Pietro Scandura is associate professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania
Five-year degree in Civil Engineering with 110 cum laude from the University of Catania. Thesis awarded with the ‘Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Catania’ prize for the best thesis in Civil Engineering in 1992. In 1995 he became a Ph.D. student at the University of Naples "Federico II" in the Research Doctorate in Hydraulic Engineering. In 1999 he obtained the Ph.D. degree by defending the thesis entitled ‘Dynamics of the boundary layer at the bottom of a sea wave in the presence of ripples’.
In 1993 he worked at the Institute of Hydraulics Hydrology and Water Management of the University of Catania in the research project ‘Effects of drought on vegetation and soil degradation in mediterranean countries’ (contract EEC EPOCH-CT90-0028). After signing a contract with ESPI (Ente Siciliano per la Promozione Industriale), from June 1th 1994 to June 1th 1995 he collaborated in the studies and researches for the establishment of the waters database in Sicily.
In 1995, at the Institute of Hydraulics Hydrology and Water Management of the University of Catania, he participated in the research project ‘Investigation of techniques and methods of management of sediments in Sicilian reservoirs’, funded under the POP Sicilia 90/93, project C, module C10. From April 1th 2000 to September 30th 2001 he was a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Catania, on the research program ‘Numerical and Experimental methodologies in the Environmental hydraulics’.
In the years 2001-2014 he was assistant professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector ICAR/01 (Hydraulics) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Catania. Since November 2014 he is associate professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector ICAR/01 (Hydraulics) at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania.
Scientific interests include theoretical and applied fluid mechanics topics: turbulent boundary layers, turbulence models, wave boundary layer, hydrodynamic stability, fluid structure interactions, coastal morphodynamics, hydrodynamics under breaking waves, interaction of sea waves with coastal structures, wave energy converters.
These research topics were addressed by means of:
- experimental approaches in both small and large scale facilities (wave basin at the University of Catania; large scale CIEM wave flume at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia – Spain; Oscillatory flow tunnel at the University of Aberdeen - UK),
- specifically developed numerical models (DNS, RANS),
- theoretical approaches.
From August 1997 to September 1997 he was ‘visiting student’ at the ‘School of Mathematics’ of the University of Bristol (UK).
From June 1999 to August 1999 he was ‘visiting researcher’ at the ‘Department of Oceanography’ of the ‘Naval Postgraduate School’ (California). Visit funded by the Office of Naval Research, under Contract N00014-97-1-0790 with the Department of Environmental Engineering of the University of Genova.
From June 2001 to July 2001 he was ‘visiting researcher’ at the ‘Department of Hydrodynamics and Water Resources’ (ISVA) of the ‘Technical University of Denmark’.
In 2008 and 2009 he carried out experimental research, as Principal Investigator, in the 'Laboratory of Maritime Engineering – Polytechnic University of Catalonia' (Spain) on the research program ‘Measurements of wave induced steady currents outside the surf zone’, supported by the European Community under the Sixth Framework Program, through the grant to the budget for the ‘Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB III’, within the Transnational Access Activities (contract 022441 (RII3)).
From May 2015 to June 2015 he was 'Honorary Research Fellow' at the College of Physical Sciences, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen (UK).
In June 2017 he carried out experiments at the Polythecnic University of Catalonia on the Research project ‘HYBRID: Hydrodynamics of breaking waves over a rigidized bar’ financed by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Programme through the grant to the budget of the integrated infrastructure initiative HYDRALAB+.
From June 2019 to July 2019 he was 'visiting researcher' at the College of Physical Sciences, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen (UK).
He is part of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journals:
-Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SAGE Publisher (since 2013);
-Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Marine Energy Section (since 2021).
He has been Guest Editor of the 'Journal of Marine Science and Engineering' for the special issue 'Hydro-Morphodynamics of the Coastal Areas'.
He collaborates as a reviewer with the scientific journals:
Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Physics of Fluids; Coastal Engineering; Ocean Engineering; Applied Ocean Research; Journal of Waterways, Ports Coasts and Ocean Engineering; Advances in Mechanical Engineering; Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; Proceedings of Royal Society; Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface; Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans; Catena; Water Resources Management; Water; Asian Journal of Control; Computer and Fluids; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; Journal of Environmental Science; Urban Water; European Journal of Mechanics B Fluids; Journal of Hydraulic Research; Journal of Fluids and Structures; Meccanica; Case Studies in Thermal Engineering; Atmosphere; Applied Sciences; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Open Physics; Sensors; Sustainability.
He currently participates in several PNR, Interreg and Regional research projects. In the past he participated in the research projects already concluded reported below.
Research project ‘Hydrodynamics of breaking waves over a rigidized bar’ (HYBRID) supported by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Programme through the grant to the budget of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB+, Contract no. 654110 (2017)
European Project Hydralab Plus Adapting to climate change. A project aimed at developing the environmental hydraulic modeling for the upcoming urgent technical challenges associated with adaptations for climate change. Joint research activities COMPLEX and FREE Data. Financed by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 program, call H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015, topic INFRAIA-1-2014-2015, type of action RIA. Duration 48 months.
European Project Hydralab IV ‘More than water, dealing with the complex interaction of water with environmental elements, sediments, structures and ice ’JRA-WISE’, financed by the European Commission (FP7 - Grant agreement n. 26150). Duration 48 months (2010-2014).
Scientific research program of national interest PRIN 2012 ‘Modeling of coastal hydromorphodynamic processes for engineering applications’. Duration 36 months.
Research project 'Wave induced steady currents outside the surf zone' (2009) supported by the European Community under the Sixth Framework Program, through the funding for the 'Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB III', as part of the activities related to the transnational access, contract n. 022.441 (RII3).
Scientific research program of national interest PRIN 2008 ‘Operational tools for estimating the vulnerability of sandy coasts in the presence of coastal structures’. Duration 24 months.
European Project Hydralab III ‘Integrated Infrastructure Initiative’ Joint Research Activity 2: Scaling and Analysis and New Instrumentation for Dynamic bed Tests (SANDS), financed by the
European Commission (Sixth Framework Program, contract 022441 (RII3)). Duration 48 months (2006-2010).
European Project SANDPIT ‘Sediment transport and morphology of offshore sand mining pits’, funded by the European Community (EC Framework V Project no. EVK3-CT-2001-00056). Duration 36 months (2002-2005).
Scientific research program of national interest PRIN 2002 'Influence of vorticity and turbulence in the interaction of water bodies with boundary elements and impacts on hydraulic design'. Duration 24 months.
Scientific research program of national interest PRIN 2000 'interactions of turbulent and swirling flows with infrastructures in hydraulic engineering'. Duration 24 months.
European Project SEDMOC ‘Sediment transport modeling in marine coastal environment’ (Project No. MAS3 EC MAST-CT97-0115). Duration 36 months (1998-2001).
Courses held in master's degree programs:
- Fluid Mechanics (since 2011)
- Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions (since 2016)
- Hydraulics in the Natural Systems (2003-2010)
- Advanced Hydraulics (2009-2010)
Courses held in degree programs:
- Hydraulics (2002-2009)
- Fluid Mechanics (2010-2011)
Participated in the Erasmus+ MARE project 'Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia. Key action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity building in the field of higher education (2020-2023). The project includes the University of Bremen, the University of Estonia and the National Research Council plus nine scientific institutions belonging to Malaysia and Vietnam. The project aims to develop new undergraduate and master's degree programs and postgraduate courses aimed at sustainable management of coastal areas in Malaysia and Vietnam. As part of this project, he carried out the review of more than 10 syllabi of proposed new teachings at the University sites in Malaysia and Vietnam involved in the project. He also gave three seminars to university students from partner countries Malaysia and Vietnam as below.
He taught 'Hydro-morphodynamics of the coastal areas' at the international Open Summer School 15-28 August 2022, Costal and Marine Sustainability Enacted (COME!) at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (Malaysia). https://mare-project.net/index.php/2022/06/08/mareschool/.
He taught 'Experimental and numerical approaches to the hydrodynamics of the coastal area' at the November school in ‘Sustainability science and management for resilient coastal community and fishingstocks’ (SMART) under CBHE Erasmus+ projects, November 1-7, 2021, Mazara del Vallo (Trapani), Italy. https://mare-project.net/wp-content/uploads/November-school_MARE_2021_program7.pdf.
He taught 'Hydrodynamics and coastal sediment transport' at the Coastal Resources Assessment Training School, May 8-22, 2023, National Research Council - Institute for Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology, Mazara del Vallo (TP). https://mare-project.net/wp-content/uploads/TACTUAL_FINAL.pdf.
As part of the University of Catania's activities aimed at a non-academic audience, it conducted several seminars at high schools concerning the conversion of renewable energy from the sea. The schools involved in these seminars were as follows:
- Galileo Galilei High School in Catania, January 14, 2019.
- Convitto Cutelli of Catania, January 18, 2019.
- Liceo Classico Gorgia of Lentini (SR), February 11, 2019.
- Liceo Scientifico of Giarre (CT), March 29, 2019.
- Liceo Einaudi of Syracuse, May 14, 2019.
On the occasion of the SHARPER projects funded by the European Commission as part of the 'European Researchers' Night' projects, in the years 2022 and 2023 he gave two presentations addressed to the audience present at the event organized by the University of Catania.
- 'Sea Waves,' presentation given on September 30, 2022.
- 'Mangrove Rehabilitation in Malaysia,' presentation given on September 29, 2023.
As part of the course 'Hydraulic Compatibility Studies of Bridges and Culverts and Installations in Hydraulic Hazard Areas' organized by the Italian Hydrotechnical Association in Catania and recognized by the National Council of Engineers also for the purpose of awarding professional training credits (CFPs), on June 7, 2024, he gave the presentation entitled 'The excavation of the riverbed near bridge piers and abutments'.
Dunbar D., van der A D. A., Scandura P., O’Donoghue T., (2022) An experimental and numerical study of turbulent oscillatory flow over an irregular rough wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. In press.
Vittori G., Blondeaux P., Foti E., Musumeci R.E., Scandura P., The appearance of turbulence at the bottom of propagating surface waves, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
Volume 280, 2023, 108142, ISSN 0272-7714, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108142. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272771422004000)
Dunbar D., van der A D. A., O'Donoghue T., Scandura P. (2022). An empirical model for velocity in rough turbulent oscillatory boundary layers. COASTAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0378-3839, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104242.
Pietro P. Falciglia, Erica Gagliano, Pietro Scandura, Carlo Bianco, Tiziana Tosco, Rajandrea Sethi, Gaspare Varvaro, Elisabetta Agostinelli, Corrado Bongiorno, Antonio Russo, Stefano Romano, Graziella Malandrino, Paolo Roccaro, Federico G.A. Vagliasindi, Physico-magnetic properties and dynamics of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (MNPs) under the effect of permanent magnetic fields in contaminated water treatment applications, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 296, 2022, 121342, ISSN 1383-5866, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121342. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383586622008991)
Distefano, Pierpaolo, Peres, David J., Scandura, Pietro, Cancelliere, Antonino (2022). Brief communication: Introducing rainfall thresholds for landslide triggering based on artificial neural networks. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, vol. 22, p. 1151-1157, ISSN: 1684-9981, doi: 10.5194/nhess-22-1151-2022
Scandura P., Malara G., Arena F. (2021). The inclusion of non-linearities in a mathematical model for U-Oscillating Water Column wave energy converters. ENERGY, vol. 218, 119320, ISSN: 0360-5442, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2020.119320
Pietro Scandura, Carla Faraci, Paolo Blondeaux (2020). Steady streaming induced by asymmetric oscillatory flows over a rippled bed. JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, vol. 142, ISSN: 2077-1312, doi: 10.3390/jmse8020142
Cavallaro L., Iuppa C., Scandura P., Foti E. (2020). Wave-induced loads on a lock gate provided with an opening through the ballast tank. JOURNAL OF OCEAN ENGINEERING AND MARINE ENERGY, vol. 6, p. 415-425, ISSN: 2198-6444, doi: 10.1007/s40722-020-00180-w
Carla Faraci, Pietro Scandura, Carmelo Petrotta, Enrico Foti (2019). Wave-Induced oscillatory flow over a sloping ripples bed. Water, 2019, 11 1618; doi:10.3390/w11081618.
Joep van der Zanden, Dominic A. van der A, Ivan Caceres, Bjarke Eltard Larsen, Guillaume Fromant, Carmelo Petrotta, Pietro Scandura, Ming Li (2019). Spatial and temporal distribution of turbulence under bichromatic breaking waves. COASTAL ENGINEERING, 146, pp 65-80 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.01.006.
Van Der A Dominic, Scandura Pietro, O'Donoghue Tom (2018). Turbulence statistics in smooth wall oscillatory boundary layer flow. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 849, p. 192-230, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.403
Cavallaro Luca, Iuppa Claudio, Scandura Pietro, Enrico Foti (2018). Wave load on a navigation lock sliding gate. OCEAN ENGINEERING, vol. 154, p. 298-310, ISSN: 0029-8018, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.02.023
Faraci Carla, Scandura Pietro, Musumeci Rosaria Ester, Foti Enrico (2018). Waves plus currents crossing at a right angle: near-bed velocity statistics. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, ISSN: 0022-1686, doi: 10.1080/00221686.2017.1397557
Petrotta Carmelo, Faraci Carla, Scandura Pietro, Foti Enrico (2018). Experimental investigation on sea ripple evolution over sloping beaches. OCEAN DYNAMICS, vol. 68, p. 1221-1237, ISSN: 1616-7341, doi: 10.1007/s10236-018-1197-x
FALCIGLIA Pietro P, SCANDURA P, VAGLIASINDI F. (2017). Modelling and preliminary technical, energy and economic considerations for full-scale in situ remediation of low-dielectric hydrocarbon-polluted soils by microwave heating (MWH) technique. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, p. 1-11, ISSN: 1439-0108, doi: 10.1007/s11368-017-1682-8
SCANDURA P, FARACI C, FOTI E (2016). A numerical investigation of acceleration-skewed oscillatory flows. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 808, p. 576-613, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2016.641
FALCIGLIA PP, SCANDURA P, VAGLIASINDI F (2016). Modelling of in situ microwave heating of hydrocarbon-polluted soils: Influence of soil properties and operating conditions on electric field variation and temperature profiles. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, vol. 174, p. 91-99, ISSN: 0375-6742, doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.06.005
FALCIGLIA PP, MANCUSO G, SCANDURA P, VAGLIASINDI F (2015). Effective decontamination of low dielectric hydrocarbon-polluted soils using microwave heating:Experimental investigation and modelling for in situ treatment. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, vol. 156, p. 480-488, ISSN: 1383-5866, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2015.10.038
FARACI C, SCANDURA P, FOTI E (2015). Reflection of Sea Waves by Combined Caissons. JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 141, p. 1-12, ISSN: 0733-950X, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000275
Faraci C, Scandura P, Foti E (2014). Bottom profile evolution of a perched nourished beach. JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 140, p. 1-11, ISSN: 0733-950X, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000253
SCANDURA, P (2013). Two-dimensional vortex structures in the bottom boundary layer of progressive and solitary waves. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 728, p. 340-361, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.274
SCANDURA P, FOTI E, FARACI C (2012). Mass transport under standing waves over a sloping beach. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 701, p. 460-472, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2012.181
FARACI C, FOTI E, MARINI A, SCANDURA P (2012). Waves plus currents crossing at a right angle: Sandpit case. JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING-ASCE, vol. 138, p. 339-361, ISSN: 0733-950X, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000140
SCANDURA P, FOTI E (2011). Measurements of wave-induced steady currents outside the surf zone. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, vol. 49, p. 64-71, ISSN: 0022-1686, doi: 10.1080/00221686.2011.591046
CAVALLARO L, SCANDURA P, FOTI E (2011). Turbulence-induced steady streaming in an oscillating boundary layer: On the reliability of turbulence closure models. COASTAL ENGINEERING, vol. 58(4), p. 290-304, ISSN: 0378-3839, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2010.10.001
SCANDURA P, ARMENIO V, FOTI E (2009). Numerical investigation of the oscillatory flow around a circular cylinder close to a wall at moderate Keulegan-Carpenter and low Reynolds numbers. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 627, p. 259-290, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/S0022112009006016
SCANDURA P (2007). Steady streaming in a turbulent oscillating boundary layer. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 571, p. 265-280, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/S0022112006002965
MUSUMECI R.E, CAVALLARO L, FOTI E, SCANDURA P, BLONDEAUX P (2006). Waves plus Currents Crossing at a right Angle: Experimental Investigations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, vol. 111, ISSN: 0148-0227, doi: 10.1029/2005JC002933
FOTI E, SCANDURA P (2004). A low Reynolds number k-e model validated for oscillatory flow over smooth and rough wall. COASTAL ENGINEERING, vol. 51, p. 173-184, ISSN: 0378-3839, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.01.001
BLONDEAUX P, SCANDURA P, VITTORI G (2004). Coherent structures in an oscillatory separated flow: numerical experiments. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 518, p. 215-229, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/S0022112004000953
SCANDURA P (2003). Two-dimensional perturbations in a suddenly blocked channel flow. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS. B, FLUIDS, vol. 22, p. 317-329, ISSN: 0997-7546, doi: 10.1016/S0997-7546(03)00037-2
SCANDURA P., VITTORI G, BLONDEAUX P (2002). Bifurcations in the oscillatory flow over a wavy wall. MECCANICA, vol. 37, p. 305-311, ISSN: 0025-6455, doi: 10.1023/A:1020151121724
SCANDURA P, VITTORI G, BLONDEAUX P (2000). Three-dimensional oscillatory flow over steep ripples. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, vol. 412, p. 355-378, ISSN: 0022-1120, doi: 10.1017/S0022112000008430
SCANDURA P, PEZZINGA G (1995). Unsteady flow in installations with polimeric additional pipe. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, vol. 121, p. 802-811, ISSN: 0733-9429, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(1995)121:11(802)
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering - 3rd Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2020/2021
Master's Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering - 3rd Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering - 4th Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2018/2019
Master's Degree in Building Construction - 4th Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Master's Degree in Building Construction - 4th Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2016/2017
Master's Degree in Building Construction - 4th Year
Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering - 1st Year
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Building Construction - 4th Year
The research activity mainly focuses on the following topics:
- Structure of turbulence in non-stationary boundary layers
- Hydrodynamics generated by breaking waves
- Interaction of wave motion with coastal structures
- Wave energy conversion
- Energy conversion of sea currents
- Effect of roughness on turbulent flows
- Landslides triggered by rainfall events
As part of the update course 'HYDRAULIC COMPATIBILITY STUDIES OF BRIDGES AND PLANT INSTALLATIONS IN AREAS OF HYDRAULIC DANGER' aimed at freelancers and students, he gave a presentation on 7 June 2002 entitled 'Excavating the riverbed near bridge piers and abutments'.
He held seminars in some secondary schools on the use of different forms of marine energy.
Schools visited
Liceo Galileo Galilei Catania 15 gennaio 2019
Convitto Cutelli Catania 18 gennaio 2019
Liceo Classico Gorgia Lentini 11 febbraio 2019
Liceo scientifico Giarre 29 marzo 2019
Liceo Siracusa Einaudi 14 maggio 2019
- On 24 March 2022, he held a seminar for high school teachers organised by the Association for the Teaching of Physics entitled ‘Marine Energy’.
- On 28 February 2023, he held a seminar for high school teachers organised by the Association for the Teaching of Physics entitled ‘Wind Energy’.
entitled ‘Wind Energy’.