Alberto Paolo CAMPISANO


Pubblicazioni più recenti:

- Campisano, A., Modica, C., Creaco, E., Shahsavari, G. (2019). A model for non-uniform sediment transport induced by flushing in sewer channels (2019) Water Research, 163, art. no. 114903, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.114903

- Creaco, E., Campisano, A., Fontana, N., Marini, G., Page, P.R., Walski, T. (2019). Real time control of water distribution networks: A state-of-the-art review (2019) Water Research, 161, pp. 517-530, DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.06.025 

- Campisano, A., Gullotta, A., Modica, C. (2018). Using EPA-SWMM to simulate intermittent water distribution systems (2018) Urban Water Journal, 15 (10), pp. 925-933, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2019.1597379

- Campisano, A., Gullotta, A., Modica, C. (2018). Laboratory analysis of the outflow and detention processes from modular tray-based blue roofs (2018) Urban Water Journal, 15 (10), pp. 934-942, DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2019.1597377

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica (2018). Nondimensional simulation-based regression formulas for slit dam design in mountain rivers. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144 (9), art. no. 04018057, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001503

- Creaco, E., Campisano, A., Modica (2018). Testing behavior and effects of PRVs and RTC valves during hydrant activation scenarios (2018) Urban Water Journal, 15 (3), pp. 218-226. DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2018.1424214

- Campisano, A., D'Amico, G., Modica, C. (2017). Water saving and cost analysis of large-scale implementation of domestic rain water harvesting in minor Mediterranean islands. Water (Switzerland), 9 (12), art. no. 916, DOI: 10.3390/w9120916

- Pappalardo, V., Campisano, A., Martinico, F., Modica, C., Barbarossa, L. (2017). A hydraulic invariance-based methodology for the implementation of storm-water release restrictions in urban land use master plans. Hydrological Processes, 31 (23), pp. 4046-4055, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11318

- Campisano, A., Lupia F. (2017). A dimensionless approach for the urban-scale evaluation of domestic rainwater harvesting systems for toilet flushing and garden irrigation (2017) Urban Water Journal, 14 (9), pp. 883-891.

- Campisano, A., Catania, F.V., Modica, C. Evaluating the SWMM LID Editor rain barrel option for the estimation of retention potential of rainwater harvesting systems (2017) Urban Water Journal, 14 (8), pp. 876-881.

- Creaco, E., Campisano, A., Franchini, M., Modica, C. Unsteady flow modeling of pressure real-time control in water distribution networks (2017) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143 (9), art. no. 04017056.

- Shahsavari, G., Arnaud-Fassetta, G., Campisano, A. A field experiment to evaluate the cleaning performance of sewer flushing on non-uniform sediment deposits (2017) Water Research, 118, pp. 59-69.

- Campisano, A., Butler, D., Ward, S., Burns, M.J., Friedler, E., DeBusk, K., Fisher-Jeffes, L.N., Ghisi, E., Rahman, A., Furumai, H., Han, M. Urban rainwater harvesting systems: Research, implementation and future perspectives (2017) Water Research, 115, pp. 195-209.

- Campisano, A., Lupia, F. A dimensionless approach for the urban-scale evaluation of domestic rainwater harvesting systems for toilet flushing and garden irrigation (2017) Urban Water Journal, pp. 1-9.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C., Reitano, S., Ugarelli, R., Bagherian, S. Field-oriented methodology for real-time pressure control to reduce leakage in water distribution networks (2016) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142 (12), art. no. 04016057.

- Pappalardo, V., La Rosa, D., Campisano, A., La Greca, P. The potential of green infrastructure application in urban runoff control for land use planning: A preliminary evaluation from a southern Italy case study (2016) Ecosystem Services

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Two-step numerical method for improved calculation of water leakage by water distribution network solvers (2016) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142 (2), art. no. 04015060.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Rainwater harvesting as source control option to reduce roof runoff peaks to downstream drainage systems (2016) Journal of Hydroinformatics, 18 (1), pp. 23-32.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Application of real-time control techniques to reduce water volume discharges from quality-oriented CSO devices (2016) Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 142 (1).

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Appropriate resolution timescale to evaluate water saving and retention potential of rainwater harvesting for toilet flushing in single houses(2015) Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17 (3), pp. 331-346.

- Giustolisi, O., Campisano, A., Ugarelli, R., Laucelli, D., Berardi, L. Leakage management: WDNetXL Pressure Control module (2015) Procedia Engineering, 119 (1), pp. 82-90.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Selecting time scale resolution to evaluate water saving and retention potential of rainwater harvesting tanks (2014) Procedia Engineering, 70, pp. 218-227.

- Shirazi, R.H.S.M., Campisano, A., Modica, C., Willems, P. Modelling the erosive effects of sewer flushing using different sediment transport formulae (2014) Water Science and Technology, 69 (6), pp. 1198-1204.

- Campisano, A., Di Liberto, D., Modica, C., Reitano, S. Potential for peak flow reduction by rainwater harvesting tanks (2014) Procedia Engineering, 89, pp. 1507-1514.

- Campisano, A., Cutore, P., Modica, C. Improving the evaluation of slit-check dam trapping efficiency by using a 1D unsteady flow numerical model(2014) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140 (7), art. no. 04014024.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Numerical modelling of sediment bed aggradation in open rectangular drainage channels (2013) Urban Water Journal, 10 (6), pp. 365-376.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. A method to calibrate P controllers for the real-time control of pressures in water distribution networks (2013) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 Congress, pp. 3122-3132.

- Campisano, A., Cutore, P., Modica, C. Performance of domestic rainwater harvesting systems at regional scale (2013) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 Congress, pp. 280-289.

