Giuseppe MIRONE
CONTACT: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125, Catania (ITALY). ++39 095 7382418, ;
2022 to date: Dept. Director’s Delegate to the laboratories of DICAR
2018 to date: Full Professor of Machine Design, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Catania;
2013 to 2015: Safety Officer of the Departmental Heavy Mechanical Laboratory;
2013 to 2015: Dept. Director’s Delegate at the Web-TV and Multimedia Office;
2013 to 2015: Dept. Director’s Delegate for Departmental Teaching and Education activities;
2012: National qualification for Full Professor;
2008 - 2012: Vice-Dean of the Engineering Faculty, University of Catania;
2006 - 2018: Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, University of Catania;
Dynamics and Design of of Mech.Struct. 5th year Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering;
Machine Design, 4th year Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering;
Equipment Design for Chemical Industry, 4th year Master Degree in Chemical Engineering;
1996 - 2006: Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, University of Catania;
Dynamics and Design of of Mech.Struct. 5th year Master Degree in Mech. Eng.;
Machine Design, 4th year Master Degree in Mech. Eng.,
Mechanichs of Materials, 5th year Master Degree in Mech. Eng.,
Safety and Reliab. of Mech. Struct., 4th year Master Degree in Mech. Eng.,
2000 - 2006: Contract Researcher, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, University of Catania;
Research field: “Mechanical Behaviour of Conventional and Unconventional Materials”;
1999 and 2000: Contract Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Catania;
Course title: Dynamic Behaviour of Mechanical Structures for Bachelor Degree (“Diploma di Laurea”) in Mechanical Engineering;
1996 to 1999: Ph.D. student, in Structural Mechanics, Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Catania;
1994 - 1996: R&D Dept. of the N.T.ET., Italian Company operating in the market of glass fiber reinforced plastics for telecommunications. Responsible for the development of GFRP accessories (poles, cabinets, cable protection sleeves, etc.) for telecommunication networks according to Italian, Arabian and Spanish standards.
1999: Ph.D. in Structural Mechanics, University of Catania, 28 April 1999,
1994: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering with full score (110/110), University of Catania,
[110] G Mirone, R Barbagallo, L Corallo, Combined rate-temperature effects in postnecking plasticity of A2-70 stainless steel, (2024), International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v 262, 108754
[109] G Mirone, R Barbagallo, G Bua, G La Rosa, Finite Element Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of the Cohesive, Parameters for Delamination Modeling in Power Electronics Packages, (2023) Materials 16 (13), 4808
[108] G Mirone, R Barbagallo, G Bua, D De Caro, M Ferrea, MM Tedesco, A Simple Procedure for the Post-Necking Stress-Strain Curves of Anisotropic Sheet Metals, (2023) Metals 13 (7), 1156
[107] G Mirone, R Barbagallo, MM Tedesco, D De Caro, M Ferrea, Experimental and postprocessing procedures for the response of sheet metals to high strain rate, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1275 (1), 012027
[106] Corallo, L., Mirone, G. & Verleysen, P. A Novel High-Speed Bulge Test to Identify the Large Deformation Behavior of Sheet Metals. Exp Mech 63, 593–607 (2023).
[105] Riccardo Caponetto, Emanuela Privitera, Giuseppe Mirone and Fabio Matera, Structural Analysis of Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor End-Plates for High-Pressure Applications, Energies 2022, 15, 5823
[104] Raffaele Barbagallo *, Simone Di Bella, Giuseppe Mirone and Guido La Rosa, (2022); Study of the Electron Beam Melting Process Parameters’Influence on the Tensile Behavior of 3D Printed Ti6Al4V ELIAlloy in Static and Dynamic Conditions, Materials 2022,15, 4217
[103] Giuseppe Mirone 1,*, Raffaele Barbagallo 1 , Michele Maria Tedesco 2, Daniele De Caro 2 and Matteo Ferrea, Extended Stress–Strain Characterization of Automotive Steels at Dynamic Rates, Metals 2022, 12, 960
[102] G Mirone, R Barbagallo and S Di Bella, Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of a Titanium alloy fabricated by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1214 012001 (AIAS 2021)
[101] Mirone, G., & Barbagallo, R. (2021). How sensitivity of metals to strain, strain rate and temperature affects necking onset and hardening in dynamic tests. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 195, 106249.
[100] G. Mirone, R. Barbagallo and S Di Bella, Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of a Titanium alloy fabricated by Electron Beam Melting (EBM) 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1214 012001 (AIAS 2021).
