PhD Projects 2023
Descriptions of the research projects offered in the call
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Title of the project
Structural Identification, Health Monitoring and Risk Prevention applied to constructions of historical and cultural value
The project deals with strategies of identification of the mechanical characteristics of structures focusing mainly on buildings and civil structures, in general, belonging to cultural heritage. The final goal is to fix actions to recognize modifications due to damage caused by natural events. In this context, numerical simulations will be performed for the definition/characterization of appropriate protection systems.
Scientific Responsible: Prof. Liborio Cavaleri, PhD
University of Palermo
Department of Engineering
Viale delle Scienze, 90128, Palermo (IT)
mob. 3204395965
Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno
Title of the project:
Protection of maritime and land infrastructures and models for fatigue, aging and their lifetime
Abstract of the project:
The evolution of structural systems on the long time scale is the subject of this project.
The idea is to evaluate the evolution of the damage state of those structures that are under the effects of aging due to mechanical (e.g., fatigue) and chemical (e.g., corrosion) effects.
This concept is of extreme importance for designing maintenance times and the corresponding life-cycle cost estimations.
The target will be achieved with the use of a new variational approach within the granular micromechanic framework, where the interaction between damage, plasticity and the diffusion of aging fluids will be considered.
Politecnico di Torino
Title of the project:
Resilience of critical water drainage infrastructures against urban flood hazard
Many Italian cities and towns are located in hilly/mountainous landscape and the degree of urbanization, even in small cities, has led to intensive interaction between urban settlements and the drainage networks of small and steep catchments. Particularly during the 60s and 70s, many buildings have been built very close to the drainage network, with consequent extensive use of culverts to channelize these ephemeral streams. The design of these culvert system was mainly dictated by urban needs, and flood protection purposes were mainly disregarded. As a result, the current system of culverts in Italy is insufficient for dealing with extreme rainfall events. In addition, the improvement of the flow capacity of the culverts is often impossible for technical or economic reasons.
In this picture, it is critical to develop tools to investigate: (i) updated estimation methods of the expected flood peaks resulting from extreme rainfall events; (ii) the actual flood conveyance capacity of the culverts; and iii) coherent methods to quantify the residual flood hazard affecting the urban areas, with consequent immediate effects on the Civil Protection plans.
The research to be developed within this PhD aims at filling knowledge gaps related to the points above, and to develop technical tools that can be used extensively by professionals throughout the Italian cities and towns affected by this kind of problem.
For what concerns rainfall modelling, the research will be focused on a robust spatialisation of point extreme statistics, that will provide detailed attribution of rainfall quantiles of proper duration to the catchment upstream of the culverts. The use of very recent rainfall extremes will minimize the possibility of over-estimating the return periods of the scenario rainfall. The Patched Kriging methodology will allow a scalable estimation in small ungauged areas.
On the other hand, the hydraulic modelling of culverts will focus on a number of aspects poorly understood and modelled, such as the hydraulic behavior of inlets with complex geometries, in which part of the flow is diverted in the culvert and part of the flow is lost (flooding of surrounding areas and streets), and the hydraulic transients associated with the flooding of a culvert in which the flow regime changes from a free-surface flow to pressure pipe flow and (possibly) back to free-surface flow.
Scientific Responsible of the project;
Professor Pierluigi Claps and Professor Riccardo Vesipa
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura (DICAAR)
Title of the project:
Protection of Heritage Buildings from Natural Hazards
The research will mainly deal with the following topics:
- Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of historical monuments based on linear and non-linear methods of analysis.
- Comparison between numerical and analytical methods for safety assessment.
- Modelling and identifying tridimensional numerical models of historical structures.
- Monitoring the Structural Health of historical monuments to assess their ability to withstand exceptional events.
- Green innovative strategies for energy efficiency of heritage buildings.
- Numerical simulation of the effects of extreme events on historical structures.
- Innovative passive strategies to mitigate the environmental hazard.
- Innovative techniques and sustainable materials for architectural restoration, functional recovery, and seismic adaptation of historical buildings.
- Prevention and relief of damage in building heritage due to exceptional events.
Università degli Studi di Sassari
DADU – Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica
Palazzo del Pou Salit – Piazza Duomo, 6 - 07041 Alghero
Tel./Fax: +39 079 972
Title of the project:
Discrete and continuum approaches to the analysis of innovative materials and structures
Description of the project:
Among the most studied models in mathematical physics, continuum mechanics models like beams, cables, plates, membranes, shells, and solids are outstanding for their importance in technological applications. Therefore, they have been extensively studied and many discretizations have been proposed to allow their computation in the most disparate contexts. However, available discretization schemes often present some drawbacks when considering large deformation regimes. These drawbacks are mainly related to the fact that they are formulated without keeping in mind the mechanical phenomena for describing which the underlying continuum model has been proposed. The project will aim at analyzing the deformation of complex materials and structures in elastic large displacements and deformation regimes, developing novel continuum models as well as corresponding intrinsically discrete Lagrangian models based on the Hencky paradigm. The proposed discrete models will be implemented numerically into step-wise iterative solution schemes and applied to some relevant benchmark tests, as well as compared with their continuum conteurpart solved by FEM. The final aim is to employ the formulated models to perform structural analyses of non-linear mechanical systems of engineering interest. Special emphasis will be put to applications in the analysis of the structural response to static and dynamic loading of innovative lattice-based building materials.
Università di Perugia
Title of the project:
3D_IMPULSE-3D Innovative Materials for Printed mULtifunctional Sustainable Engineering structures
The research project concerns (i) the development, the experimental and analytical characterization of a new sustainable building material produced through the use of engineered composites, nano- and micro-technologies. and (ii) the development of innovative construction processes, such as 3D printing, to simplify the construction procedures, reduce the uncertainties due to manual variability, increase construction efficiency and reduce costs. In particular, the properties and problems related to the 3D printing of conglomerates, the physical, mechanical, electrical and self-sensing properties of the new construction materials will be studied, to obtain elements and structures capable of monitoring their integrity over time. These multifunctional characteristics allow to increase the service life of the structures, and their safety, decreasing the impact on the environment and economic and social costs.
Università del Salento
Via per Monteroni I 73100 Lecce
T +39 0832 297241
Scientific Responsible: Prof. Rossana Dimitri
Title of the project:
Development of advanced models for the structural safety and functional strengthening with
eco-sustainable materials
L’idea progettuale che si intende sviluppare nel presente dottorato ricade nell’ambito della sicurezza delle strutture e infrastrutture nei confronti di eventi naturali calamitosi di cui necessita il nostro paese in virtù dei numerosi eventi che lo interessano, con l’obiettivo di proporre soluzioni innovative, compatibili con i paradigmi dell’economia circolare e della transizione ecologica, in un contesto interattivo con la società di ingegneria con cui si stipula la convenzione. Più in dettaglio, l’obiettivo principale di tale dottorato verterà sulla protezione strutturale, monitoraggio strutturale, nonché sulle opere di recupero funzionale di strutture e infrastrutture esistenti sottoposte a continue azioni naturali e antropiche, attraverso strategie innovative green, coadiuvando l’adozione di modelli numerici con l’uso di materiali e dispositivi innovativi ed ecosostenibili.
La maggiore disponibilità di strumenti computazionali per la ricerca e la progettazione consentirà la simulazione e la comprensione di comportamenti meccanici complessi, che comportano interazioni con diversi fenomeni fisici e tra elementi strutturali, a diverse lunghezze di scala. Ciò consente una razionalizzazione e un notevole aumento della velocità del processo di ideazione, progettazione e verifica, con la possibilità di esplorare soluzioni altamente innovative a livello “virtuale”. Un aspetto chiave del problema sarà rappresentato dalla formulazione di adeguate leggi comportamentali per i materiali e le strutture coinvolte nella progettazione e lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli numerici adatti a trattare situazioni altamente complesse, o in grado di interpretare accuratamente il comportamento meccanico a diverse scale anche descrivere ogni possibile interazione con l'ambiente circostante. Ad esempio, con l'utilizzo di fibre naturali e matrici polimeriche a base biologica nei materiali compositi a scopo riabilitativo, emergono diversi nuovi problemi di durabilità a causa della struttura cava e della natura idrofila non omogenea di queste fibre, che rende il biocomposito suscettibile di ampio assorbimento di umidità. In tale contesto, verranno sviluppati modelli multifisici avanzati in un codice Matlab, tenendo conto della possibile variazione della risposta meccanica di materiali e strutture per diverse condizioni di umidità e temperatura.
Saranno individuati i parametri necessari per calibrare modelli affidabili, idonei a rappresentare il comportamento strutturale a livello locale e globale. Verranno, quindi, definiti adeguati strumenti di progettazione, misure di valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa, parametri di limitazione dell'efficienza e metodi di analisi semplificati sia in senso teorico che computazionale. Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alle questioni di sostenibilità e compatibilità per sviluppare metodi efficienti per rafforzare le costruzioni esistenti nella prospettiva della loro conservazione e valorizzazione, nonché della loro riparazione e adeguamento sismico. Verranno proposti metodi di progettazione analitico/numerici basati sulle teorie classiche degli involucri e/o su diverse teorie delle deformazioni di taglio di ordine superiore (HSDT), per studiare il comportamento meccanico delle costruzioni di diversa natura sotto carichi statici e dinamici. Lo studio teorico/computazionale abbraccerà anche i fenomeni di danno interfacciale con differenti substrati aderenti, ottimizzandone le prestazioni, e tenendo conto della coesistenza di fenomeni coesivi/decoesivi all'interfaccia. In tal senso, verranno forniti alcuni modelli efficienti per considerare correttamente le discontinuità interfacciali, e per riprodurre i principali meccanismi di degrado in relazione ad altri fenomeni fisici, possibilmente di natura non meccanica attraverso formulazioni accoppiate. Qualsiasi modello teorico verrebbe implementato computazionalmente utilizzando tecniche tradizionali come il FEM e innovative avanzate.
Una modellazione numerica consentirà di valutare il beneficio indotto da possibili sistemi di retrofitting/rinforzo proposto in diverse condizioni di stress quasi-statico. Inoltre, verrà effettuata un'analisi parametrica per definire i criteri di dimensionamento ottimali per l'intervento in termini di spessore del composito, qualità della malta utilizzata, qualità e frazione di fibra utilizzata nella formulazione del composito
The position corresponds to an Industrial PhD Programme jointly developed with RESET s.r.l., Lecce.
Periodo permanenza in azienda – 12 mesi presso RESET s.r.l. di Lecce
Periodo permanenza all’estero – 6 mesi (I2M, Bordeaux, Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingéniere,
UMR CNRS 5295)
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Title of the project:
Protection of infrastructure from natural and anthropogenic actions
Project description
The research will be aimed at defining mathematical models that describe the mechanical behavior of civil structures and infrastructures, such as bridges, viaducts, power lines, gas pipelines, sub-services and smart tunnels for utility distribution, and that can contemplate innovative systems of protection from environmental or anthropogenic actions. Mathematical models will be rigorous but at the same time simple, manageable, parametrically definable, easily generalizable and amenable to gradual enrichment. From the perspective of protection systems, innovative added devices dedicated to passive vibration control will be modeled and designed. In the specific case, the models will allow optimization in the choice of the type, number and location of devices to be applied to real structures, and will also allow energy harvesting from vibrations, to power, for example, monitoring systems. The actions considered will involve natural phenomena such as earthquake, wind, wear and tear, or anthropogenic ones such as vehicular traffic, overloads, impacts, explosions, etc.
The research is fully within the scope of the Italian SNSI, with reference to the Development Trajectory "Systems for the safety of the urban environment, environmental monitoring, and prevention of critical or hazard events," generally allowing the improvement of the safety prospects of urban structures and infrastructure
Università degli studi di Napoli ‘Parthenope’
Sito dipartimento:
Title of the research:
Monitoring, structural safety and interventions for infrastructures
Description of the project
The interest in monitoring of bridges and viaducts and in assessment of their structural safety under both seismic and serviceability loading conditions has been strongly increased in the last years, as evidenced by several experimental, numerical and analytical investigations. The topic is very attentive in the national scientific community, has a great social and economic impact and is in agreement with the guidance of PNRR provided in M3C1 (Mission 3 – Infrastructures for sustainable mobility). In Italy, indeed, there are about 60.000 bridges, mainly realized in the ’50s of the last century and, thus, most of them have reasonably expired their nominal life. Such a contingency has attracted the attention of owners and administrators about the safety conditions of bridges under the current design loads and, consequently, has determined a large interest in the research community too. The assessment of safety of existing infrastructures under seismic and serviceability loading conditions is strictly related to development and use of advanced monitoring techniques both in the surveying and diagnosis phase and in the monitoring phase of interventions effectiveness over the time. Thus, purely structural issues need to interface with other topics, as sensor study and implementation, signal analysis, systems theory, ecc..., according to a multidisciplinary approach. In this frame, the research project proposed by the University of Napoli ‘Parthenope’ for the XXXIX cycle of national Ph.D program ‘Defense against natural risks and ecological transition of built environment’ will be focussed on monitoring, structural safety and interventions for infrastructures according to a multidisciplinary approach and with particular attention to the assessment of the structural behaviour of bridges by means of experimental tests and numerical modelling integrated with advanced monitoring techniques.
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Project 1
Title of the project:
Innovative solutions for earthquake-proof structures
This PhD project concerns the design and development of innovative solutions for the reduction of seismic risk on civil engineering structures. The proposed research has as its fundamental objective the study of innovative seismic applications of bracing structures and isolation systems at different scales. Employing the highly non-linear response of the unit cells, the project will develop highly tunable anti-seismic devices in multi-dimensional and multi-scale realizations. A fundamental goal regards the design of seismic retrofitting solutions based on the use of innovative materials and techniques, which are inspired by the principles of sustainability and robustness.
Scientific Responsible of the project: Professor Fernando Fraternali
Proposta Antonio Fortunato
Project 2
Title of the project:
Numerical models for masonry analysis and their experimental validation
In the last 20 years a Research Group of the University of Salerno, in collaboration with other Research Groups of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, of the University of Roma 3, of ETH Zurich and of MIT Boston are developing new tools for the analysis of traditional masonry structures incorporating unilateral assumptions on the material. This research has produced new computer programs for structural analysis such as MEA (analysis of domes and vaults), PRD and CDF (limit analysis for wall equilibrium analysis, PRD is also implemented on the COMPAS platform of ETH), CASS (stress analysis of walls). The present project concerns the development and integration of these models with numerical models of the soil in order to study the soil structure interaction both in equilibrium conditions (effect of excavations and ground settlements on structure cracking and deformation) or under dynamical actions (i.e. the effect of earthquakes). The numerical study will be complemented by an experimental campaign performed in collaboration with the Imperial College of Cambridge, by making centrifuge testing on scale models. Modeling masonry structures with their foundations is important, and centrifuge testing is the perfect way to validate new numerical models including the effect of soil, since the main load -both in the soil and in the structure- is the weight and centrifuge testing can produce an amplified apparent gravity which can induce identical stress in the model as in the prototype. One of the most important features of this is the possibility of reproducing accurately the effect of friction.
