Educational Objectives

The specific educational objectives can be described as follows:

  • Basic Scientific Training: Students acquire a solid foundational education in science, including courses in mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, and computer science. These courses enable students to analytically formalize the description of a phenomenon and critically analyze it. Such skills are crucial for developing problem-solving abilities that students must apply in their further studies and future professions. This foundational knowledge is covered in the first part of the educational path.
  • Basic Engineering Training in the Industrial Field: Students gain a solid foundation in the technical and scientific disciplines that characterize the sector. The curriculum includes courses that deepen the general knowledge and skills in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and industrial technical physics. These courses aim to equip students with the necessary competencies to tackle complex and multidisciplinary problems in the industrial field.
  • Engineering Training on Environmental Sustainability: The goal is to provide cross-disciplinary knowledge related to environmental and circular economy, rational and sustainable use of energy and water resources, functional recovery and recycling of waste, the ecological impact of product-process in a circular economy logic, the environmental impact of transport systems, and the prevention and control of hydraulic-geological risks. Students learn to address sustainability themes through a holistic approach that covers various engineering fields of interest.
  • Specific Training in Energy Engineering: Students acquire and deepen knowledge in several disciplines, including applied thermodynamics and humid air, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and renewable energy generation systems. These subjects aim to equip students with the necessary skills to effectively and efficiently design and manage different energy sources and forms, as well as the industrial processes that utilize them. Particularly, students will be capable of solving problems related to heat exchangers, thermal and fluid machines, systems for thermal and refrigeration energy production, and renewable energy generation systems. These skills are essential for addressing current and future challenges in the energy sector, such as emission reduction, resource optimization, and technological innovation in line with the energy and ecological transition.
  • Specific Training in Mechanical Engineering: Focused on the design of mechanical systems for sustainable industry, sustainable manufacturing systems, and eco-friendly design. The educational objectives of this group of courses are aimed at providing students with competencies to tackle simple design problems of mechanical components and manufacturing systems respecting eco-design principles and sustainability, fundamental principles of environmental economy and circular economy approaches; eco-sustainable materials and processes; material recycling and recovery; usage characteristics and parameters determining the operational behavior of materials; their classification and qualification.
  • Specific Training in Safety and Industrial Protection Engineering: Aimed at providing students with tools to understand the hydrodynamics of natural and anthropized systems and, in a different context, the safety issues of electrical systems. Students will be able to grasp issues related to the management of aquatic ecosystems and fluid systems, hydraulic risk mitigation, and electric energy production from renewable sources, with an understanding of environmental sustainability and safety issues for electrical energy systems; solid mechanics and structural engineering.

The current educational offer provides a single path, but in the future, it may include the activation of curricula that can better outline, within a unified educational project, the professional profile of the engineer specialized in ecological transition working in various sectors and application areas.