Call for PhD positions 2024

Call for applications to the PhD Programme 2024


At the following links you will find the call for 33 PhD scholarships in the PhD progranne of the National Interest Doctorate Defense against natural risks and ecological transition of the built environment.

Important dates

The call is open till July 23, 2024, hr 12.00   (Italian time)

The selection of candidates willconsist in the evaluation of the CV and related titles and of the research statement, and in a colloquium.

Colloquia will start on Auguatrom August 5 2024, 9.30 am (Italian time). The calendar will be comunicated to the candidates. The colloquim will be held online using Teams platform

The PhD course will start on October 31, 2023.

The PhD programme lasts 3 years.

The call for the PhD programme issues 33 scholarships, related to specific research projects as specified in the annexes to the call. Each research project will mainly be developed in one of the Universoties that partecipate to the PhD programme.

A short description of the PhD projects can be found at the following link: