Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year - Curriculum Energy and Enviroment
Teaching Staff: Arturo Pagano
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: ING-IND/10 - Thermal engineering and industrial energy systems
Taught classes: 42 hours
Exercise: 45 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The goal of the course is to provide the students with a detailed theoretical and applicative knowledge, enabling them to dimensioning the main thermal plants, specifically in the following contexts:
- thermal plants and technologies for heat generation and distribution, for civil and industrial applications and for power generation;
- refrigeration plants and technologies, for civil and industrial applications;
- heating, ventilation and air conditioning sytems (HVAC sytems) for buildings.

Course Structure

Lectures will be given in classroom or, if conditions would require it, they will be available on-line or in mixed modality.

Students must attend at least 70% of the course lectures. It is mandatory the subscription to the course on the webpage on

Detailed Course Content

1. Review of the contents of the course of Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (Fisica Tecnica), mainly on thermodynamic cycles for power generation and on heat exchangers.
2. Fuels, combustion process and combustion products: thermal energy, exhaust flue gases, ashes and main pollutants.
3. Furnaces and heat generators for industrial applications and for power generation. Technologies and combustion equipment for heat generators.
4. Steam compression and absorption refrigeration systems and heat pumps for civil and industrial uses. Notes on cryogenic plants.
5. Principles of cogeneration.
6. Characteristics of the building envelope. Principles of human comfort. HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems for civil environments: principles and sizing criteria.

Textbook Information

Text 1 - Boilers for Power and Process, K. Rayaprolu, CRC Press - Taylor & Francis, 2009

Text 2 - Thermal Power Plant - Design and Operaration, D.K. Sarkar - Elsevier, 2015

Text 3 - Aria Umida - Climatizzazione ed involucro edilizio, L. Bellia, P. Mazzei, F. Minichello, D. Palma - Liguori Editore, 2006

Text 4 - Il condizionamento dell'aria, A. Briganti - Tecniche nuove, 2006.

Text 5 - La ventilazione per una migliore qualità dell’aria, A. Magrini, M. Ozel-Ballot, 2ed - EPC libri, 2005.

Text 6 - Benessere termico e qualità dell'aria, G.Moncada Lo Giudice. M. Coppi- Edizioni Masson, 1997

Text 7 - La valutazione delle condizioni termoigrometriche negli ambienti di lavoro: confort e sicurezza, G. Alfano, F.R. D’Ambrosio, G. Riccio, Ed. CUEN, 1997