Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year- Macromolecular chemistry: Antonino POLLICINO
- Materials Science and Technology: Gianluca CICALA
Scientific field: ING-IND/22 - Materials science and technology
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- Macromolecular chemistry
The course aims to provide the student with the notions relating to the relationships between the structure of polymeric materials and their mechanical properties, their transformation technologies and the problems relating to their production. It is also intended to provide foundations on polymer matrix composites.
- Materials Science and Technology
The aim of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts related to: structure of metal and ceramic materials, structure-property relationships and some of the most important technological transformation processes. In the Materials Science and Technology module, metal and ceramic materials will be addressed in detail by focusing on the properties of engineering interest for a mechanical engineer. Finally, material recycling issues and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) techniques will be shortly addressed. An introduction of the recent additive manufacturing technologies will be provided in the final part of the module.
The student, by the end of the course, must be able to classify the different engineering materials, their properties in relation to their structure and the typical applications for each material.
Course Structure
- Macromolecular chemistry
The teaching includes frontal lessons and excercise.
If course should be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
- Materials Science and Technology
Detailed Course Content
- Macromolecular chemistry
Classification and structure of polymeric materials. Mechanical behavior at small deformations: viscoelastic behavior, creep tests, relaxation tests and dynamic-mechanical behavior. Boltzman's principle, viscoelastic models. Module diagrams. Mechanical behavior at large deformations. Rheology: flow curves and constitutive relationships. Rheometry. Rheological behavior of polymers in the liquid state. Transformation technologies of polymeric materials. Polymer matrix composites. Technologies for the production of polymer matrix composite products
- Materials Science and Technology
1. Summary of the course 2. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding 3. The Structure of Crystalline Solids 4. Imperfections in Solids 5. Diffusion 6. Mechanical Properties of Metals 7. Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms 8. Failure 9. Phase diagrams 10. Phase Transformations in Metals 11. Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys 12. Alloys 13. Applications and Processing of Ceramics 14. Introduction to Life Cycle Assestement. 15. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing.
Textbook Information
- Macromolecular chemistry
Course notes
Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali una introduzione (W. D. Callister, Jr. - Edises)
Fondamenti di scienza dei polimeri (A.I.M.-Pacini Editore)
Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali polimerici (Bruckner et al. – Edises).
Reologia dei materiali polimerici: scienza ed ingegneria (N. Grizzuti - Edizioni Nuova Cultura)
Introduction to physical polymer science (L.H.Sperling – Wiley)
An Introduction to mechanical properties of solid polymers (I.M. Ward-J.Sweeney – Wiley)
Fabbricazione di componenti in materiali polimerici (A.M. De Filippi - Hoepli)
Materiali compositi (I. Crivelli Visconti, G. Caprino, A. Langella - Hoepli)
Manufacturing processes for advanced composites (F.C. Campbell – Elsevier)
- Materials Science and Technology
1) Ingegneria e scienza dei Materiali, Callister, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
2) Principi di Scienza dei Materiali ed Ingegneria , W.F. Smith, McGraw Hill
3) Additive Manufacturing Technologies, I. Gibson l D. W. Rosen l B. Stucker, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4419-1119-3