Scientific Responsible of the project: Professor Antonio Fortunato
Project 1
Title of the project:
Metodi innovativi per l’integrazione del cambiamento climatico nella progettazione dei sistemi idraulici urbano in bacini scarsamente strumentati
Lo studio si propone di implementare strumenti innovativi per la pianificazione e progettazione di opere idrauliche in sistemi scarsamente strumentati, mediante l’integrazione delle tecniche di “data-driven modelling” e dell’intelligenza artificiale nel supporto alla progettazione ingegneristica. Riduzione del “digital divide” con i paesi emergenti ed in via di sviluppo attraverso la messa a punto di tecniche avanzate di analisi idrologica-idraulica dell’impatto del cambiamento climatico. Implementazione di strumenti avanzati per il monitoraggio delle aree urbanizzate attraverso l’integrazione di strumenti a terra, su piattaforma aerea e su piattaforma satellitare e per l’integrazione di big data nei sistemi di gestione dei deflussi urbani e nelle procedure di pianificazione urbana.
Project 2
Title of the project:
Applicazioni della metodologia BIM come supporto alla progettazione geotecnica
Lo studio si propone di fornire un contributo allo sviluppo della modellazione BIM nel processo di progettazione di un’opera di ingegneria geotecnica, con l’intento di verificarne l’interoperabilità con i modelli di calcolo tipici del settore. Saranno esaminate alcune applicazioni riguardanti l’integrazione tra metodologia BIM e realtà virtuale o aumentata, al fine di proporre una dimensione atta a gestire le
frequenti criticità della progettazione geotecnica, con particolare attenzione ai parametri che influenzano la modellazione del comportamento di un’opera che interagisce con il terreno o che utilizza il terreno come materiale da costruzione.
Project 3
Title of the project:
Approcci multirischio per il trattamento dei sedimenti attraverso l'applicazione di processi biologici e chimico-fisici atti all’individuazione di una corretta combinazione di gestione e trattamento in filiera
Tra le linee di ricerca del settore della “Bonifica dei siti contaminati” è molto attuale il tema riguardante lo sviluppo di metodologie quantitative e probabilistiche per le valutazioni multirischio a supporto dell'identificazione di strategie efficaci ed economicamente sostenibili per la mitigazione degli impatti dovuti alla movimentazione dei sedimenti nelle aree marine costiere aree e porti interessati da interventi manutentivi di dragaggio o bonifica. Nel caso, i sedimenti possono rappresentare un'ampia gamma di fonti di rischio e le possibili interazioni possono causare diversi scenari di effetti a cascata.
La ricerca deve definire alcuni aspetti oggi ancora dibattuti: distribuzione e movimentazione degli inquinanti durante le operazioni di dragaggio e riemersione; idonee tecniche di trattamento, anche di filiera, per il trattamento della contaminazione specifica (trattamento fisico-chimico e biologico); il destino più idoneo dei sedimenti trattati e recuperati, a mare ed a terra.
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Title of the research:
Flood risk management with structural and non-structural measures in mountain areas
In several areas in the world, mountain areas are intensely populated and the risk is triggered by flash floods and debris flow events which seem to increase in frequency and intensity also as a result of climate change. In these areas management plans for the flood risk may include both structural and non-structural measures (land planning, insurance policies, monitoring and warning systems, hazard and risk mapping, transportation management...).
The problem is multi-faceted and, depending on the attitude of the candidate can be tackled from different perspectives. At one level, it can regard the identification of suitable approaches for the real–time forecasting and monitoring of extreme hydrologic events and of their consequences on the built environment through suitable modeling methods. At another level, these forecasting can be integrated within the existing transportation system to identify the most critical segments of the network so that event-management strategies can be more efficiently targeted, by setting up a decision support system to assess the risk on urban/extra-urban roads through the integration of safety factors, prediction models and risk methods.
Finally, from another possible perspective, the interaction of these events with structures (houses, bridges, weirs, hydraulic structures…) can be investigated, to identify the effects of fluid-structure interactions and to test the effectiveness of current design practices.
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Title of the research:
Structural identification and safety assessment of Civil structures through a novel paradigm of Non-destructive investigation
Civil structures and infrastructures are designed to last as long as possible, even in contrast of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and landslides such as atmospheric agents and lack of maintenance. From this evidence, arises the need to monitor the health state conditions of concrete through non-destructive inspection procedures and methodology.
In the context of NDTs( non destructive tests) for structures, optic fiber sensor are useful to monitor the health state through continuous( Brillouin’s scatter based, NSHT) and point-Wise measurements ( Bragg gratings based instruments).
Among NDTs, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), also named Georadar, is useful to perform on-demand, high-resolution, subsurface surveys of the areas under observation.
The goal will be to use non destructive monitoring devices providing outputs allowing to evaluate the local and global safety and health-state assessment.
Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti e Pescara
Project 1
Title of the project:
Advance methodologies for a sustainable development (Induistrial PhD programme)
The project aims to implement new models and technologies for studying the safety of structures and infrastructures. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, computational fluid dynamics and finite element facilitate the planning and maintenance of the territory and help in targeting interventions based on the analysis of data from specific tools, optimizing time, costs and resources, and thus making the territory more safe, efficient, sustainable and usable.
Project 2
Title of the project:
Seismic vulnerability assessment of the built environment with detailed and simplified models
the research will continue an ongoing study on the modeling of reinforced concrete frame structures using simplified schemes that allow the seismic vulnerability assessment of a large number of buildings. We may also consider the effects of modeling a representative volume of soil.
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Dipartimento di Scienze ed Ingegneria della Materia, dell’Ambiente ed Urbanistica
Title of the project:
Study of risk and environmental sustainability for the use of alternative sources of water
The project is aimed at studying and testing technological solutions and integrated methodologies for planning the use of alternative water sources, with particular, but non only, interest in the reuse of wastewater in both agricultural and industrial contexts. The activity will also include the study of risk, sustainability and health and environmental impacts, including the role of toxic and hazardous substances and emerging contaminants. Indicators of circularity and effects on energy and carbon footprint will also be considered, also in line with the challenges of new European directives and regulations.
Università di Catania
Project 1
Title of the project:
Non-linear models of reinforced concrete shear walls for the seismic analysis of framed structures.
Accurate, reliable and efficient models are required for the seismic analysis of framed structures, in order to assess their vulnerability and their robustness. Vulnerability assessment methods like fragility curves require a large number of non-linear analyses, so that efficiency and accuracy of the computational model are essential. While non-linear models for RC beams are to some extent well established, a reliable model for the non-linear analysis of shear walls is still not available. Among the problems that have to be overcome there are: a) a Finite Element model able to account for the required continuity among elements and among wall and beam elements; b) a reliable and robust model of damage for the shear wall able to account for the interaction between concrete and rebars; c) in the case of slender walls geometrical nonlinearities cannot be disregarded.
There exist several approaches in the literature. Aim of the research is to contribute to the development of a reliable model able to correctly reproduce experimental observations.
The research will be jointly supported by the University of Catania and the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
Project 2
Title of the project:
Interaction of light structures with compressible fluids (winds, explosions).
The project aims to study the interaction of light structures (stayed bridges, membranes, cable structures) with compressible fluids. A numerical methodology will be used, therefore the aim is to implement simulation tools able to perform interaction analyses. The phenomenon involves several non-linearities, both at the fluid level, and at the structural level, since at least geometrical non-linearities must be taken into account in the case of light structures.
The research will possibly develop according to the following phases: a) development of non-lienar models for cable and membrane structures; b) study of the effect of compressible fluid on rigid structures; c) coupling by means of a two-ways strategy.
Project 3
Title of the project:
Optimization of multifunctional light weighted shell like structures for innovative applications in civil engineering
In the last years, many efforts have been made in the building industry to optimize the use of building materials, with the aim to reduce the energy consumption and the waste of resources.
At least two main research guidelines were followed:
1) Design of new optimized materials.
2) Development of tools and methods for the optimization of the global shape of the structures.
