Academic Year 2015/2016 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 180 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • Technical Architecture II

    - The material and construction process.

    - The products of wood and wood-based.

    - Durability of wood and derived products.

    - X-LAM Properties. Performance and resistance characteristics.

    - Connections in buildings built with X-LAM technology.

    - Construction detail of buildings built with X-LAM technology.

    - The steel and the steel connections.

    - The reinforced masonry. Definitions, legislation and construction details.

    - The plaster.

    - The new plaster.

    - Exterior Insulation and Finishing System. Definitions and construction details.

    - Insulators.

    - The thermal and acoustic insulation - construction solutions.

    - BIM - introduction, the building management, BIM in the world, legislation, LOD.

    - The trusses.

    - Curtain walls.

    - The ventilated facades.

    - Roofs: trusses, spatial structures, glazed roofs.

    - Structural elements: bearing structures in laminated wood, steel-wood structures, structures with seismic isolators.

    - Design projects in the classroom.

Textbook Information

  • Technical Architecture II

    - S. M. Cascone, L. Nigro, Progettare in X-LAM, Roma, Aracne, 2014

    - E. Dassori, R. Morbiducci, Costruire l'architettura, BEMA, 2011.

    - E. Mandolesi, Edilizia, Vol. I, II, III, IV, Torino, Utet, 1991.

    - S.I. Colombini, Lezioni di architettura tecnica, Catania, IDAU, 1979.

    - L. Caleca, Architettura tecnica, Palermo, Flaccovio Ed., 1992.

    - S. Cascone, Finestre e pareti vetrate, Roma, Gangemi Ed., 1996.

    - E. Sapienza, Geometria delle volte, Documento n° 12, DAU, 1995.

    - Grande Atlante di architettura - UTET

    - Ganzin-Mullez, I progetti in legno - UTET

    - Tucci, Involucro ben temperato - ALINEA Ed.