WELCOME to all incoming Erasmus students at DICAR's

Dear Students,

as Director of the Dep.t of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), I would like to welcome you all to this second semester of classes.

As everywhere in world, right now we all are facing an emergency in many ways complicated to manage, but myself and all the faculty are working for a smooth academic life for everybody, as usual.

We all are going through hard times, but we are confident we will make it through as long as we all follow the policies and practices based onthe concept of social distancing, in order to help mitigate the growing risk of transmission.
I would like to assure you we are striving to help you all to properly manage the VIRTUAL CLASSES, EXAMS, MEETING, as well as everything else that is needed for you to complete your study abroad as it was supposed to be.
The whole DICAR is trying to do its best to still make the whole Erasmus experience as a great opportunity for your lives.

Please DO NOT HESITATE to contact us anytime.
Here are some useful links:
Prof. Enrico Foti (Director of DICAR): enrico.foti@unict.it
Prof. Annalisa Greco (past president of Bachelor's Degree in Civil and
Evironmental Eng.): annalisa.greco@unict.it
Prof. Gaetano Sciuto (president of Master's Degree in Architecture and
Building Engineering: gaetano.sciuto@unict.it
Prof. Salvatore Leonardi (president of Master's Degree in Water and
Transportation Civil Engineering): salvatore.leonardi@unict.it
Prof. Loredana Contrafatto (president of Master's Degree in Structural
and Geotechnical Civil Engineering
Prof. Giuseppe Mussumeci (president of Master's Degree in Environmental
Engineering): giuseppe.mussumeci@unict.it
Prof. Gianluca Cicala (president of Master's Degree in Chemical
Engineering for Industrial Sustainability): gianluca.cicala@unict.it
Prof. Alberto Fichera (presidente of Master's Degree in Management
engineering): alberto.fichera@unict.it
Prof. Rosario Sinatra (president of Master's Degree in Mechanical
engineering): rosario.sinatra@unict.it
Prof. Francesca Castagneto (president of Master's degree in
Architecture): francesca.castagneto@unict.it
Prof. Alberto Campisano (departmental coordinator for all DICAR's study
courses): alberto.campisano@unict.it
Dr. Melania Lombardo (departmental responsible International office):
Prof. Caterina Carocci (coordinator for the Master's degree in
Architecture): caterina.carocci@unict.it
Dr. Rossella Spataro (responsible International office for the Master's
degree in Architecture): rossella.spataro@unict.it

Prof. Enrico FOTI


Data di pubblicazione: 16/03/2020