In particular, metamaterials are artificial materials with embedded microstructures. Additive manufacturing has recently enabled the direct design of the microstructure. This allows to enhance many physical properties such as strength, stiffness, porosity, thermal inertia. Furthermore, microstructure properties can be modulated along the body, resulting in functionally classified materials (FGMs). Optimizing the microstructure of metamaterials improves their physical performance. Overall shape optimization is also a key point for material cost reduction. In particular, the optimized double-curved shells can be used to cover a given plan shape, with a minimum amount of material and, at the same time, have the best structural performance.
Aim of this research project is to develop a method capable of merging the two aforementioned research guidelines, while optimizing both the overall shape and the microstructure of lightweight shells.
The activities relating to the PhD scholarship will be supervised by a tutor from the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania and a tutor from the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University.
Project 4
Title of the project:
Developing a Thermophysical Model for Urban Heat Stress and Risk Assessment and Management.
The research aims to develop a reliable engineering approach and methodology for modelling urban heat stress and risk from a comfort and health perspective. Urban heat stress is a serious public health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It results from the urban environment becoming too hot for human comfort and well-being, leading to heat-related illnesses, mortality, and reduced productivity. Modelling urban heat stress and risk is essential for developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in the face of climate change. The research will investigate thermal-comfort models based on GIS, which integrate various spatial data such as land use, population density, building morphology, and meteorological variables. These models will simulate the urban heat island effect and identify the most vulnerable zones for the population. The ultimate goal is to develop a predictive and/or real-time thermophysical model that can be integrated into a Heatwave Early Warning System (HEWS) for alerting authorities and the public of impending heat-waves and providing preventive measures to reduce heat-related morbidity and mortality. The thermophysical model will also support decision-making and planning processes by evaluating the effectiveness of different adaptation and mitigation strategies, such as urban greening, shading, ventilation and urban cooling.
The research will be developed in cooperation between the University of Catania and the University od Roma3
Scientific Responsible: Professor Francesco Nocera (UNICT)
Professor Fabrizio Paolacci (ROMA3)
Fig.: 2D spatial distribution of Mean Radiant Temperature Tmrt of Catania, 7th August 2019
Project 5
Title of the project:
Sustainable Planning solutions for tackling natural and anthropogenic risks
A rising number of risks and societal challenges stress urban contexts and their capacity to remain livable places for people. Increase frequency of heat waves, flooding and social inequalities require the identification of sustainable planning solutions for the creation of more resilient cities. Among these solutions, Nature Based Solutions represent actions that make use of (semi)natural ecosystems to address multi-dimensional risks and, at the same time, are able to generate different benefits in urban contexts both for people and urban environments.
Projects under this theme can include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Spatial explicit models of multi-dimensional impacts of natural and anthropogenic risks on urban contexts;
- Identification, modelling and validation of nature-based solutions for integrated mitigation and adaptation of different types of risks investing cities;
- Definition of urban and landscape planning scenarios for more resilient cities, including urban policies and planning instruments.
Project 6
Title of the project:
Study of the mechanical behaviour of eco-sustainable new geomaterials for the reduction of seismic risk
Over the past 50 years, there has been tremendous growth in research in the field of seismic geotechnical engineering, producing very valuable results and highlighting the decisive role of the soil filter effect and soil-structure interaction in evaluating structural seismic risk. However, the challenge in assessing and mitigating seismic risk is not entirely over, with the continual opening of new scenarios. A need to safeguard the ecosystem is encouraging researchers to find new solutions that combine seismic risk mitigation and ecosystem protection. Soil-rubber mixtures (SRMs) have emerged as a new technique to improve the soil underneath foundations so that seismic energy will be partially dissipated within the SRMs. The rubber grains are manufactured from scrap tyres, disposal of which has become a severe environmental problem worldwide.
The present research project has the following objectives: i) to study the mechanical behavior in the static and dynamic field, saturated and not, of various soil-rubber mixtures by means of laboratory tests; ii) identifying, or developing, the "best" constitutive model capable of reproducing its behavior in the FEM environment; iii) perform FEM modeling of finite problems.
The research will be jointly supervised by a professor if the University of Catania and a professor of the University of Palermo.
Scientific Responsible: Professor Rossella Massimino
Project 7
Title of the project:
Development of antifragile infrastructures including Nature-based Solutions for coastal risk mitigation and ecosystem services provision.
The project aims at developing antifragile hybrid solutions based on the Building with Nature approach, by integrating gray- and green-engineering interventions (e.g. living breakwaters, living shorelines, wetlands) for the management, protection and restoration of coastal areas, finalized to an integrated and sustainable management. Considering an interdisciplinary approach, based on the collection of state-of-the-art international experience, on the analysis of field data and the implementation of advanced physical and/or numerical modeling tools, the ability of these interventions to provide ecosystem services, such as mitigation of coastal flood and erosion risks, water quality improvement, carbon sequestration, etc., will be assessed.
The research results will allow to engineer the developed solutions and to evaluate different opportunities for upscaling at a selection of pilot sites, when possible, engaging the major local stakeholders.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of SIDRA s.r.l., Catania. A stage of 12 months is required for the programme.
Scientific responsible. Prof. Rosaria Musumeci
Project 8
Title of the project:
Structural safety assessment and remote monitoring of steel towers used for TLC instrumentations.
Verifiche strutturali e monitoraggio in remoto dello stato manutentivo di torri in acciaio adibite all’installazione di apparecchiature di Telecomunicazione
The project aims to the safety assessment and remote monitoring of steel tower used for telecommunications. The project is jointly developed with SISEM s.r.l., Cosenza, and a stage of 12 months in the enterprise is required. The student will have the possibility of knowing the main typology of TLC towers, their constructive procedures and the causes of structural failure they are facing. The aim is to improve the design and the maintenance procedure in order to reduce the risk of severe events that can interrupt the functionality of the structure.
The research will include the study of slender steel structures, seismic and wind analysis, project and analysis of monitoring systems for detecting defects.
Project 9
Title of the project:
Development of innovative solutions for adaptive lightweight roofing systems
Deployable lightweight roofing systems can be built using membranes, with or without the combination with articulated elements (scissor-like structures), or using semi-rigid elements like foldable plates. In all cases the research of the form and the adaptation of the form to activation signals (like changes in the stress state induced by tensioning of boundary cables, or deployment of the supports) is an essential part of the design process. In addition, the materialization stage, that is, the determination of the way in which the design forms (that are in general very complex) can be realized without creating creases or wrinkles, needs an accurate analysis.
The project aims to study some of this problem, with the possibility of testing the design procedure within the enterprise that cooperates with the project.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of Stiltenda, Catania. A stage of 12 months is required in the programme.
Project 10
Title of the project:
Procedure speditive e metodologie geofisiche applicate alla mitigazione dei rischi geoambientali naturali, finalizzate ala conservazione del patrimonio costiero.
Il fenomeno dell'erosione delle coste siciliane (oltre 1000 km) è rilevante e per contrastarlo si rende necessario una gestione integrata della zona costiera con strategie di ripascimento a cadenze temporali programmate che tengano conto di eventi ordinari e straordinari (es. mareggiate) con utilizzo dei sedimenti provenienti da depositi sottomarini (scelta recente adottata dalla regione) , opzione che apre un nuovo capitolo di studi e sperimentazioni che comportano la progettazione e redazione di un geodatabase contenente tutte le informazioni, finalizzate per la progettazione di opere di ripascimento nel rispetto stringente delle norme di valutazione ambientale.
