Academic Year 2021/2022 - 5° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: ICAR/10 - Building design
Taught classes: 30 hours
Exercise: 30 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge about problems, methodology and operational tools to deal with the rehabilitation design of existing buildings stock and assess its environmental sustainability. The student will acquire a critical awareness and autonomy of judgement to identify design strategies and make the choice of technological solutions that are compatible with the existing buildings, environmentally friendly and appropriate according to the values of the built heritage.
Course Structure
The topics of the programm of theoretical lessons will be presented through classroom lectures. During the course the students will also develop a rehabilitation design, with periodic reviews by the teacher.
Detailed Course Content
1. Framing of the topic.
2. Complexity and systemic approach. Built Environment as system. Requirement-performance approach for rehabilitation design of existing buildings.
3. Evolution of construction systems in the twentieth century.
4. Categories of intervention: Maintenance, Requalification, Reuse.
5. Methodology for rehabilitation design of built heritage: Analyses of existing buildings and its context. Non-destructive investigations. Technical and performance diagnosis. Design strategies.
6. Environmental sustainability of design: Sustainability paradigm, role and responsibility of the construction sector. Recovery and environmental sustainability. Life Cycle approach (LCA method, Environmental Product Declarations). Tools for assessment of design environmental sustainability (LEED Protocol and ITACA Protocol). Reuse, Recycle. Minimum Environmental Criteria in Public Procurement.
Textbook Information
1. Di Battista V., Ambiente costruito. Un secondo paradigma, Alinea, Firenze, 2006.
2. Di Battista V., Giallocosta G., Minati G. (a cura di), Architettura e approccio sistemico, Polimetrica, 2007.
3. Conte V. Elementi della costruzione edilizia, 1970
4. Gasparoli P., Talamo C., Manutenzione e recupero. Criteri, metodi e strategie per l'intervento sul costruito, Alinea, Firenze, 2006.
5. Grecchi M., Malighetti L. E., Ripensare il costruito: il progetto di recupero e rifunzionalizzazione degli edifici, Maggioli, 2008.
6. Guarnerio L., Elementi costruttivi dell’architettura, Gorlich, 1964
7. Lavagna M. et al., Murature ad alte prestazioni, Maggioli editore, 2011.
8. Lavagna M., Lyfe Cycle Assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilità ambientale, Hoepli, 2008
9. Malighetti L. E., Recupero edilizio e sostenibilità. Il Sole24ore, Milano, 2004.
10. Malighetti L. E., Recupero edilizio. Strategie per il riuso e tecnologie costruttive, Il Sole24ore, Milano, 2011
11. Moschella A., Organismi di pietra. Argomenti per la qualificazione del processo diagnostico, Bonanno editore, Acireale-Roma, 2012.
During the course further bibliographic material will be provided.