Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Salvatore COCO
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: ING-IND/31 - Electrical engineering
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

Lumped circuits

From Maxwell equations to the lumped circuital model: Voltage and Current. Idealized electrical components. Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage Laws.


One and two port electrical components

Electric power and energy, passive and active elements: independent Current and Voltage sources, Linear time-invariant one and two port elements: resistors, capacitors, and inductors, ideal transformer, coupled inductors. Simple networks: Voltage division of series components, Current division of parallel components Equivalent circuits: Series & Parallel connections for one port components Star-Delta & Delta-Star Transformations. Nonlinear and Time-varying components: ideal diode, ideal circuit breaker


First and second order linear time-invariant circuits.

RC, RL and RLC circuits. State variables. Differential equations and initial conditions. Natural Frequencies..Zero-input, zero state and complete response. Step and impulse responses.


Circuit analysis and network theorems

Network graphs and Tellegen's theorem. Nodal and mesh analysis Node Voltage and Mesh Current Methods. Substitution Theorem. Superposition theorem. Norton & Thevenin theorem.


Alternating currents circuits

Alternating Current (AC), Voltage, sinusoidal Waveforms, Frequency, Period, Phase Angle of sinusoidal Waveforms Phasor (Vector) Diagram & Complex Numbers for AC Circuits Analysis. Impedance and admittance concepts. Active and reactive Power. Complex Power and Apparent Power Boucherot Theorem, Power Factor Correction. MTP Theorem. Resonant circuits. Periodic Waveforms, Fourier Analysis for linear circuits

Three-phase circuits: Three and four wires star and delta configurations. Three-phase circuit analysis and Millmann formula. Three-phase power and Aron's theorem.

Elements of electric plants. Human safety against electric risks.

Textbook Information

1. R.Perfetti, Circuiti Elettrici, Zanichelli.

2. C.A. Desoer, E.S. Kuh , Fondamenti di Teoria dei Circuiti, Franco Angeli Editore,

3. A. Laurentini, A.R. Meo, R. Pomè, Esercizi di elettrotecnica, Levrotto&Bella

4. J.A. Edminister, Circuiti Elettrici, coll. Schaum's, McGraw-Hill.