Le note indagini attive e passive della Geofisica applicata all'Ambiente, unitamente agli strumenti offerti dalle procedure speditive per l’analisi, lo studio e la pianificazione di interventi territoriali volti alla conservazione del patrimonio naturale costiero, sono strumenti indispensabili quando si intende studiare ambienti interfaccia terra-mare e ancor di più quando si opera su scala regionale, per fornire elementi di corretta pianificazione degli interventi (ad esempio, conservativi del patrimonio costiero).
In special modo, quando l'area di studio è particolarmente estesa (poichè coinvolge più bacini idrografici o interessa un versante particolarmente esteso, etc.), per cui è necessario analizzare grandi moli di dati georiferiti (tra cui quelli satellitari, etc.) su piattaforma GIS, rendendone particolarmente complesso il procedimento di analisi, la pianificazione di attività di monitoraggio o di protezione, finalizzati al successivo recupero o ripristino ambientale.
Tutto ciò si traduce in un dispendio di tempi e risorse economiche non indifferente, tale da invocare la sperimentazione e successiva messa a punto di procedure speditive in grado di ottimizzare l'approccio temporale ed economico, senza penalizzare la qualità del risultato finale e facendo ricorso anche a strumenti quali i metodi di analisi numerica, la modellizzazione matematica e il machine learning.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of DEME Building Materials. A stage of 6 months is required for the programme.
Scientific responsible. Prof. Sebastiano Imposa
Project 12
Title of the project:
Sviluppo di tecnologie a supporto della realizzazione di digital twin per la gestione operativa del servizio idrico integrato
The PhD programme is jointly developed with EHT, Etna High Technology district, and includes a stage of 12 months in the enterprise.
Descriptions of the research projects offered in the call
Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Title of the project
Structural Identification, Health Monitoring and Risk Prevention applied to constructions of historical and cultural value
The project deals with strategies of identification of the mechanical characteristics of structures focusing mainly on buildings and civil structures, in general, belonging to cultural heritage. The final goal is to fix actions to recognize modifications due to damage caused by natural events. In this context, numerical simulations will be performed for the definition/characterization of appropriate protection systems.
Scientific Responsible: Prof. Liborio Cavaleri, PhD
University of Palermo
Department of Engineering
Viale delle Scienze, 90128, Palermo (IT)
mob. 3204395965
Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno
Title of the project:
Protection of maritime and land infrastructures and models for fatigue, aging and their lifetime
Abstract of the project:
The evolution of structural systems on the long time scale is the subject of this project.
The idea is to evaluate the evolution of the damage state of those structures that are under the effects of aging due to mechanical (e.g., fatigue) and chemical (e.g., corrosion) effects.
This concept is of extreme importance for designing maintenance times and the corresponding life-cycle cost estimations.
The target will be achieved with the use of a new variational approach within the granular micromechanic framework, where the interaction between damage, plasticity and the diffusion of aging fluids will be considered.
Politecnico di Torino
Title of the project:
Resilience of critical water drainage infrastructures against urban flood hazard
Many Italian cities and towns are located in hilly/mountainous landscape and the degree of urbanization, even in small cities, has led to intensive interaction between urban settlements and the drainage networks of small and steep catchments. Particularly during the 60s and 70s, many buildings have been built very close to the drainage network, with consequent extensive use of culverts to channelize these ephemeral streams. The design of these culvert system was mainly dictated by urban needs, and flood protection purposes were mainly disregarded. As a result, the current system of culverts in Italy is insufficient for dealing with extreme rainfall events. In addition, the improvement of the flow capacity of the culverts is often impossible for technical or economic reasons.
In this picture, it is critical to develop tools to investigate: (i) updated estimation methods of the expected flood peaks resulting from extreme rainfall events; (ii) the actual flood conveyance capacity of the culverts; and iii) coherent methods to quantify the residual flood hazard affecting the urban areas, with consequent immediate effects on the Civil Protection plans.
The research to be developed within this PhD aims at filling knowledge gaps related to the points above, and to develop technical tools that can be used extensively by professionals throughout the Italian cities and towns affected by this kind of problem.
For what concerns rainfall modelling, the research will be focused on a robust spatialisation of point extreme statistics, that will provide detailed attribution of rainfall quantiles of proper duration to the catchment upstream of the culverts. The use of very recent rainfall extremes will minimize the possibility of over-estimating the return periods of the scenario rainfall. The Patched Kriging methodology will allow a scalable estimation in small ungauged areas.
On the other hand, the hydraulic modelling of culverts will focus on a number of aspects poorly understood and modelled, such as the hydraulic behavior of inlets with complex geometries, in which part of the flow is diverted in the culvert and part of the flow is lost (flooding of surrounding areas and streets), and the hydraulic transients associated with the flooding of a culvert in which the flow regime changes from a free-surface flow to pressure pipe flow and (possibly) back to free-surface flow.
Scientific Responsible of the project;
Professor Pierluigi Claps and Professor Riccardo Vesipa
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura (DICAAR)
Title of the project:
Protection of Heritage Buildings from Natural Hazards
The research will mainly deal with the following topics:
- Assessment of the seismic vulnerability of historical monuments based on linear and non-linear methods of analysis.
- Comparison between numerical and analytical methods for safety assessment.
- Modelling and identifying tridimensional numerical models of historical structures.
- Monitoring the Structural Health of historical monuments to assess their ability to withstand exceptional events.
- Green innovative strategies for energy efficiency of heritage buildings.
- Numerical simulation of the effects of extreme events on historical structures.
- Innovative passive strategies to mitigate the environmental hazard.
- Innovative techniques and sustainable materials for architectural restoration, functional recovery, and seismic adaptation of historical buildings.
- Prevention and relief of damage in building heritage due to exceptional events.
Università degli Studi di Sassari
DADU – Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica
Palazzo del Pou Salit – Piazza Duomo, 6 - 07041 Alghero
Tel./Fax: +39 079 972
Title of the project:
Discrete and continuum approaches to the analysis of innovative materials and structures
Description of the project:
Among the most studied models in mathematical physics, continuum mechanics models like beams, cables, plates, membranes, shells, and solids are outstanding for their importance in technological applications. Therefore, they have been extensively studied and many discretizations have been proposed to allow their computation in the most disparate contexts. However, available discretization schemes often present some drawbacks when considering large deformation regimes. These drawbacks are mainly related to the fact that they are formulated without keeping in mind the mechanical phenomena for describing which the underlying continuum model has been proposed. The project will aim at analyzing the deformation of complex materials and structures in elastic large displacements and deformation regimes, developing novel continuum models as well as corresponding intrinsically discrete Lagrangian models based on the Hencky paradigm. The proposed discrete models will be implemented numerically into step-wise iterative solution schemes and applied to some relevant benchmark tests, as well as compared with their continuum conteurpart solved by FEM. The final aim is to employ the formulated models to perform structural analyses of non-linear mechanical systems of engineering interest. Special emphasis will be put to applications in the analysis of the structural response to static and dynamic loading of innovative lattice-based building materials.
Università di Perugia
Title of the project:
3D_IMPULSE-3D Innovative Materials for Printed mULtifunctional Sustainable Engineering structures
The research project concerns (i) the development, the experimental and analytical characterization of a new sustainable building material produced through the use of engineered composites, nano- and micro-technologies. and (ii) the development of innovative construction processes, such as 3D printing, to simplify the construction procedures, reduce the uncertainties due to manual variability, increase construction efficiency and reduce costs. In particular, the properties and problems related to the 3D printing of conglomerates, the physical, mechanical, electrical and self-sensing properties of the new construction materials will be studied, to obtain elements and structures capable of monitoring their integrity over time. These multifunctional characteristics allow to increase the service life of the structures, and their safety, decreasing the impact on the environment and economic and social costs.
