Academic Year 2016/2017 - 4° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Taught classes: 60 hours
Term / Semester: One-year

Learning Objectives

  • Technical Architecture II

    The teaching allow students to confront and resolve the typological problems, distribution and technology that are the basis of architectural design and in particular the design of the building and its surroundings. The analysis is environmental and technological in order to satisfy user needs,evaluated in terms of performance and requirements. Lessons, laboratory and exercises will confront the various issues of building design from the scale of the building to the construction detail. A particular attention will be given to multi-family residential buildings.

Detailed Course Content

  • Technical Architecture II

    - The material and construction process.

    - The products of wood and wood-based.

    - Durability of wood and derived products.

    - X-LAM Properties. Performance and resistance characteristics.

    - Connections in buildings built with X-LAM technology.

    - Construction detail of buildings built with X-LAM technology.

    - The steel and the steel connections.

    - The reinforced masonry. Definitions, legislation and construction details.

    - The plaster.

    - The new plaster.

    - Exterior Insulation and Finishing System. Definitions and construction details.

    - Insulators.

    - The thermal and acoustic insulation - construction solutions.

    - BIM - introduction, the building management, BIM in the world, legislation, LOD.

    - The trusses.

    - Curtain walls.

    - The ventilated facades.

    - Roofs: trusses, spatial structures, glazed roofs.

    - Structural elements: bearing structures in laminated wood, steel-wood structures, structures with seismic isolators.

    - Design projects in the classroom.

Textbook Information

  • Technical Architecture II

    - S. M. Cascone, L. Nigro, Progettare in X-LAM, Roma, Aracne, 2014

    - E. Dassori, R. Morbiducci, Costruire l'architettura, BEMA, 2011.

    - E. Mandolesi, Edilizia, Vol. I, II, III, IV, Torino, Utet, 1991.

    - S.I. Colombini, Lezioni di architettura tecnica, Catania, IDAU, 1979.

    - L. Caleca, Architettura tecnica, Palermo, Flaccovio Ed., 1992.

    - S. Cascone, Finestre e pareti vetrate, Roma, Gangemi Ed., 1996.

    - E. Sapienza, Geometria delle volte, Documento n° 12, DAU, 1995.

    - Grande Atlante di architettura - UTET

    - Ganzin-Mullez, I progetti in legno - UTET

    - Tucci, Involucro ben temperato - ALINEA Ed.