[99] G Mirone, R Barbagallo1, M M Tedesco, D. De Caro and M. Ferrea, Mechanical response of an high-strength automotive steel at different strain rates and evolution of damage-related parameters, 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1038 012021 (AIAS 2020).
[98] Mirone, G., & Barbagallo, R. (2021). Modelling the influence of strain and strain rate on the thermal softening during dynamic loading of ductile metals. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 250, p. 02003). EDP Sciences.
[97] Sitta, A., Renna, M., Messina, A. A., Mirone, G., D’Arrigo, G., & Calabretta, M. (2020, July). Power Module Ceramic Substrates: mechanical characterization and modeling. In 2020 21st International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
[96] G. Mirone, R. Barbagallo, F. Giudice, S. Di Bella. (2020). Analysis and modelling of tensile and torsional behaviour at different strain rates of Ti6Al4V alloy additive manufactured by electron beam melting (EBM). Materials Science and Engineering: A.
[95] A. Mancaleoni, A. Sitta, A. Colombo, R. Villa, G. Mirone, M. Renna, M. Calabretta, "Copper wire bonding process characterization and simulation," CIPS 2020; 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems, Berlin, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-4.
[93] Giuseppe Mirone, Alessandro Sitta, Giuseppe D’Arrigo e Michele Calabretta, Caratterizzazione strutturale e modellazione del, warpage dei substrati isolati per dispositivi di potenza, (2019), Analisi & Calcolo, V. 98.
[92] Mirone G., Barbagallo R., Coupling of temperature and strain in thermal softening of a stainless steel at low and high strain rates, Procedia Structural Integrity 24 (2019) 259–266
[91] Mirone G., Sitta A, d’arrigo G., Calabretta M., Material characterization and warpage modeling for power devices active metal brazed substrates, IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability, DOI: 10.1109/TDMR.2019.2932971; [Q1];
[90] MIRONE, G., BARBAGALLO, R., GIUDICE F. Locking of the strain rate effect in Hopkinson bar testing of a mild steel, Int. J. of Impact Eng. 130 (2019) 97–112; [Q1];
[89] MIRONE, G., VERLEYSEN, P., BARBAGALLO, R. , tensile testing of metals: relationship between macroscopic engineering data and hardening variables at the semi-local scale, Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150, pp. 154-167; [Q1];
[88] MIRONE, G., BARBAGALLO, R., Variability of the effective strain rate in SHTB tests and related effects on the dynamic stress amplification, EPJ Web of Conferences, 2018, 183, 02024;
[87] MIRONE, G., CORALLO, D., BARBAGALLO, R.,.Interruption of the strain rate sensitivity of metals at the necking onset AAPP, Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 2018, 96, pp. A6-A614 [Q2]
[86] Nalli F., Cortese L., Mirone G., Barbagallo R., Studio del comportamento duttile di leghe metalliche prodotte per fabbricazione additiva, 47° Convegno Nazionale, 5-8 settembre 2018 – Università degli Studi della Calabria
[85] MIRONE G., SITTA A., CALABRETTA M., BARBAGALLO R, Analysis of warpage in substrates for power electronics, 47° Convegno Nazionale, 5-8 settembre 2018 – Università degli Studi della Calabria;
[84] MIRONE G., BARBAGALLO R, GIUDICE F., Prove Miste Statico-Dinamiche Per L’analisi Dell’amplificazione Dinamica Dello Stress In Metalli Duttili, 47° Convegno Nazionale, 5-8 settembre 2018 – Università degli Studi della Calabria;
[83] G. MIRONE, R. BARBAGALLO, E. CADONI, Tensile test of a HSLA steel at high strain rates with two different SHTB facilities, Procedia Engineering 197 ( 2017 ) 89 – 98.
[82] MIRONE G., VERLEYSEN P., BARBAGALLO R., Legame tra misure macroscopiche in prove di trazione e variabili di hardening su scala semi-locale per la caratterizzazione dei metalli, 45° Convegno Nazionale Aias, Pisa, 2017.
[81] MIRONE G., BARBAGALLO R., Congelamento dello strain rate effect in prove dinamiche su Hopkinson bar , 45° Convegno Nazionale Aias, Pisa, 2017.
[80] G. MIRONE , D. CORALLO, R. BARBAGALLO, Experimental issues in tensile Hopkinson bar testing and a model of dynamic hardening, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 103 (2017), 180–194.
