Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: PAOLO ROCCARO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Providing theoretical and practical knowledge to design and manage the engineering plants for: 1) solid waste treatment and disposal, 2) wastewater treatment and reclamation.

Course Structure

Lectures. Discussion on the content of the lectures. Classroom exercises on sizing of reactors for wastewater and solid waste with the aid of IT tools.

Detailed Course Content

Environmental regulation.

Waste treatment. Waste classification. Solid waste characterization. Product analysis. Liquid waste. Case Study. Integrated management of municipal solid waste (MSW). ATO. Recycling. Ecological points and CCR. Plant localization. Selection plants. Composting. Controlled landfill facility. Leachate collection and treatment systems. Biogas collection and valorisation systems. Exercise: Sizing of waste treatment plants. Case Study. Waste treatment plant. Innovative models of MSW management. Recovery of Etnean volcanic ash.

Wastewater treatment. Fundamentals of water treatment. Characteristics of waste water, standards, Exercise. Advanced characterization of wastewater and biological kinetics. Case Study. Preliminary treatments: screen, coarse solids removal. Equalization. Exercise: sizing of preliminary and primary treatments. Secondary treatments. Suspended and attached biomass. Microbial metabolism. Tertiary treatments for nutrient removal: biological nitrogen removal; Biological and chemical-physical removal of phosphorus. Combined systems for nutrient removal. Exercise: sizing of biological units with suspended biomass. Exercise: sizing of biological units. Exercise: sizing of advanced chemical-physical units. Disinfection of wastewater. Exercise: disinfection sizing. Treatment of waste materials. Sludge line. Exercise: Sizing of the sludge line. Membrane Bioreactors (MBR). Conventional and innovative processes with attached biomass (trickling filters, Rotating biological contactors, BAF, MBBR). Case Study. SBR. Granular aerobic sludges. Reuse of sludge. Decentralized systems for the recovery and use of rainwater and gray water. Case Study. Case studies on emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment plants plants and in receiving water bodies.

Textbook Information

De Feo, De Gisi, Galasso. Rifiuti solidi. Progettazione e gestione di impianti per il trattamento e lo smaltimento. Flaccovio Ed.

Ingegneria delle acque reflue, trattamento e riuso, METCALF & EDDY.

Masotti, Depurazione delle acque, CALDERINI, Bologna 2012.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Impianti di trattamento dei rifiutiDispense del docente; De Feo, De Gisi, Galasso. Rifiuti solidi. Progettazione e gestione di impianti per il trattamento e lo smaltimento. Flaccovio Ed.
2Impianti di trattamento delle acque reflueDispense del docente; Ingegneria delle acque reflue, trattamento e riuso, METCALF & EDDY. Masotti, Depurazione delle acque, CALDERINI.