Academic Year 2021/2022 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/20 - Urban and regional planning
Taught classes: 50 hours
Exercise: 40 hours
Laboratories: 50 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Urban Planning

    To acquire skills in order to build knowledge and tools for urban planning and design.

  • Urban Planning Lab

    To elaborate a Plan for Urban Ecological and Social-Economic Revitalization

Course Structure

  • Urban Planning

    - Basic Principles of Planning Epistemology
    - Basic Principles of Urban Morphologly
    - Basic Principles of Environmental Planning

    - Basic Principles of Urban economy
    - Basic Principles of Urbab Design

  • Urban Planning Lab

    The course is structured in frontal teory lessons and esercitation.

    Lab evaluation is based on:

    - 25% group works to be evaluated for each deadline; works have to be complete and have to meet high quality standards (practical assessment)

    - 25% active participation during class work; it will be assessed based on the contribute of each student to collective work in class (in itinere assessment);

    - 50% final discussion

Detailed Course Content

  • Urban Planning Lab
    • Basic principles of GIS
    • How to conduct a fieldwork
    • Maps
    • Types of buildings
    • Land Use
    • Design for Public and Private Spaces

Textbook Information

  • Urban Planning

    Bettini, V. Papa R., Cioni I. (2006). Ecologia Urbana. L'Uomo e la Città. UTET.
    Beierle, T. C., & Cayford, J. (2002). Democracy in practice: Public participation in environmental decisions. Resources for the Future.
    Bobbio, L. (1996). La democrazia non abita a Gordio. Studio sui processi decisionali politico. Franco Angeli. [DICAR GE457]
    Campos Venuti, G. (1988). La terza generazione dell’urbanistica, Franco Angeli [DICAR GC339]
    Campos Venuti, G. & Oliva, F. (a cura di) (1993). Cinquant'anni di urbanistica in Italia: 1942-1992. Laterza. [DICAR GB355]
    Crosta, P. L. (1998). Politiche. Quale conoscenza per l'azione territoriale. Franco Angeli. [DICAR GE561]
    Crosta, P. L. (2010). Pratiche. Il territorio «è l'uso che se ne fa». Franco Angeli.
    Choay, F. (1973). La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino. [Dicar GB55]
    Fischer, F. (2009). Democracy and expertise: Reorienting policy inquiry. Oxford University Press.
    Gabellini, P. (2003). Tecniche urbanistiche. Carocci. [DICAR GE587]
    Galimberti, U.(2002). Psiche e techne: l'uomo nell'età della tecnica. Feltrinelli Editore. Karrer, F., & Arnofi, S. (Eds.). (2003). Lo Spazio europeo tra pianificazione e governance: gli impatti territoriali e culturali delle politiche UE. Alinea Editrice [DICAR GE593]
    Malović, S. (2005). Gli effetti della globalizzazione
    Mumford, L. (1977). La città nella storia. Bompiani. [DICAR GB15]
    Pompei, S. (1995). Perequazione, dalla teoria alla pratica. Urbanistica Informazioni, (142), 5-6.
    Rifkin, J. (2000). Entropia, Baldini e Castoldi, Milano.
    Saija, L. (2014) Writing about engaged scholarship: Misunderstandings and the neanng of "quality" in action research publications. Taylor & Francis [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14649357.2014.904922]
    Sanoff, H. (2000). Community participation methods in design and planning. John Wiley & Sons.
    Secchi, B. (2002). Prima lezione di urbanistica. Laterza. [Dicar GA269]
    Severino, E. (2010). Il destino della tecnica. Bur. [Scienze Giuridiche XIC004047]
    Sugrue T.J. (2011). The Origins of the Urban Crisis: race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Princeton University Press.
    Tiezzi, E. (1992). Tempi storici, tempi biologici. Garzanti.
    Viganò, P. (1999). La città elementare. Skira [DICAR GA 262]

  • Urban Planning Lab
    • Gabellini, P. (2003). Tecniche urbanistiche. Carocci. [DICAR GE587]
    • Noti V. (2014). GIS open source per geologia e ambiente. Dario Flaccovio Editore
    • Sanoff, H. (2000). Community participation methods in design and planning. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Viganò, P. (1999). La città elementare. Skira [DICAR GA 262]