Associate Professor of Urban and regional planning [CEAR-12/A]

Laura Saija is an associate professor in City and Regional Planning at the University of Catania, Italy. Before joining unict, in 2018, she served for three years as assistant professor the Department of city and regional planning, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy, University of Memphis, TN, USA. She earned her PhD in City and Regional Planning and Urban Design at the University of Catania, Italy. Her research interests cross the boundaries of community development, planning and landscape design, and planning theory. Through a Marie Curie Global Research Fellowship, betwen 2011 and 2013, has focused on how universities can play an active role in community development processes inspired by the principles of circular economy and inter- and intra-species solidarity. She is recently researching on how action-research can be used to promote ecological development in the context of shrinking cities and regions. she is currently focusing on housing and on the need to reframe planning scholars' understanding of the relationship between institutions and civil society, with a focus on the organizational dimension of the latter.

Selezione di pubblicazioni recenti/ selected recent publications:

Saija, L., Li Destri Nicosia, G., & Pavone, V. (2024). The co-design of building deep retrofitting in distressed urban areas: lessons from e-SAFE. CoDesign, 1–18.

Pappalardo G, Saija L (2024) An instituting-organisational framework for the interpretation of urban commoning. Lessons from a neighbourhood park. Contesti 2024(1), pp. 18-39 DOI: 10.36253/contest-15286

Li Destri Nicosia, G., & Saija, L. (2023). Planning as an instituting process. Overcoming Agamben’s despair using Esposito’s political ontology. Planning Theory, 0(0).

Lambert-Pennington, K., & Saija, L. (2022). Staying with Complexity. Bidirectional Learning, Engagement, and Transdisciplinary Collaborations on Two Continents. Antropologia Pubblica, 8(1), 41-66. DOI:

Azizi, K, Diko, SK, Saija, L, Zamani, MG, Meier, CI (2022). Integrated community-based approaches to urban pluvial flooding research, trends and future directions: A review. Urban Climate, vol. 44, doi: 10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101237

Saija L, Pappalardo G, Altamore S (2021). Mappare il futuro, oltre la path-dependence. Paesaggi in conflitto i ipotesi di lavoro in un'area interna siciliana. BDC, vol. 21, p. 317-336, ISSN: 2284-4732, doi: 10.6093/2284-4732/9125

Pappalardo G, Saija L (2020) “Per una SNAI 2.0 come occasione di apprendimento istituzionale. Riflessioni a margine di un processo di ricerca-azione”. Per Archivio Studi Urbani e Regionali n° 129, pp. 47-70. DOI 10.3280/ASUR2020-129003

Tulumello S, Saija L, Inch A (2020) Planning amid crisis and austerity: in, against and beyond the contemporary conjuncture. International Planning Studies Journal. 25(1) doi: 10.1080/13563475.2019.1704404

Saija L, Santo C, Raciti A (2020) The Deep Roots of Austere Planning in Memphis, TN: Is the Fox Guarding the Hen House?. International Planning Studies Journal. 25(1)


Saija L (2016) La ricerca-azione in pianificazione territoriale e urbanistica (Action-Research in City and Regional Planning). Milano: Franco Angeli.

Saija L (2012) La citta educativa: riflessioni sulla funzione pedagogica dell'urbanistica (The Educative City: Reflections on the Pedagogic Function of Urban Planning and Design). Acireale: Bonanno Ed.


Per un elenco esaustivo delle pubblicazioni indicizzate consultare/ for a list of all indexed publications:

Per un elenco esaustivo di tutte le pubblicazioni consultare/full publication list available at:


Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019
  • planning theory
  • resaerch epistemology in urban planning and design
  • action-research in city and regional planning and design
  • housing
  • environmental community-based planning
  • planning and circular economy for social change