Academic Year 2021/2022 - 3° YearCredit Value: 6
Taught classes: 45 hours
Exercise: 15 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide the basic knowledge of hydraulics. After a preliminary part where the physical characteristics of the fluids are described with special reference to those that distinguish them from the solids, the course introduces the fundamental topic of hydraulics along with the necessary theoretical framework. The course also includes topics on hydrology and construction of aqueducts and sewers for civil settlements. Several lessons will be devoted to the solution of practical problems of hydraulics and hydraulic constructions.
Course Structure
The course is organized as follows:
-traditional lectures, carried out using a participative approach in order to obatin the maximum involvement of the students;
- practical exercises. Such excercis are supervised in order to be sure that all the students will learn during the classtime how to apply the most important concepts and methods to be used in the field of hydraulics;
- periodic tests, aimed to verify the level of undertanding of the topic of the course and the problem solving capacity of the students;
-guided tours of the laboratory of hydraulics of DICAR, to teach students about the experimental methods used for the physical modelling of hydraulic problems;
-field visits at building sites of hydraulic works and/or at the premises of public or privaty bodies involved in the management of water systems (Water Management Companies, Water Authorities, Irrigation Consortia, etc.).
If the teaching is given in mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- Introduction
- Properties of the fluids
- Static equilibrium of fluids
- Fluid kinematics
- Fundamental equation of hydraulics
- The Bernoulli equation
- Navier-Stokes equations
- Pipe flow
- Basic concepts on open-channel flow
- Basic concepts of Hydrolgy
- Water distribution systems
- Sewage systems
Textbook Information
- M. Mossa, A.F. Petrillo: “Idraulica”, CEA Milano, 2013.
- D. Citrini, D. Noseda: “Idraulica”, CEA-Milano, 1987 .
- G. Alfonsi, E. Orsi: “Problemi di Idraulica e Meccanica dei Fluidi”, CEA Milano, 1984.
- G. Ippolito " Appunti di Costruzioni Idrauliche". Edizione aggiornata a cura di Giuseppe di Martino. Liguori Editore. 1993.