Academic Year 2020/2021 - 4° Year- Structural analysis and design of steel structures: Francesca BARBAGALLO
- Structural analysis and design of RC structures: Edoardo Michele MARINO
Scientific field: ICAR/09 - Structural engineering
Taught classes: 60 hours
Exercise: 50 hours
Laboratories: 50 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
Learning Objectives
- Structural analysis and design of steel structures
Analysis and modelling of steel structures Analysis of statically undetermined structural systems. Limit state verification of cross-sections and members of steel structures. Design of buildings with steel structure from the conception of structural scheme to the detailing of single structural members.
- Structural analysis and design of RC structures
Analysis and modelling of RC structures. Limit state verification of cross-sections and members of RC structures. Design of buildings with RC structure from the conception of structural scheme to the detailing of single structural members.
Course Structure
- Structural analysis and design of steel structures
All the subjects of the course will be illustrated by the teacher during classes. Numerical examples and a sample structural design will be developed to show the practical application of the theoretical subjects. Learning of the students will be monitored over the course by: (1) development of the design of a steel structure and (2) weekly meeting with the teacher.
In case teaching were given in smart working mode, the organization might be slightly modified in order to comply with the course program reported in syllabus.
- Structural analysis and design of RC structures
All the subjects of the course will be illustrated by the teacher during classes. Numerical examples and a sample structural design will be developed to show the practical application of the theoretical subjects. Learning of the students will be monitored over the course by: (1) development of the design of a RC structure and (2) weekly meeting with the teacher.
In case teaching were given in smart working mode, the organization might be slightly modified in order to comply with the course program reported in syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- Structural analysis and design of steel structures
Methods for verification of structures: from allowable stresses to limit states. Modelling in elastic and inelastic range of behaviour of steel, resisting mechanisms of steel structural members and loads. Ultimate limit states of steel members: tension, compression, bending moment, bending and axial force, shear, torsion. Serviceability limit state of steel members: deflection control. Design of a building with steel structure.
- Structural analysis and design of RC structures
Modelling in elastic and inelastic range of behaviour of materials (concrete and steel), resisting mechanisms of RC structural members and loads. Ultimate limit states of RC members: tension, compression, bending moment, bending and axial force, shear, torsion. Serviceability limit state of RC members: stresses, cracking control, deflection control. Design of a building with RC structure.
Textbook Information
- Structural analysis and design of steel structures
1. Verifica e progetto di aste in acciaio. Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, Pier Paolo rossi, Francesca Barbagallo, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- Structural analysis and design of RC structures
1. Il cemento armato: Le basi della progettazione strutturale esposte in maniera semplice ma rigorosa. Aurelio Ghersi, Dario Flaccovio Editore.