Academic Year 2021/2022 - 5° Year- architecture and architectural composition III: Riccardo DELL'OSSO
- architecture and architectural composition III: Riccardo DELL'OSSO
Scientific field: ICAR/14 - Architectural and urban design
Taught classes: 50 hours
Exercise: 40 hours
Laboratories: 50 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- architecture and architectural composition III
The course aimed at final year students. integrated with the laboratory, it is aimed at completing the theoretical and cultural, practical and design training course. The aim of the program is to develop the ability to recognize in the debate discipline the meanings of architectural language in order to consciously make methodological and design choices on current topics of urban and landscape transformation. A training method already experimented in the previous years of "reversal of frontal teaching" will be proposed for the exercises. With a view to completing the course of the degree course, the topics of architecture competitions (editing and participation), information sources (network, publicity and events such as exhibitions, conferences, etc.) and the world of contemporary work will be addressed. In the final part of the course students will be asked to carry out a project on an urban scale with a multi-scale approach
- architecture and architectural composition III
The course aimed at final year students. integrated with the laboratory, it is aimed at completing the theoretical and cultural, practical and design training course. The aim of the program is to develop the ability to recognize in the debate discipline the meanings of architectural language in order to consciously make methodological and design choices on current topics of urban and landscape transformation. A training method already experimented in the previous years of "reversal of frontal teaching" will be proposed for the exercises. With a view to completing the course of the degree course, the topics of architecture competitions (editing and participation), information sources (network, publicity and events such as exhibitions, conferences, etc.) and the world of contemporary work will be addressed. In the final part of the course students will be asked to carry out a project on an urban scale with a multi-scale approach
Course Structure
- architecture and architectural composition III
The program includes theoretical lessons on the evolution of architectural language and in particular on the current profiles of architecture. At the same time monographic exercises will be carried out on the current themes of smart cities, technology parks and expo dubai 2020 lasting 2/3 weeks each. More specifically, students will be involved in the construction of the program through exercises. These last ones will be preceded by specific introductory lessons and by the definition of a methodology for carrying them out. The last part of the course is dedicated to the preparation of a complex architecture project on an area of Catania on the urban scale within an overall view of the city. A multiscalar approach will be required which, starting from the masterplan, will deepen all the project scales also through virtual representation.
- architecture and architectural composition III
The program includes theoretical lessons on the evolution of architectural language and in particular on the current profiles of architecture. At the same time monographic exercises will be carried out on the current themes of smart cities, technology parks and expo dubai 2020 lasting 2/3 weeks each. More specifically, students will be involved in the construction of the program through exercises. These last ones will be preceded by specific introductory lessons and by the definition of a methodology for carrying them out. The last part of the course is dedicated to the preparation of a complex architecture project on an area of Catania on the urban scale within an overall view of the city. A multiscalar approach will be required which, starting from the masterplan, will deepen all the project scales also through virtual representation.
If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
Detailed Course Content
- architecture and architectural composition III
The course aims to provide the tools for understanding the disciplinary debate and contemporary architectural production useful to outline the disciplinary status of reference. Therefore the contents of the course will cover some introductory lessons on terminology, on the definitions of architecture and on the complex relationships between art and architecture, between philosophical thought and architecture and more generally on the influence of other cultural meanings on architecture. In the perspective mentioned above to reconstruct the debate, the theoretical lessons will focus on the modern path of architecture starting from the Enlightenment and up to our regions highlight all the significant passages of the relationship between society and the expressive language of architecture up to the architectural currents of the 30s. years, from deconstructivism to minumalism from the language of ecology to that of smart cities. The theoretical treatment of the program, which has as its primary theme the architectural project will be deepened through the exercises, the moment in which the student will face real contexts and problems. The projects will cover complex urban topics and areas for the simultaneous presence of multiple themes, from architecture to the landscape to that of public space and mobility, from infrastructure to cultural facilities, from new technologies to sustainability.
- architecture and architectural composition III
The course aims to provide the tools for understanding the disciplinary debate and contemporary architectural production useful to outline the disciplinary status of reference. Therefore the contents of the course will cover some introductory lessons on terminology, on the definitions of architecture and on the complex relationships between art and architecture, between philosophical thought and architecture and more generally on the influence of other cultural meanings on architecture. In the perspective mentioned above to reconstruct the debate, the theoretical lessons will focus on the modern path of architecture starting from the Enlightenment and up to our regions highlight all the significant passages of the relationship between society and the expressive language of architecture up to the architectural currents of the 30s. years, from deconstructivism to minumalism from the language of ecology to that of smart cities. The theoretical treatment of the program, which has as its primary theme the architectural project will be deepened through the exercises, the moment in which the student will face real contexts and problems. The projects will cover complex urban topics and areas for the simultaneous presence of multiple themes, from architecture to the landscape to that of public space and mobility, from infrastructure to cultural facilities, from new technologies to sustainability.
Textbook Information
- architecture and architectural composition III
Carlo Ratti, Matthew Claudel, La città di domani, come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro, Passaggi Einaudi, 2017
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Il percorso dell’architettura moderna, Maggioli, Rimini 2012;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Il linguaggio dell’architettura contemporanea, Maggioli, Rimini 2012;
Valentina Gianfrate, Danila Longo, Urban micro-design. Tecnologie integrate, adattabilità e qualità degli spazi pubblici, Franco Angeli, 2017
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Spazi pubblici contemporanei, Maggioli, Rimini 2014;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Architettura costruttivista, Maggioli, Rimini 2020;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Teoria, progetto e architettura, Maggioli, Rimini 2020;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Energy park, Maggioli, Rimini 2016;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Expo da Londra 1851 a Shanghai 2010 verso Milano 2015, Maggioli, Rimini 2008;
Carlo Ratti, Smart city smart citizen, Egea 2013
Dell’Osso R. (a cura di), Brindisi città d’acqua, Maggioli, Rimini 2008;
- architecture and architectural composition III
Carlo Ratti, Matthew Claudel, La città di domani, come le reti stanno cambiando il futuro, Passaggi Einaudi, 2017
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Il percorso dell’architettura moderna, Maggioli, Rimini 2012;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Il linguaggio dell’architettura contemporanea, Maggioli, Rimini 2012;
Valentina Gianfrate, Danila Longo, Urban micro-design. Tecnologie integrate, adattabilità e qualità degli spazi pubblici, Franco Angeli, 2017
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Spazi pubblici contemporanei, Maggioli, Rimini 2014;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Energy park, Maggioli, Rimini 2016;
Dell'Osso Riccardo, Expo da Londra 1851 a Shanghai 2010 verso Milano 2015, Maggioli, Rimini 2008;
Carlo Ratti, Smart city smart citizen, Egea 2013
Dell’Osso R. (a cura di), Brindisi città d’acqua, Maggioli, Rimini 2008;