Graduation Exams
In order to obtain Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, students have to pass a final examination aimed at verifying the achievement of the educational objectives set out in the course of study. The didactic regulations of the course of study indicate the general criteria for the regulation of the test and the way it is carried out, which may consist in the writing of one or more papers or in an expository test.
In order to obtain the Master’s Degree the student have to discuss a thesis written in an original manner under the guidance of one or more supervisors, at least one of whom must be a professor, including a professor from another university. The test is conducted in public.
Final examination
The evaluation of the final examination is expressed in hundredths and is considered passed if the student obtains a mark of at least 66/110, determined by the average of the marks expressed by each of the members of the commission. The mark, in addition to the assessment of the test, takes into account the student's performance during the training activities of the entire course of study and any other relevant element, in particular:
- of the student's cultural maturity and capacity for personal intellectual development;
- any international experience.
The committee may only award honours to the candidate who obtains the highest grade. The commission for the evaluation of the final examination for the Master's Degree is appointed by the president of the course council, who presides over it (or designates a president to whom he delegates the conferral of qualifications). The committee consists of between 5 and 11 University lecturers, including contract professors. If the rapporteur is not a member of the committee, he/she takes part in the work limited to the evaluation of the candidate whose work he/she has led.
If the student does not obtain the qualification within a number of years equal to twice the duration of the course of study plus one, access to the final examination may be subject to a check on the credits obtained more than six years previously, in order to assess the non-obsolescence of knowledge. In the event of a negative check, the student may be required to meet new educational obligations, remaining in the status of “out-of-course” student.
Online booking procedure
The calendar of final examinations envisages at least three sessions and is published at least three months before the starting date of the session.
In order to be admitted to the graduation sessions, the student have to:
- complete the online application 2 months before the opening of the call;
- complete the online thesis sheet 1 month before the opening of the call;
- pass the last exams up to 15 days before the opening of the call;
- send the thesis file in pdf format at least 15 days before the opening of the call.
Finally, the lecturer must confirm the sheet and thesis file 10 days before the opening of the call. A transfer to the next call can be made within one month before the new call, up to the expiry of the deadline for the presentation of the thesis sheet. In the event that the transfer involves moving to the following year, a new tax stamp must be paid.
Failure to enrol will result in the interruption of studies, which may only be resumed in the following academic year.