[79] G. MIRONE , D. CORALLO, R. BARBAGALLO, effetto del necking sulla amplificazione dinamica dell’hardening in prove ad alti strain rates, 45° Convegno Nazionale Aias, Trieste, 2016.
[78] G. MIRONE, R. BARBAGALLO, D. CORALLO, Un nuovo criterio di snervamento con dipendenza dall’angolo di lode e dalla triassialita’ , 45° Convegno Nazionale Aias, Trieste, 2016.
[77] G. MIRONE, R. BARBAGALLO, D. CORALLO, A new yield criteria including the effect of lode angle and stress triaxiality, Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 2, (2016), 3684–3696.
[76] G. MIRONE, D. CORALLO, R. BARBAGALLO, Interaction of strain rate and necking on the stress-strain response of uniaxial tension tests by Hopkinson bar, Procedia Structural Integrity, V. 2, (2016), 974–985. ;
[75] MIRONE G., BARBAGALLO R., CORALLO D., DI BELLA S., Static and dynamic response of titanium alloy produced by electron beam melting, Procedia Structural Integrity, V. 2, (2016), 2355–2366.
[74] MIRONE G., CORALLO D., Experimental issues and interpretation of the necking phenomena in the dynamic characterization via Hopkinson Bar, EPJ Web of Conferences 94, 01002 (2015).
[73] MIRONE G. , BARBAGALLO R., Modello di plasticità dipendente dai tre invarianti di stress: check su dati sperimentali da letteratura, 44th AIAS Conference, Messina, Sept. 2015.
[72] MIRONE G., CORALLO D:, Problematiche sperimentali e di interpretazione dei dati in prove dinamiche con split hopkinson bar, 44th AIAS Conference, Messina, Sept. 2015.
[71] MIRONE G., Development of a shape memory alloy – activated clamping device for split hopkinson tension bars, Exp. Techniques, 29-2 (2015), 3-15.
[70] KESHAVARZ A., GHAJAR R., MIRONE G.,A new experimental failure model based on triaxiality factor and Lode angle, for X-100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 80, (2014), 175–182. (Q1)
[69] MIRONE G., Effetto dei parametri di triassialita’ e deviatoricita’sulla risposta dei materiali duttili, Proceedings of the 43° AIAS Conference, Rimini, Sept. 2014.
[68] MIRONE G, Numerical determination of the flow curves of anisotropic steels and failure prediction, 2013 Annual Conference Proceedings on Experimental Mechanics, Vol, 8, pp. 267-276.
[67] G. MIRONE, F. BASILE, G. DI GERONIMO, Interazione di strain rate e triassialita’ sulla risposta di leghe metalliche, 42° AIAS Conference, Salerno, Sept. 2013.
[66] G. MIRONE, Ductility of an X100 steel under different triaxiality and Lode angle histories: axisymmetric and C(T) fracture specimens, CFRAC 2013, Third International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures, Prague, June 2013.
[65] G. MIRONE, D. CORALLO, Stress-Strain And Ductile Fracture Characterization Of An X100 Anisotropic Steel: Experiments And Modelling , Engineering Fracture Mechanics 102 (2013) 118–145. (Q1)
[64] GHAJAR R., MIRONE G., KESHAVARZ A, Sensitivity Analysis on triaxiality factor and Lode angle in ductile fracture, Journal of Mechanics, 29 (2013), pp 177-184. (Q3)
[63] G. MIRONE, The Dynamic Effect Of Necking In Split Hopkinson Tensile Testing, Mechanics of Materials, 58 (2013) 84–96. (Q1)
[62] GHAJAR R., MIRONE G., KESHAVARZ A., Ductile failure of X100 pipeline steel- Experiments and fractography, Materials and Design., 43, (2013), 513–525. (Q1)
[61] MIRONE G., KESHAVARZ A., GHAJAR R.., Triaxiality Factor and Lode Angle Effects on Failure of X-100 Steel Considering Plastic Anisotropy, Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, V. 5, (2012), 27-31.
[60] G. MIRONE, Calibrazione di una split hopkinson tension bar ed effetto dello strain rate su leghe d’alluminio, 41° AIAS National Conference, 5-8 sept. Vicenza, 2012.
[59] MIRONE G., A. KESHAVARZ, R. GAHJAR, Effetto di differenti stress paths sulla risposta elastoplastica e la frattura di un acciaio duttile, 41° AIAS National Conference, Vicenza, 5-8 sept. 2012.
[58] MIRONE G., Development of a shape memory alloy - activated clamping device for split hopkinson tension bars, X-MECH, march2012.
