Academic Year 2017/2018 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Luigi MARLETTA and Gianpiero EVOLA
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 120 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

The scope of this academic course is to provide technical and scientific bases to evaluate the energy performance of buildings and energy systems, as well as to make students capable to approach the preliminary design of the energy systems (solar plants, thermal systems).

To this aim, the most recent technologies for the energy efficiency of buildings and systems will be introduced, as well as the corresponding design approaches. Thermal comfort and Indoor Air Quality will also be addressed. The students will be able to perform Energy Certification of buildings and dynamic energy simulations, and to conceive the building design by being aware of all the requisites introduced by recent legislation on energy efficiency.

Detailed Course Content

FIRST SEMESTER: Design of the energy performance of buildings

1. Energy performance of the opaque envelope components

2. Energy performance of the transparent envelope components

3. Natural ventilation and Indoor air quality

4. Controlled Mechanical Ventilation systems

5. Thermal comfort

6. Building integrated photovoltaic systems

7. Acoustic performance of the building envelope

8. Dynamic energy simulation for building energy performance

During the first semester, 20 hours will be devoted to laboratory activities, where the students (in groups of two) will perform the dynamic energy simulation of a dwelling, in order to assess its final energy needs and the thermal comfort perceived by the occupants in summer. The simulations will concern both the as-built condition and a series of retrofit solutions. The results of the simulations will be summarized in a report.

SECOND SEMESTER: Energy systems and Energy certification

1. Energy certification of buildings

2. Calculation of the thermal loads

3. Efficient technologies for space heating

4. Radiators, fan-coil and control strategies

5. Distribution nets for air and water

6. Security components in thermal systems

7. Solar thermal systems

8. Fiscal incentives for the energy retrofit of buildings

During the second semester, 20 hours will be devoted to laboratory activities, where the students (in groups of two) will perform the energy certification of the same dwelling already considered in the first semester, as well as the calculation of the thermal loads for sizing the space heating system.