Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Ingegneria delle acque
Teaching Staff: Giuseppe PEZZINGA
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Credit Value: 9
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
Achievement of knowledge of mathematical models in Hydraulics and their applications to schematic cases of problems of fluid flow in water engineering, with attention to fundamental hypotheses and computational approximations.
Course Structure
Lessons and classroom exercises.
Detailed Course Content
Steady flow in pressure pipe networks – Design of pressure pipe networks – Steady free surface flow – Unsteady pressure pipe flow - Unsteady free surface flow – Groundwater flow – Sediment transport
Textbook Information
1. Montuori C., Complementi di idraulica, CUEN, Napoli.
2. Pezzinga G., Elementi di idraulica numerica, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, Università di Catania.
3. Citrini D., Noseda G., Idraulica, CEA, Milano.
4. Marchi E., Rubatta, A., Meccanica dei fluidi, UTET, Torino