[57] KESHAVARZ A, GAJAHAR R., MIRONE G., An experimental failure model based on triaxiality factor and Lode angle for X-100 pipeline steel, X-MECH, march2012.
[56] G. MIRONE, A. KESHAVARZ, R. GAJAHAR, Sensitivity analysis and design of experiments for failure analysis in the first quadrant of X-TF plane for X100 pipeline steel, X-MECH, march2012.
[55] G. MIRONE, Sviluppo del sistema di rilascio rapido del carico per una split hopkinson tension bar,
40° convegno AIAS,, Palermo, Settembre 2011.
[54] T. COPPOLA, D. CORALLO, A. KESHAVARZ, G. MIRONE, Design of experiments per frattura duttile sul semipiano x-tf a triassialita’ positiva, 40° convegno AIAS,, Palermo, Settembre 2011.
[53] G. MIRONE, A. CONCILIO, S. SIRACUSA, I. DIMINO, A. PELLEGRINO, Modifica del comportamento dinamico di componenti per aerostrutture adattive, 39° Convegno AIAS 2010, Maratea Sett 2010.
[52] G. MIRONE, D. CORALLO, F. GENOVESI, Caratterizzazione stress-strain e danno di un acciaio anisotropo, prove di frattura e simulazione numerica, 39° Convegno AIAS 2010, Maratea Sett. 2010.
[51] D. CORALLO, G. MIRONE, Analisi del necking di lamiere sottili, 39° Convegno AIAS 2010, Maratea Sett. 2010.
[50] G. MIRONE, Multi-Body Elastic Simulation Of A Go-Kart: Correlation Between Frame Stiffness And Dynamic Performance, Int J Automotive Technology, v. 11/4 (2010), 461-469. (Q2)
[49] G. MIRONE, D. CORALLO , A local viewpoint for evaluating the influence of stress triaxiality and lode angle on ductile damage and hardening International Journal of Plasticity” 26, (2010), 348–371. (Q1)
[48] G. MIRONE, Ni-ti actuators and genetically optimized compliant ribs for an adaptive wing”,
Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 5, No.6, 2009, 645-662. (Q2)
[47] T. COPPOLA, D. CORALLO, G. MIRONE, Determinazione della curva costitutiva postnecking per metalli duttili anisotropi“, XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale AIAS, 9-11 Settembre 2009, Torino.
[46] G. MIRONE, A. PELLEGRINO, Prototipo di sezione alare adattiva per uav: centina deformabile con attuatori in SMA”, XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale AIAS, 9-11 Settembre 2009, Torino.
[45] D. CORALLO, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Influence of the hydrostatic and the deviatoric components of stress on ductility of metals”, Il nuovo cimento, vol. 32-C, n. 1, 2009, 39-53. (Q4)
[44] A. RISITANO, M.G. GUGLIELMINO, MIRONE G., S. RAPISARDA. , A new System for contaning oil pollution in case of naval accident. In: Proceedings of the MWWD 2004 - 3th International Conference on Marine Waste Water Disposal and Marine Environment. MWWD 2004. Catania. 27 Sett. - 2 Oct 2004.: (ITALY).
[43] D. CORALLO, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Elastoplasticity and ductile damage in metals, GCM8, 8th International Conference on Geometry Continua and Microstructures, 10-12 Oct. 2008, Catania (Italy)
[42] C. INDELICATO, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Studio numerico sull’effetto del necking in prove di trazione ad elevato strain rate”, AIAS 2008, 37th conference of Italian Association for Stress Analysis, 10-13 Sept. 2008, Rome;
[41] D. CORALLO, G. MIRONE, Confronto tra modelli di danno duttile e previsione della rottura”, AIAS 2008, 37th conference of Italian Association for Stress Analysis, 10-13 Sept. 2008, Rome;
[40] G. MIRONE, Elastoplastic characterization and damage predictions under evolving local triaxiality: axysimmetric and thick plate specimens”, Int. Journal of Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 40/9 , 2008, 685-694; (Q1)
[39] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, G. RISITANO, Previsione Di Rottura Duttile In Condizioni Di Triassialità Disuniforme E Variabile”, Proceedings of XXXVI Convegno Nazionale AIAS – ISCHIA, 4-8 Settembre 2007;
[38] G. MIRONE, Role of stress triaxiality in elastoplastic characterization and ductile failure prediction“,
Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 74, 2007,1203-1221; (Q1)
[37] G. MIRONE, Design and demonstrators testing of adaptive airfoils and hingeless wings actuated by shape memory alloy wires”, Journal of Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 3, N. 1, 2007, 89-114; (Q2)
[36] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Effetto della triassialita’ indotta da necking e da intaglio sulla frattura duttile di diversi materiali”, Proceedings of XXXIV AIAS National Conference, Milan, 14-17 September 2005;
[35] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Preliminary design and windtunnel tests of a micro air veichle for surveillance and sensor-bearing applications”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering IMECHE, Part. G, Vol. 219, G1, 2005, 1-10; (Q2)
