Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Federica SCIBILIA
Credit Value: 8
Scientific field: ICAR/18 - Architectural history
Taught classes: 40 hours
Exercise: 40 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the students with fundamental knowledge and reading criteria necessary for the understanding and interpretation of the History of European and Western Architecture, in a chronological span ranging from the ancient to the first half of the eighteenth century.

The course aims to develop skills of analysis and research, of independent study and critical synthesis, recognizing the evolution of the characteristics of architecture, useful for the interpretation of the morphological, structural and technological aspects of architectures.

At the end of the course, the student must be able to acquire orientation and judgment skills of the architectural phenomena and to develop critical skills in identifying the linguistic, material and constructive aspects of the architectures in the different historical periods.

The course will tend also to ensure that the students acquired judgment in recognition of the strong link between the design aspects, the construction and the formal results of the architectures.

Course Structure

The course contents concern the History of European and Western Architecture of the ancient, medieval and modern ages and its theoretical-scientific, methodological and operational processes.

Within the limits of a vision of synthesis that the large temporal and geographical framework imposes, the methodological approach aims to extrapolate emblematic events, linked to architecture, cultural areas or individual protagonists, in order to trace the main lines of the development of the architectural phenomena.

By favouring a reading where the interaction between the project, the client and the context stands out, the constructive, technological and linguistic aspects will be taken into equal consideration.

Detailed Course Content

The Mediterranean in the Greek Age: the development of Architecture from the Archaic to the Hellenistic Age.

The Mediterranean in the Roman Age: the development of Republican and Imperial Architecture.

Late Antiquity and Early Christian Architecture.

Byzantine Architecture.

Romanesque Architecture in Europe.

Romanesque Architecture in Italy.

Norman Architecture in Sicily.

Gothic Architecture: The Revolution of Ile de France and other European countries.

Gothic Architecture in Italy between the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.

The Renaissance in Italy: Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelozzo, Leon Battista Alberti and the Architecture of the Fifteenth Century in Florence.

The diffusion of Renaissance Architecture in Italy: Pienza and Urbino, Giuliano da Sangallo, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, the Fifteenth Century Architecture in Rome.

Venice and Milan between Late Gothic and Classical Architecture.

Southern Italy Architecture between the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries: The Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily.

Donato Bramante between Milan and Rome.

Bramante's pupils and the early Roman Sixteenth Century Architecture (Raffaello, Baldassarre Peruzzi, the Sangallo).

Giulio Romano in Mantua.

Michelangelo between Florence and Rome.

The protagonists of Classicism in Veneto: Jacopo Sansovino and Michele Sanmicheli.

Andrea Palladio and the phenomenon of Palladianism.

Galeazzo Alessi and Pellegrino Tibaldi.

Sebastiano Serlio and Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola.

Other Protagonists of the Sixteenth Century Architecture in Rome: Pirro Ligorio, Giacomo del Duca, Giacomo della Porta, Ottavio Mascherino, Martino Longhi and Domenico Fontana.

The second half of the Sixteenth Century Architecture in Tuscany: Giorgio Vasari, Bartolomeo Ammannati, Bernardo Buontalenti.

The Masters of the Roman Baroque: Carlo Maderno, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Pietro da Cortona, Francesco Borromini.

Other Protagonists of the Seventeenth Century Architecture in Rome: Carlo Fontana, Carlo and Girolamo Rainaldi.

Seventeenth Century Architecture in France.

Other Protagonists of Baroque Architecture in Italy: Guarino Guarini and Filippo Juvarra.

Themes and Protagonists of Architecture in Sicily between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

Early Eighteenth Century Architecture in Rome.

Themes and Protagonists of Baroque Architecture in Central Europe: Johan Bernard Fischer von Erlach, Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt, Cristoph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer, Giovanni Santini Aichel and Balthasar Neumann.

Textbook Information

Main texts:

Lineamenti di storia dell'architettura, Sovera, Roma 1994.

L. Patetta, Storia dell'Architettura, Antologia Critica, Milano, Etas, 1975.

W. Lotz, Architettura in Italia, 1500-1600, Rizzoli, Milano 2002.

R. Wittkower, Arte e architettura in Italia, 1600-1750, Einaudi, Torino 2005.


Additional texts on specific topics:

R. Martin, Architettura Greca, Electa, Milano 1980.

H. Berve, G. Gruben, I templi greci, Sansoni, Firenze 1962.

J. B. Ward-Perkins, Architettura Romana, Electa, Milano 1974.

C. Mango, Architettura bizantina, Electa, Milano 1978.

H. E. Kubach, Architettura romanica, Electa, Milano 1972.

M. Grodecki, Architettura gotica, Electa, Milano 1978.

Storia dell’architettura italiana (Quattrocento, Primo Cinquecento, Secondo Cinquecento, Seicento, Settecento), Electa, Milano, 1998-2004.

R. Wittkower, Principi architettonici nell’età dell’umanesimo, Einaudi, Torino 1994.

C. L. Frommel, Architettura del Rinascimento Italiano, Skira, Milano 2009.

C. Norberg-Schulz, Architettura Barocca, Electa, Milano 1971.

C. Norberg-Schulz, Architettura Tardobarocca, Electa, Milano 1972.