Università del Salento
Via per Monteroni I 73100 Lecce
T +39 0832 297241
Scientific Responsible: Prof. Rossana Dimitri
Title of the project:
Development of advanced models for the structural safety and functional strengthening with
eco-sustainable materials
L’idea progettuale che si intende sviluppare nel presente dottorato ricade nell’ambito della sicurezza delle strutture e infrastrutture nei confronti di eventi naturali calamitosi di cui necessita il nostro paese in virtù dei numerosi eventi che lo interessano, con l’obiettivo di proporre soluzioni innovative, compatibili con i paradigmi dell’economia circolare e della transizione ecologica, in un contesto interattivo con la società di ingegneria con cui si stipula la convenzione. Più in dettaglio, l’obiettivo principale di tale dottorato verterà sulla protezione strutturale, monitoraggio strutturale, nonché sulle opere di recupero funzionale di strutture e infrastrutture esistenti sottoposte a continue azioni naturali e antropiche, attraverso strategie innovative green, coadiuvando l’adozione di modelli numerici con l’uso di materiali e dispositivi innovativi ed ecosostenibili.
La maggiore disponibilità di strumenti computazionali per la ricerca e la progettazione consentirà la simulazione e la comprensione di comportamenti meccanici complessi, che comportano interazioni con diversi fenomeni fisici e tra elementi strutturali, a diverse lunghezze di scala. Ciò consente una razionalizzazione e un notevole aumento della velocità del processo di ideazione, progettazione e verifica, con la possibilità di esplorare soluzioni altamente innovative a livello “virtuale”. Un aspetto chiave del problema sarà rappresentato dalla formulazione di adeguate leggi comportamentali per i materiali e le strutture coinvolte nella progettazione e lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli numerici adatti a trattare situazioni altamente complesse, o in grado di interpretare accuratamente il comportamento meccanico a diverse scale anche descrivere ogni possibile interazione con l'ambiente circostante. Ad esempio, con l'utilizzo di fibre naturali e matrici polimeriche a base biologica nei materiali compositi a scopo riabilitativo, emergono diversi nuovi problemi di durabilità a causa della struttura cava e della natura idrofila non omogenea di queste fibre, che rende il biocomposito suscettibile di ampio assorbimento di umidità. In tale contesto, verranno sviluppati modelli multifisici avanzati in un codice Matlab, tenendo conto della possibile variazione della risposta meccanica di materiali e strutture per diverse condizioni di umidità e temperatura.
Saranno individuati i parametri necessari per calibrare modelli affidabili, idonei a rappresentare il comportamento strutturale a livello locale e globale. Verranno, quindi, definiti adeguati strumenti di progettazione, misure di valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa, parametri di limitazione dell'efficienza e metodi di analisi semplificati sia in senso teorico che computazionale. Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alle questioni di sostenibilità e compatibilità per sviluppare metodi efficienti per rafforzare le costruzioni esistenti nella prospettiva della loro conservazione e valorizzazione, nonché della loro riparazione e adeguamento sismico. Verranno proposti metodi di progettazione analitico/numerici basati sulle teorie classiche degli involucri e/o su diverse teorie delle deformazioni di taglio di ordine superiore (HSDT), per studiare il comportamento meccanico delle costruzioni di diversa natura sotto carichi statici e dinamici. Lo studio teorico/computazionale abbraccerà anche i fenomeni di danno interfacciale con differenti substrati aderenti, ottimizzandone le prestazioni, e tenendo conto della coesistenza di fenomeni coesivi/decoesivi all'interfaccia. In tal senso, verranno forniti alcuni modelli efficienti per considerare correttamente le discontinuità interfacciali, e per riprodurre i principali meccanismi di degrado in relazione ad altri fenomeni fisici, possibilmente di natura non meccanica attraverso formulazioni accoppiate. Qualsiasi modello teorico verrebbe implementato computazionalmente utilizzando tecniche tradizionali come il FEM e innovative avanzate.
Una modellazione numerica consentirà di valutare il beneficio indotto da possibili sistemi di retrofitting/rinforzo proposto in diverse condizioni di stress quasi-statico. Inoltre, verrà effettuata un'analisi parametrica per definire i criteri di dimensionamento ottimali per l'intervento in termini di spessore del composito, qualità della malta utilizzata, qualità e frazione di fibra utilizzata nella formulazione del composito
The position corresponds to an Industrial PhD Programme jointly developed with RESET s.r.l., Lecce.
Periodo permanenza in azienda – 12 mesi presso RESET s.r.l. di Lecce
Periodo permanenza all’estero – 6 mesi (I2M, Bordeaux, Institut de Mécanique et d’Ingéniere,
UMR CNRS 5295)
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Title of the project:
Protection of infrastructure from natural and anthropogenic actions
Project description
The research will be aimed at defining mathematical models that describe the mechanical behavior of civil structures and infrastructures, such as bridges, viaducts, power lines, gas pipelines, sub-services and smart tunnels for utility distribution, and that can contemplate innovative systems of protection from environmental or anthropogenic actions. Mathematical models will be rigorous but at the same time simple, manageable, parametrically definable, easily generalizable and amenable to gradual enrichment. From the perspective of protection systems, innovative added devices dedicated to passive vibration control will be modeled and designed. In the specific case, the models will allow optimization in the choice of the type, number and location of devices to be applied to real structures, and will also allow energy harvesting from vibrations, to power, for example, monitoring systems. The actions considered will involve natural phenomena such as earthquake, wind, wear and tear, or anthropogenic ones such as vehicular traffic, overloads, impacts, explosions, etc.
The research is fully within the scope of the Italian SNSI, with reference to the Development Trajectory "Systems for the safety of the urban environment, environmental monitoring, and prevention of critical or hazard events," generally allowing the improvement of the safety prospects of urban structures and infrastructure
Università degli studi di Napoli ‘Parthenope’
Sito dipartimento:
Title of the research:
Monitoring, structural safety and interventions for infrastructures
Description of the project
The interest in monitoring of bridges and viaducts and in assessment of their structural safety under both seismic and serviceability loading conditions has been strongly increased in the last years, as evidenced by several experimental, numerical and analytical investigations. The topic is very attentive in the national scientific community, has a great social and economic impact and is in agreement with the guidance of PNRR provided in M3C1 (Mission 3 – Infrastructures for sustainable mobility). In Italy, indeed, there are about 60.000 bridges, mainly realized in the ’50s of the last century and, thus, most of them have reasonably expired their nominal life. Such a contingency has attracted the attention of owners and administrators about the safety conditions of bridges under the current design loads and, consequently, has determined a large interest in the research community too. The assessment of safety of existing infrastructures under seismic and serviceability loading conditions is strictly related to development and use of advanced monitoring techniques both in the surveying and diagnosis phase and in the monitoring phase of interventions effectiveness over the time. Thus, purely structural issues need to interface with other topics, as sensor study and implementation, signal analysis, systems theory, ecc..., according to a multidisciplinary approach. In this frame, the research project proposed by the University of Napoli ‘Parthenope’ for the XXXIX cycle of national Ph.D program ‘Defense against natural risks and ecological transition of built environment’ will be focussed on monitoring, structural safety and interventions for infrastructures according to a multidisciplinary approach and with particular attention to the assessment of the structural behaviour of bridges by means of experimental tests and numerical modelling integrated with advanced monitoring techniques.
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Project 1
Title of the project:
Innovative solutions for earthquake-proof structures
This PhD project concerns the design and development of innovative solutions for the reduction of seismic risk on civil engineering structures. The proposed research has as its fundamental objective the study of innovative seismic applications of bracing structures and isolation systems at different scales. Employing the highly non-linear response of the unit cells, the project will develop highly tunable anti-seismic devices in multi-dimensional and multi-scale realizations. A fundamental goal regards the design of seismic retrofitting solutions based on the use of innovative materials and techniques, which are inspired by the principles of sustainability and robustness.