[34] G. MIRONE, G. LA ROSA, SMA-activated nail for the fixation of long bone fractures, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2004 - Madeira
[33] G. MIRONE, A new model for the elastoplastic characterization and the stress-strain determination on the necking section of a tensile specimen, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 4, No 13, 2004, pp 3545 – 3564; (Q1)
[32] G. MIRONE, Approximate model of the necking behaviour and application to the void growth prediction,
Int. Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol. 13, No 4, 2004, 241-261; (Q1)
[31] G. MIRONE, B. MARTON, G. J. VANCSO, Elastic Modulus Profiles in the cross section of drying alkyd coating films: modelling and experiments, European Polymer Journal, Vol 40, N. 3, pp. 549-560, 2004; (Q1)
[30] G. MIRONE, Material-independent solution for the distributions of stress and plastic strain on the neck section”, Proceedings della International Conference on Materials Characterization 2003, November 2003, Santa Fe, USA;
[29] G. MIRONE, Multibody modelisation of a go-kart with flexible-elements frame: Simulation of its dynamic behaviour and experimental validation", SAE TECHNICAL PAPERS - IBEC 2003; (Q3)
[28] G. FARGIONE, G. MIRONE, Determinazione dello stato tensionale sul necking in caso di geometria cilindrica e hardening isotropico”, Atti del XXXII Convegno AIAS, Salerno, 3-6 Settembre 2003;
[27] G. FARGIONE, L. MAIOLINO, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Analisi dei microvuoti mediante tecniche stereoscopiche di analisi dell’immagine”, Atti del XIII Convegno ADM - XV INGEGRAPH, International Conference on Tools and methods in Engineering Design, Napoli, Giugno 2003;
[26] G. MIRONE, Design of a tunable bushing system using Shape Memory Alloy wires”, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Smart Structures / NDE - SS04 (Damping and Isolation), 2-6 March 2003, San Diego, USA;
[25] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, The post-necking elastoplastic characterization: degree of approximation in the Bridgman method and properties of the flow-stress/true-stress ratio”, Met. Mat. Trans. A, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 615-624, 2003; (Q1)
[24] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Preliminary design and windtunnel tests of a micro air veichle”,
Proceedings of the UVS Tech 2002 conference, Bruxelles, Belgium, Dec. 2002;
[23] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Numerical evaluation of a material-independent necking shape factor”, Proceedings of the Conference on Damage and Fracture Mechanics 2002, Maui, USA, Oct. 2002;
[22] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Un nuovo metodo di caratterizzazione elastoplastica in campo post-necking”, Atti del XXXI Convegno Nazionale AIAS, Parma, Settembre 2002;
[21] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Legge approssimata di variazione della triassialità da necking e suo effetto su un modello di crescita dei vuoti”, Atti del 16° Convegno IGF, Gruppo Italiano Frattura, Catania, Giugno 2002;
[20] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Studio di un microvelivolo per sorveglianza aerea e supporto sensori”, Progettare, Luglio-Agosto 2002;
[19] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Valutazione sperimentale del danneggiamento di un acciaio duttile in fase post-necking”, Atti del XXX Convegno Nazionale AIAS, Alghero (SS), 12-15 Settembre 2001;
[18] G. CIRRONE, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Genetic algorythm for the optimization of a gfrp pole”, Proceedings of the ICCE/8 International Conference, Tenerife, 6-11 August 2001;
[17] E.GUGLIELMINO, D. GUGLIELMINO, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Multi-body analysis and frame stiffness effect on the behavior of a go-kart in steering pad tests”, Journal of Automotive Design and Manifacturing, Issue 2001;
[16] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Un approccio numerico per la risoluzione dei problemi di caratterizzazione elastoplastica post-necking”, Atti del XXIX° Convegno AIAS, p. 1275-1284, Lucca 09/ 2000;
[15] E. GUGLIELMINO, I.D. GUGLIELMINO, G. MIRONE, Caratterizzazione numerico-sperimentale di un go-kart da competizione”, Atti del XXIX° Convegno AIAS, p. 57-68, Lucca 09/ 2000;
[14] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Effect of stress triaxiality corrected plastic flow on ductile damage evolution in the framework of CDM” , Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics, V. 68, p. 417-434, 2001; (Q1)
