Academic Year 2020/2021 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: ICAR/20 - Urban and regional planning
Taught classes: 50 hours
Exercise: 40 hours
Laboratories: 50 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Urban Planning

    To acquire skills in order to build knowledge and tools for urban planning and design.

  • Urban planning Lab

    To acquire skills in order to build knowledge and tools for urban planning and design.

Course Structure

  • Urban Planning

    - Basic Principles of Planning Epistemology
    - Basic Principles of Urban Morphologly
    - Basic Principles of Environmental Planning

    - Basic Principles of Urban economy
    - Basic Principles of Urbab Design

  • Urban planning Lab

    1. Introduction and recap of GIS

    2. Analysis of documents for territorial survey

    3. Base maps: lots, buildings, roofs, outdoor surfaces, bocks, public spaces

    4. Thematic maps aimed at assessing the integrated Urbana risk (focus on seismic and hydraulic risk)

    5. Application of mechanisms of equalization and compensation

    6. Urban design

Detailed Course Content

  • Urban planning Lab

    1. Introduction and recap of GIS

    2. Analysis of documents for territorial survey

    3. Base maps: lots, buildings, roofs, outdoor surfaces, bocks, public spaces

    4. Thematic maps aimed at assessing the integrated Urbana risk (focus on seismic and hydraulic risk)

    5. Application of mechanisms of equalization and compensation

    6. Urban design

Textbook Information

  • Urban Planning

    Bettini, V. Papa R., Cioni I. (2006). Ecologia Urbana. L'Uomo e la Città. UTET.
    Beierle, T. C., & Cayford, J. (2002). Democracy in practice: Public participation in environmental decisions. Resources for the Future.
    Bobbio, L. (1996). La democrazia non abita a Gordio. Studio sui processi decisionali politico. Franco Angeli. [DICAR GE457]
    Campos Venuti, G. (1988). La terza generazione dell’urbanistica, Franco Angeli [DICAR GC339]
    Campos Venuti, G. & Oliva, F. (a cura di) (1993). Cinquant'anni di urbanistica in Italia: 1942-1992. Laterza. [DICAR GB355]
    Crosta, P. L. (1998). Politiche. Quale conoscenza per l'azione territoriale. Franco Angeli. [DICAR GE561]
    Crosta, P. L. (2010). Pratiche. Il territorio «è l'uso che se ne fa». Franco Angeli.
    Choay, F. (1973). La città. Utopie e realtà, Einaudi, Torino. [Dicar GB55]
    Fischer, F. (2009). Democracy and expertise: Reorienting policy inquiry. Oxford University Press.
    Gabellini, P. (2003). Tecniche urbanistiche. Carocci. [DICAR GE587]
    Galimberti, U.(2002). Psiche e techne: l'uomo nell'età della tecnica. Feltrinelli Editore. Karrer, F., & Arnofi, S. (Eds.). (2003). Lo Spazio europeo tra pianificazione e governance: gli impatti territoriali e culturali delle politiche UE. Alinea Editrice [DICAR GE593]
    Malović, S. (2005). Gli effetti della globalizzazione
    Mumford, L. (1977). La città nella storia. Bompiani. [DICAR GB15]
    Pompei, S. (1995). Perequazione, dalla teoria alla pratica. Urbanistica Informazioni, (142), 5-6.
    Rifkin, J. (2000). Entropia, Baldini e Castoldi, Milano.
    Saija, L. (2014) Writing about engaged scholarship: Misunderstandings and the neanng of "quality" in action research publications. Taylor & Francis [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14649357.2014.904922]
    Sanoff, H. (2000). Community participation methods in design and planning. John Wiley & Sons.
    Secchi, B. (2002). Prima lezione di urbanistica. Laterza. [Dicar GA269]
    Severino, E. (2010). Il destino della tecnica. Bur. [Scienze Giuridiche XIC004047]
    Sugrue T.J. (2011). The Origins of the Urban Crisis: race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. Princeton University Press.
    Tiezzi, E. (1992). Tempi storici, tempi biologici. Garzanti.
    Viganò, P. (1999). La città elementare. Skira [DICAR GA 262]

  • Urban planning Lab


    Noti V. (2014). GIS open source per geologia e ambiente. Dario Flaccovio Editore

    Selection of scientific papers