Scientific Responsible of the project: Professor Fernando Fraternali
Proposta Antonio Fortunato
Project 2
Title of the project:
Numerical models for masonry analysis and their experimental validation
In the last 20 years a Research Group of the University of Salerno, in collaboration with other Research Groups of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, of the University of Roma 3, of ETH Zurich and of MIT Boston are developing new tools for the analysis of traditional masonry structures incorporating unilateral assumptions on the material. This research has produced new computer programs for structural analysis such as MEA (analysis of domes and vaults), PRD and CDF (limit analysis for wall equilibrium analysis, PRD is also implemented on the COMPAS platform of ETH), CASS (stress analysis of walls). The present project concerns the development and integration of these models with numerical models of the soil in order to study the soil structure interaction both in equilibrium conditions (effect of excavations and ground settlements on structure cracking and deformation) or under dynamical actions (i.e. the effect of earthquakes). The numerical study will be complemented by an experimental campaign performed in collaboration with the Imperial College of Cambridge, by making centrifuge testing on scale models. Modeling masonry structures with their foundations is important, and centrifuge testing is the perfect way to validate new numerical models including the effect of soil, since the main load -both in the soil and in the structure- is the weight and centrifuge testing can produce an amplified apparent gravity which can induce identical stress in the model as in the prototype. One of the most important features of this is the possibility of reproducing accurately the effect of friction.
Scientific Responsible of the project: Professor Antonio Fortunato
Project 1
Title of the project:
Metodi innovativi per l’integrazione del cambiamento climatico nella progettazione dei sistemi idraulici urbano in bacini scarsamente strumentati
Lo studio si propone di implementare strumenti innovativi per la pianificazione e progettazione di opere idrauliche in sistemi scarsamente strumentati, mediante l’integrazione delle tecniche di “data-driven modelling” e dell’intelligenza artificiale nel supporto alla progettazione ingegneristica. Riduzione del “digital divide” con i paesi emergenti ed in via di sviluppo attraverso la messa a punto di tecniche avanzate di analisi idrologica-idraulica dell’impatto del cambiamento climatico. Implementazione di strumenti avanzati per il monitoraggio delle aree urbanizzate attraverso l’integrazione di strumenti a terra, su piattaforma aerea e su piattaforma satellitare e per l’integrazione di big data nei sistemi di gestione dei deflussi urbani e nelle procedure di pianificazione urbana.
Project 2
Title of the project:
Applicazioni della metodologia BIM come supporto alla progettazione geotecnica
Lo studio si propone di fornire un contributo allo sviluppo della modellazione BIM nel processo di progettazione di un’opera di ingegneria geotecnica, con l’intento di verificarne l’interoperabilità con i modelli di calcolo tipici del settore. Saranno esaminate alcune applicazioni riguardanti l’integrazione tra metodologia BIM e realtà virtuale o aumentata, al fine di proporre una dimensione atta a gestire le
frequenti criticità della progettazione geotecnica, con particolare attenzione ai parametri che influenzano la modellazione del comportamento di un’opera che interagisce con il terreno o che utilizza il terreno come materiale da costruzione.
Project 3
Title of the project:
Approcci multirischio per il trattamento dei sedimenti attraverso l'applicazione di processi biologici e chimico-fisici atti all’individuazione di una corretta combinazione di gestione e trattamento in filiera
Tra le linee di ricerca del settore della “Bonifica dei siti contaminati” è molto attuale il tema riguardante lo sviluppo di metodologie quantitative e probabilistiche per le valutazioni multirischio a supporto dell'identificazione di strategie efficaci ed economicamente sostenibili per la mitigazione degli impatti dovuti alla movimentazione dei sedimenti nelle aree marine costiere aree e porti interessati da interventi manutentivi di dragaggio o bonifica. Nel caso, i sedimenti possono rappresentare un'ampia gamma di fonti di rischio e le possibili interazioni possono causare diversi scenari di effetti a cascata.
La ricerca deve definire alcuni aspetti oggi ancora dibattuti: distribuzione e movimentazione degli inquinanti durante le operazioni di dragaggio e riemersione; idonee tecniche di trattamento, anche di filiera, per il trattamento della contaminazione specifica (trattamento fisico-chimico e biologico); il destino più idoneo dei sedimenti trattati e recuperati, a mare ed a terra.
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Title of the research:
Flood risk management with structural and non-structural measures in mountain areas
In several areas in the world, mountain areas are intensely populated and the risk is triggered by flash floods and debris flow events which seem to increase in frequency and intensity also as a result of climate change. In these areas management plans for the flood risk may include both structural and non-structural measures (land planning, insurance policies, monitoring and warning systems, hazard and risk mapping, transportation management...).
The problem is multi-faceted and, depending on the attitude of the candidate can be tackled from different perspectives. At one level, it can regard the identification of suitable approaches for the real–time forecasting and monitoring of extreme hydrologic events and of their consequences on the built environment through suitable modeling methods. At another level, these forecasting can be integrated within the existing transportation system to identify the most critical segments of the network so that event-management strategies can be more efficiently targeted, by setting up a decision support system to assess the risk on urban/extra-urban roads through the integration of safety factors, prediction models and risk methods.
Finally, from another possible perspective, the interaction of these events with structures (houses, bridges, weirs, hydraulic structures…) can be investigated, to identify the effects of fluid-structure interactions and to test the effectiveness of current design practices.
Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Title of the research:
Structural identification and safety assessment of Civil structures through a novel paradigm of Non-destructive investigation
Civil structures and infrastructures are designed to last as long as possible, even in contrast of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and landslides such as atmospheric agents and lack of maintenance. From this evidence, arises the need to monitor the health state conditions of concrete through non-destructive inspection procedures and methodology.
In the context of NDTs( non destructive tests) for structures, optic fiber sensor are useful to monitor the health state through continuous( Brillouin’s scatter based, NSHT) and point-Wise measurements ( Bragg gratings based instruments).
Among NDTs, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), also named Georadar, is useful to perform on-demand, high-resolution, subsurface surveys of the areas under observation.
The goal will be to use non destructive monitoring devices providing outputs allowing to evaluate the local and global safety and health-state assessment.
Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti e Pescara
Project 1
Title of the project:
Advance methodologies for a sustainable development (Induistrial PhD programme)
The project aims to implement new models and technologies for studying the safety of structures and infrastructures. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, computational fluid dynamics and finite element facilitate the planning and maintenance of the territory and help in targeting interventions based on the analysis of data from specific tools, optimizing time, costs and resources, and thus making the territory more safe, efficient, sustainable and usable.
Project 2
Title of the project:
Seismic vulnerability assessment of the built environment with detailed and simplified models
the research will continue an ongoing study on the modeling of reinforced concrete frame structures using simplified schemes that allow the seismic vulnerability assessment of a large number of buildings. We may also consider the effects of modeling a representative volume of soil.
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Dipartimento di Scienze ed Ingegneria della Materia, dell’Ambiente ed Urbanistica
Title of the project:
Study of risk and environmental sustainability for the use of alternative sources of water
The project is aimed at studying and testing technological solutions and integrated methodologies for planning the use of alternative water sources, with particular, but non only, interest in the reuse of wastewater in both agricultural and industrial contexts. The activity will also include the study of risk, sustainability and health and environmental impacts, including the role of toxic and hazardous substances and emerging contaminants. Indicators of circularity and effects on energy and carbon footprint will also be considered, also in line with the challenges of new European directives and regulations.
Università di Catania
Project 1
Title of the project:
Non-linear models of reinforced concrete shear walls for the seismic analysis of framed structures.
