Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: ING-IND/35 - Business and management engineering
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
The course is made up of two modules. The aim of the first module is to introduce the student to the principles of strategic management, and to the analysis of Business, Corporate, and Network-level strategies. The module further provides tools for the analysis of the organizational, the industrial and international contexts. The aim of the second module is to address some of the most important issues in the management of innovation and in the definition of innovation strategies.
Course Structure
The course is made up of both lectures and seminars. During the latter, cases studies concerning the topics of the course will be discussed. Each week, students organized in teams are responsible for reading and preparing the discussion of the case study following the questions/guidelines provided by the instructor.
Detailed Course Content
- Strategy and value creation
- Theoretical approaches for the study of strategic management
- Strategy formation
- Business unit strategy
- Corporate level strategy
- Network level strategy
- The organizational context and leadership
- The market and competitive context
- The international context and internationalization strategies
- Strategy change
- Elements for a strategic management of the supply chain
- Sources, forms, and models of innovation
- Standards and dominant technological designs
- Market entry decisions: First movers and late movers
- Protecting innovations and patents
- Strategies for innovation: products, projects, collaborations
- Networks for innovation and Open innovation
- Innovation teams
- Innovation ecosystems and innovation risks
Textbook Information
For the Strategic management module:
Understanding Strategic Management, Anthony E. Henry, Oxford University Press, 2021.
For the management of innovation module:
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Melissa A. Schilling, Mc-Graw-Hill, fourth edition, 2013.
Extra material (slides, case studies, exercises) will be distributed in class and made available weekly on the Studium webpage and/or MS Teams. Every student is responsible for checking and downloading the weekly extra material and assignments.