Building physics and building energy systems

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Antonio GAGLIANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of the methodologies for setting the thermal energy balance of systems. Equation of heat and mass balance. Deepening of the main physical phenomena and their mathematical models. Basic Knowledge of HVAC systems. 

Knowledge of the main direct and indirect thermodynamic cycles (calculation of exchange quantities and evaluation of yields).

Ability to apply the relationships for calculating heat transfer by conduction, convection and thermal radiation. Particular attention will be paid to the link between the studied physical phenomena and their applications in the field of energy conservation, and the global welfare of the occupants. 

 The expected learning forms the basis for an aware design of the issues related to the rational use of energy, energy savings and the decarbonisation of energy systems.

Course Structure

The course includes the alternation between theoretical lessons and practical exercises on the issues developed in the classroom.

For each of the topics dealt with theoretically, exercises will be proposed with the aim of achieving the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real cases.

If the teaching will be given in mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD

To guarantee equal opportunities and compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and specific needs.

It is also possible to contact the referent teacher CInAP (Center for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) of the Department.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the main physical quantities and their units as well as of the fundamental concepts of mathematical analysis and physics.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance to lessons is mandatory as it is consistent with the proposed training model which aims to encourage gradual learning, the active participation of the student in the classroom, and dialogue between teachers and students.

Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD

To guarantee equal opportunities and compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and specific needs.

It is also possible to contact the referent teacher CInAP (Center for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) of the Department.

Detailed Course Content

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

a) The Thermodynamic System
International System of measurement units. Definitions and measurability of internal energy. Heat energy as a mode of exchange. The first principle of thermodynamics in the expanded form.

b) State of equilibrium.
Magnitudes of physical condition and location. intensive and extensive quantities. Dependence of the work and the heat of the type of thermodynamic process. The entropic postulates. Reversible and irreversible processes. quasi-static transformations. Gibbs equation.
The second law of thermodynamics (Clausius and Kelvin).

c) The ideal gas
State equations. Specific heat at P and V constant. Transformations at T, P, V constant. adiabatic quasistatic. The entropy of an ideal gas. Notes on the behaviour of real gases.

d) The diagrams of physical state.
The diagrams (P-T), (p-v), (t-s). Steam water. Major transformations of the water vapour.
Vapour title. The MOLLIER diagram (h-s) for the water vapour.

e) Direct and inverse cycles.
Cyclical Processes. Direct steam cycles (Rankine and Hirn), gas turbines and Joule Bryton cycles. The refrigerator cycle. isoentropic efficiency. absorption refrigeration cycles.



g) Fluid dynamics: Bernoulli equation. Similitude, dimensional analysis and modelling. Internal and external flows. Fluid flow in the ducts. Reynolds number. Flow regimes of a liquid in a conduit (Regimes: laminar, turbulent and transitional). Friction factor. Coefficients of dynamic and kinematic viscosity. Profiles of velocity.

h) Heat transfer by conduction: The Fourier postulated. steady-state energy balance. The flat plate; the multilayer planar walls (with and without thermal power generation). Electric analogy. The energy balance in the case of cylindrical symmetry. Insulated pipe. electrical analogy. The critical radius. Unsteady conduction: Biot number; method of concentrated capacity.

i) Heat transfer by convection.
External flow and internal flow to the surface. boundary layer. the boundary layer assumptions.

l) Heat transfer by Forced convection: dimensionless groups for forced convection and similarity. experimental dimensionless correlations for the forced heat convection to the main heat exchange configurations of outside and inside surfaces of conduits.Heat exchangers.

m) Heat transfer by Natural convection: General consideration. constitutive equations for natural convection. Hypothesis Boussinesque. Natural convection in open spaces.

n) Heat transfer by thermal radiation : Emissive power. Irradiation. monochrome and overall. The black body: Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien laws. The coefficients of absorption, reflection, transmission and emission. Kirchhoff's law. The grey body. heat exchange between black bodies: the form factor. Gray bodies, radiance, heat exchange between grey surfaces. Anti-radiant screens.


o) HEATING SYSTEM :  Hydronic distribution networks. Continuous and localized pressure drops. Moody chart.
Darcy-Weisbach formula, Chézy, Colebrook, of Kutter and Darcy. Power of a machine, Operating hydraulic (pump). Calculation of the manometric prevalence and total of a pump. Characteristic curves. emission terminals. Hints on Control Systems


The fundamental of moist air. psychometric diagrams for the humid air. The humid air transformations. The temperature of saturation and dew point temperature. processes for summer and winter conditioning.