[13] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Una Nuova Proposta Numerico-Sperimentale Per La Caratterizzazione Elastoplastica”Atti del Convegno IGF 2000, p. 361-371, Bari, 05/ 2000;
[12] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Numerical verification of the Bridgman model for notched and unnotched round specimens”, Proceedings of the DFM2000 International Conference, p. 553-563, Montreal, 05/ 2000;
[11] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Analisi Numerico-Sperimentale Dello Stato Tensionale Nel Necking Di Provini Cilindrici”, Atti del XXVIII Convegno AIAS, p. 607-616, Vicenza 09/ 99;
[10] E. GUGLIELMINO, I.D. GUGLIELMINO, G. MIRONE, Analisi Sperimentale e Simulazione Numerica Del Comportamento Meccanico Di Strumenti Endodontici”, Atti della IV Giornata Di Studio Sui Biomateriali, p. 77-98, CNR, Catania 07/99;
Analisi e Realizzazione di un Sistema Biomeccanico ad Espansione per la Stabilizzazione Intersomatica della Colonna Vertebrale”, Atti del XXVII° Convegno AIAS, p. 791-798, Perugia, 09/1998;
[08] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Experimental Comparison of Rigid Joints for pipes in Composite Materials”
Proceedings of the VIIIth ECCM International Conference, p. 495-502, Naples, 06/1998;
[07] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Studio Sperimentale Sulla Evoluzione del Parametro di Triassialità in Prove di Trazione su Provini Cilindrici”, Atti del XIV° Convegno IGF, p. 371-380, Trento, 05/1998;
[06] E. GUGLIELMINO , G. MIRONE , G. RIZZO, Confronto numerico-sperimentale del comportamento di pali di sostegno in vetroresina realizzati con due diverse tecnologie”, Atti del XXVI° Convegno AIAS, p. 163-169, Catania, 09/1997;
[05] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, S. SAVARESE, Analisi sperimentale dei parametri di correlazione tra triassialità dello stato di sollecitazione e riduzione di duttilità”, Atti del XIII° Convegno IGF, p. 420-429, Cassino, 05/1997;
[04] T. HERMS, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, L. TORRISI, Experimental and numerical analysis of a fixation plate in mica containing glass ceramic”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Engineering – XXV° AIAS National Conference, p. 235-242, Gallipoli-Lecce, 09/1996;
[03] E. GUGLIELMINO, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, Studio del comportamento di un palo in F.R.P. asolato”,
Atti del XXIV° Convegno AIAS, p. 444-451, Parma, 09/1995;
[02] V. CRUPI, G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, T.C. RUSSO, Analisi di sistemi PLIF per la stabilizzazione primaria di segmenti del rachide, Atti del XXIV° Convegno AIAS, p. 686-693, Parma, 09/1995;
[01] G. LA ROSA, G. MIRONE, A. RISITANO, Ottimizzazione strutturale del braccio di un robot per la raccolta degli agrumi, Atti del XXIV° Convegno AIAS, p. 586-593, Parma, 09/1995;
Anno accademico 2021/2022
Corso di laurea magistrale in Mechanical Engineering - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Mechanical Engineering - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2020/2021
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2019/2020
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2018/2019
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2017/2018
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2016/2017
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chemical Engineering for Industrial Sustainability - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
Anno accademico 2015/2016
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria chimica per la sostenibilità industriale - 2° anno
Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria meccanica - 2° anno
- Elastoplasticity and ductile damage under evolving triaxiality / deviatoricity of the stress state;
- Postnecking characterization techniques for bulk and thin sheet materials;
- Power Electronics: mechanical modeilng and structural integrity under thermomechanical loads;
- Improvement of Hopkinson bar experimental procedures for impact and high strain rate characterization;
- Characterization procedures for anisotropic metals;
- Shape Memory Alloys and smart materials;
- Material properties for additive manufacturing;
- Structural design with composites;
- Vehicle dynamics;
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Guida alle tesi di laurea
Master theses regarding the wide area of structural mechanics are usually supervidsed, involving experimental, analytical and numerical activities.
Special topics can also be proposed by students.
Theses in cooperation with foreign Universities involving 3-to-6 months sabbaticals abroad and theses about industry-promoted topics can be eventualliy available.