- Campisano, A., Cutore, P., Modica, C. Modelling sediment deposit evolution upstream of slit-check dams in mountain streams(2013) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013: Showcasing the Future - Proceedings of the 2013 Congress, pp. 1757-1768.

- Campisano, A., Nie, L.M., Li, P.J. Retention performance of domestic rain water harvesting tank under climate change conditions (2013) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 438-439, pp. 451-458.

- Campisano, A., Cabot Ple, J., Muschalla, D., Pleau, M., Vanrolleghem, P.A. Potential and limitations of modern equipment for real time control of urban wastewater systems (2013) Urban Water Journal, 10(5), pp. 300-311.

- Campisano, A., Gnecco, I., Modica, C., Palla, A. Designing domestic rainwater harvesting systems under different climatic regimes in Italy (2013) Water Science and Technology, 67 (11), pp. 2511-2518.

- Van Nooijen, R.R.P., Kolechkina, A.G., Campisano, A. Stability of digital discrete time controllers for water systems (2012) iEMSs 2012 - Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, pp. 349-356.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C., Vetrano, L. Calibration of proportional controllers for the RTC of pressures to reduce leakage in water distribution networks (2012) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138 (4), pp. 377-384.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Regional scale analysis for the design of storage tanks for domestic rainwater harvesting systems (2012) Water Science and Technology, 66 (1), pp. 1-8.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Optimal sizing of storage tanks for domestic rainwater harvesting in Sicily (2012) Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 63, pp. 9-16.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. A simplified approach for the design of infiltration trenches (2011) Water Science and Technology, 64 (6), pp. 1362-1367.

- Creaco, E., Campisano, A., Khe, A., Modica, C., Russo, G. Head reconstruction method to balance flux and source terms in shallow water equations (2010) Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136 (4), art. no. 011004QEM, pp. 517-523.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Experimental investigation on water saving by the reuse of washbasin grey water for toilet flushing (2010) Urban Water Journal, 7 (1), pp. 17-24.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. RTC of valves for leakage reduction in water supply networks (2010) Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136 (1), art. no. 009001QWR, pp. 138-141.

- Campisano, A. Laboratory investigation on the performances of baffles for the capture of sewer floatables (2009) Water Science and Technology, 60 (1), pp. 29-36.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. P controller calibration for the real time control of moveable weirs in (proportional) sewer channels (2009) Water Science and Technology, 59 (11), pp. 2237-2244.

- Cutore, P., Campisano, A., Kapelan, Z., Modica, C., Savic, D. Probabilistic prediction of urban water consumption using the SCEM-UA algorithm (2008) Urban Water Journal, 5 (2), pp. 125-132.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Laboratory investigation on the effects of flushes on cohesive sediment beds (2008) Urban Water Journal, 5 (1), pp. 3-14.

- Cutore, P., Campisano, A., Modica, C., Kapelan, Z., Savic, D. Stochastic forecasting of urban water consumption using Neural Networks and the SCEM-UA algorithm (2007) Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pp. 371-378.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Dimensionless approach for the design of flushing gates in sewer channels (2007) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 133 (8), pp. 964-972.

- Cutore, P., Cristaudo, G., Campisano, A., Modica, C., Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G. Regional models for the estimation of streamflow series in ungauged basins (2007) Water Resources Management, 21 (5), pp. 789-800.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Experimental analysis of the hydrass flushing gate and laboratory validation of flush propagation modelling (2006) Water Science and Technology, 54 (6-7), pp. 101-108.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Discussion of "gate and vacuum flushing of sewer sediment: Laboratory testing" by Qizhong Guo, Chi-Yuan Fan, Ramjee Raghaven, and Richard Field (2005) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 131 (12), pp. 1145-1146.

- Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L., Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Experimental analysis of the Hydrass flushing gate and field validation of flush propagation modelling (2005) Water Science and Technology, 51 (2), pp. 129-137.

- Campisano, A., Creaco, E., Modica, C. Experimental and numerical analysis of the scouring effects of flushing waves on sediment deposits (2004) Journal of Hydrology, 299 (3-4), pp. 324-334.

- Schütze, M., Campisano, A., Colas, H., Schilling, W., Vanrolleghem, P.A. Real time control of urban wastewater systems - Where do we stand today? (2004) Journal of Hydrology, 299 (3-4), pp. 335-348.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. Flow velocities and shear stresses during flushing operations in sewer collectors (2003) Water Science and Technology, 47 (4), pp. 123-128.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. PID and PLC units for the real-time control of sewer systems (2002) Water Science and Technology, 45 (7), pp. 95-104.

- Campisano, A., Modica, C. P units calibration for the RTC of sewer collectors using a dimensionless approach (2002) Global Solutions for Urban Drainage, pp. 1-11.

- Schütze, M., Campisano, A., Colas, H., Schilling, W., Vanrolleghem, P.A. Real-time control of urban wastewater systems - Where do we stand today? (2002) Global Solutions for Urban Drainage, pp. [d]1-17.

- Campisano, A., Schilling, W., Modica, C. Regulators' setup with application to the Roma-Cecchignola combined sewer system (2000) Urban Water, 2 (3), pp. 235-242.


Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016
  • Autore di oltre 150 articoli scientifici su riviste, libri e atti di convegni internazonali e nazionali.
  • Supervisore di oltre 50 tesi di laurea e di 7 tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca/Ph.D.
  • L’attività di ricerca include le seguenti tematiche:

- progettazione e modellazione delle reti di fognatura;

- il controllo degli allagamenti in ambito urbano;

- la gestione sostenibile dei deflussi urbani,

- il trasporto dei sedimenti nelle reti di canali a superficie libera;

- il controllo in tempo reale delle reti di acquedotto e fognatura;

- la riduzione delle perdite nelle reti di distribuzione idrica;

- il recupero e utilizzo delle acque meteoriche.