Textbook Information


  • Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, SI (9th Edition) Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles - McGraw-Hill 

    Lecture notes by the teacher

Yunus A. Cengel,Termodinamica e trasmissione del caloreMcGraw-Hill
Magrini AnnaLa progettazione degli impianti di climatizzazione negli edificiEPC
G. Cesini, G. Latini, F. Polonara,Fisica TecnicaCittà Studi Edizioni
Yunus A. Cengel,hermodynamics: An Engineering ApproachMcGraw-Hill

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
2ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
3ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
4ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
5ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
6ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
7ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
8ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
9ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
10ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note
11Lectures note
12ThermodynamicsCENGEL YUNUS A. - McGraw-Hill.Lectures note

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam is divided into two distinct tests: written and oral.

The written test, lasting a total of two hours, aims to verify the ability to use the main laws and equations of thermodynamics, direct and inverse cycles, heat transmission, and thermodynamics of humid air for solving exercises for simple application cases.

There are three different types of exercises relating to thermodynamics (1st and 2nd principle) and thermodynamic cycles (direct and inverse), heat transmission (conduction, convection and radiation), and transformations of humid air (summer and winter air conditioning).

During the written test, pupils can use teaching aids (e.g. books, notes, exercises)

The oral interview, which is normally taken after the written test, but within the same exam session, is aimed at verifying the theoretical and practical knowledge of the topics covered during the course.

The evaluation of the exam is based on the following criteria: level of knowledge of the topics discussed, use of adequate terminology and language properties, ability to apply knowledge to simple case studies, ability to interpret phenomena and the relationships between physical quantities

Learning verification can also be carried out electronically, regardless of the conditions.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises


The first law of thermodynamics. Dependence of work and heat on the type of thermodynamic transformation. Entropic postulates. Reversible and irreversible processes. Quasi-static transformations. Gibbs equation.

The second law of thermodynamics (Clausius and Kelvin statements). Equations of state. Specific heats at constant P and V. Transformations to constant T, P, V. Entropy of an ideal gas.

The diagrams (p-T), (p-v), (T-s). Main transformations of water vapour.

The MOLLIER diagram (h-s) for water vapour. Cyclical processes and transformations. Direct steam cycles (Rankine and Hirn), gas turbines and JouleBryton cycles. The refrigeration cycle. Isentropic yields. Absorption refrigeration cycles.


Fourier's postulate. The steady-state energy balance. The flat plate; flat multilayer walls (with and without thermal power generation). Method of electrical analogy. The energy balance in the case of cylindrical symmetry. The conduction in variable regime: number of Biot; method of concentrated skills.

Dimensionless groups for forced convection and similarity parameters. Dimensionless groups for natural convection. Outline of dimensionless analysis.

Experimental dimensionless correlations for forced thermal convection for the main heat exchange configurations outside surfaces and inside ducts.

Constitutive equations for natural convection. Boussinesque hypothesis.

Heat transmission by radiation

Emissive power. Irradiation. Monochromatic and overall sizes. The black body: laws of

Planck, Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien. The absorption, reflection, transmission and emission coefficients. Kirchhoff's law. The grey body. Heat exchange between black bodies: the form factor. Anti-radiant screens.


Heat generators. Hydronic distribution networks. Continuous and localized pressure losses. Moody's abacus.

Power of an operating hydraulic machine (pump). Calculation of the total and manometric heads of a pump. Emitting terminals. Notes on regulation systems


Psychrometric diagrams for humid air. The transformations of humid air. Saturation temperature and dew point temperature. Summer and winter conditioning