Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Civile GestionaleCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: ING-IND/16 - Manufacturing technology and systems
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the students should be able:
- to know the main quality principles and definitions;
- to join a quality assurance team implementing the ISO 9000 standards;
- to implement a process improvement project according to DMAIC metholodogy and Six Sigma principles;
- to carry out data driven decision making at identifying quality issues in manufacturing/service processes;
- to use the Minitab® software quality tools.
Course Structure
Learning is based on theory classes and practice sessions. Practice sessions are scheduled once per week and consist of solving numerical problems/case studies.
Detailed Course Content
The course teaches basic concepts and quantitative methodologies to implement and maintain a quality management systems. A detailed description of the ISO 9000 standard to define the quality management systems requisites is discussed during classes. The implementation of the ISO 9000 standards to civil engineering firms is commented, too. Other quality management philosophies described in the course include Six Sigma.
Particular emphasis is given to statistical tools for data monitoring and analysis to guarantee quality control and to achieve continuous improvement.
Acceptance sampling procedures to test the concrete quality standard according to the National regulatory references are also presented and discussed.
Textbook Information
1. D.C. Montgomery, “Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers”, 6edn o successive, International Student Version, 2014, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-74412-3.
2. D.C. Montgomery, “Statistical Quality Control”, 6th edn o successiva, Wiley.
3. C. Cochran, “ISO 9001: 2015 in plain English”, 2015, Paton Professional, ISBN: 978-1-932828-72-6. Guida per l’implementazione della norma ISO 9001-2015.
4. Norme ISO 9000-2015 e ISO 9001-2015
5. K. Magnusson, D. Kroslid, B. Bergman, 2003, “Six Sigma: The Pragmatic Approach, Studentilitteratur, Sweden, ISBN: 9-789-144-028033. Testo professionale che presenta l’approccio Six Sigma
6. Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni, aggiornamento 2018, DM del 17 gennaio 2018