-disciplinarity of this offer prepares Construction Engineers-Architects to deal with contemporary issues, and guarantees them professional refresher opportunities.
The Building Construction and Architectural Engineering course combines the engineering and architecture training through a series of disciplinary teachings across four significant and diversified learning periods.
The first period is preparatory and includes basic teachings of Engineering and Architecture.
The second period includes the first integrated project synthesis activities based on knowledge and skills acquired by the students, and concretizes in the development of integrated and complete projects.
The third period is dedicated to cultural enrichment through the study of specialised and advanced disciplines that complete the technical- professional and cultural-critical learning and training.
The last period is intended both for the completion of professional training and for the final synthesis activity, which consists in preparing the thesis for the final exam.
The thesis usually consists of an architectural project developed in all its parts and a series of disciplinary insights into one or more fundamental aspects of the construction project.