Accurate, reliable and efficient models are required for the seismic analysis of framed structures, in order to assess their vulnerability and their robustness. Vulnerability assessment methods like fragility curves require a large number of non-linear analyses, so that efficiency and accuracy of the computational model are essential. While non-linear models for RC beams are to some extent well established, a reliable model for the non-linear analysis of shear walls is still not available. Among the problems that have to be overcome there are: a) a Finite Element model able to account for the required continuity among elements and among wall and beam elements; b) a reliable and robust model of damage for the shear wall able to account for the interaction between concrete and rebars; c) in the case of slender walls geometrical nonlinearities cannot be disregarded.
There exist several approaches in the literature. Aim of the research is to contribute to the development of a reliable model able to correctly reproduce experimental observations.
The research will be jointly supported by the University of Catania and the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara
Project 2
Title of the project:
Interaction of light structures with compressible fluids (winds, explosions).
The project aims to study the interaction of light structures (stayed bridges, membranes, cable structures) with compressible fluids. A numerical methodology will be used, therefore the aim is to implement simulation tools able to perform interaction analyses. The phenomenon involves several non-linearities, both at the fluid level, and at the structural level, since at least geometrical non-linearities must be taken into account in the case of light structures.
The research will possibly develop according to the following phases: a) development of non-lienar models for cable and membrane structures; b) study of the effect of compressible fluid on rigid structures; c) coupling by means of a two-ways strategy.
Project 3
Title of the project:
Optimization of multifunctional light weighted shell like structures for innovative applications in civil engineering
In the last years, many efforts have been made in the building industry to optimize the use of building materials, with the aim to reduce the energy consumption and the waste of resources.
At least two main research guidelines were followed:
1) Design of new optimized materials.
2) Development of tools and methods for the optimization of the global shape of the structures.
In particular, metamaterials are artificial materials with embedded microstructures. Additive manufacturing has recently enabled the direct design of the microstructure. This allows to enhance many physical properties such as strength, stiffness, porosity, thermal inertia. Furthermore, microstructure properties can be modulated along the body, resulting in functionally classified materials (FGMs). Optimizing the microstructure of metamaterials improves their physical performance. Overall shape optimization is also a key point for material cost reduction. In particular, the optimized double-curved shells can be used to cover a given plan shape, with a minimum amount of material and, at the same time, have the best structural performance.
Aim of this research project is to develop a method capable of merging the two aforementioned research guidelines, while optimizing both the overall shape and the microstructure of lightweight shells.
The activities relating to the PhD scholarship will be supervised by a tutor from the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania and a tutor from the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University.
Project 4
Title of the project:
Developing a Thermophysical Model for Urban Heat Stress and Risk Assessment and Management.
The research aims to develop a reliable engineering approach and methodology for modelling urban heat stress and risk from a comfort and health perspective. Urban heat stress is a serious public health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It results from the urban environment becoming too hot for human comfort and well-being, leading to heat-related illnesses, mortality, and reduced productivity. Modelling urban heat stress and risk is essential for developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies in the face of climate change. The research will investigate thermal-comfort models based on GIS, which integrate various spatial data such as land use, population density, building morphology, and meteorological variables. These models will simulate the urban heat island effect and identify the most vulnerable zones for the population. The ultimate goal is to develop a predictive and/or real-time thermophysical model that can be integrated into a Heatwave Early Warning System (HEWS) for alerting authorities and the public of impending heat-waves and providing preventive measures to reduce heat-related morbidity and mortality. The thermophysical model will also support decision-making and planning processes by evaluating the effectiveness of different adaptation and mitigation strategies, such as urban greening, shading, ventilation and urban cooling.
The research will be developed in cooperation between the University of Catania and the University od Roma3
Scientific Responsible: Professor Francesco Nocera (UNICT)
Professor Fabrizio Paolacci (ROMA3)
Fig.: 2D spatial distribution of Mean Radiant Temperature Tmrt of Catania, 7th August 2019
Project 5
Title of the project:
Sustainable Planning solutions for tackling natural and anthropogenic risks
A rising number of risks and societal challenges stress urban contexts and their capacity to remain livable places for people. Increase frequency of heat waves, flooding and social inequalities require the identification of sustainable planning solutions for the creation of more resilient cities. Among these solutions, Nature Based Solutions represent actions that make use of (semi)natural ecosystems to address multi-dimensional risks and, at the same time, are able to generate different benefits in urban contexts both for people and urban environments.
Projects under this theme can include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Spatial explicit models of multi-dimensional impacts of natural and anthropogenic risks on urban contexts;
- Identification, modelling and validation of nature-based solutions for integrated mitigation and adaptation of different types of risks investing cities;
- Definition of urban and landscape planning scenarios for more resilient cities, including urban policies and planning instruments.
Project 6
Title of the project:
Study of the mechanical behaviour of eco-sustainable new geomaterials for the reduction of seismic risk
Over the past 50 years, there has been tremendous growth in research in the field of seismic geotechnical engineering, producing very valuable results and highlighting the decisive role of the soil filter effect and soil-structure interaction in evaluating structural seismic risk. However, the challenge in assessing and mitigating seismic risk is not entirely over, with the continual opening of new scenarios. A need to safeguard the ecosystem is encouraging researchers to find new solutions that combine seismic risk mitigation and ecosystem protection. Soil-rubber mixtures (SRMs) have emerged as a new technique to improve the soil underneath foundations so that seismic energy will be partially dissipated within the SRMs. The rubber grains are manufactured from scrap tyres, disposal of which has become a severe environmental problem worldwide.
The present research project has the following objectives: i) to study the mechanical behavior in the static and dynamic field, saturated and not, of various soil-rubber mixtures by means of laboratory tests; ii) identifying, or developing, the "best" constitutive model capable of reproducing its behavior in the FEM environment; iii) perform FEM modeling of finite problems.
The research will be jointly supervised by a professor if the University of Catania and a professor of the University of Palermo.
Scientific Responsible: Professor Rossella Massimino
Project 7
Title of the project:
Development of antifragile infrastructures including Nature-based Solutions for coastal risk mitigation and ecosystem services provision.
The project aims at developing antifragile hybrid solutions based on the Building with Nature approach, by integrating gray- and green-engineering interventions (e.g. living breakwaters, living shorelines, wetlands) for the management, protection and restoration of coastal areas, finalized to an integrated and sustainable management. Considering an interdisciplinary approach, based on the collection of state-of-the-art international experience, on the analysis of field data and the implementation of advanced physical and/or numerical modeling tools, the ability of these interventions to provide ecosystem services, such as mitigation of coastal flood and erosion risks, water quality improvement, carbon sequestration, etc., will be assessed.
The research results will allow to engineer the developed solutions and to evaluate different opportunities for upscaling at a selection of pilot sites, when possible, engaging the major local stakeholders.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of SIDRA s.r.l., Catania. A stage of 12 months is required for the programme.
Scientific responsible. Prof. Rosaria Musumeci
Project 8
Title of the project:
Structural safety assessment and remote monitoring of steel towers used for TLC instrumentations.
Verifiche strutturali e monitoraggio in remoto dello stato manutentivo di torri in acciaio adibite all’installazione di apparecchiature di Telecomunicazione
The project aims to the safety assessment and remote monitoring of steel tower used for telecommunications. The project is jointly developed with SISEM s.r.l., Cosenza, and a stage of 12 months in the enterprise is required. The student will have the possibility of knowing the main typology of TLC towers, their constructive procedures and the causes of structural failure they are facing. The aim is to improve the design and the maintenance procedure in order to reduce the risk of severe events that can interrupt the functionality of the structure.
The research will include the study of slender steel structures, seismic and wind analysis, project and analysis of monitoring systems for detecting defects.
Project 9
Title of the project:
Development of innovative solutions for adaptive lightweight roofing systems
Deployable lightweight roofing systems can be built using membranes, with or without the combination with articulated elements (scissor-like structures), or using semi-rigid elements like foldable plates. In all cases the research of the form and the adaptation of the form to activation signals (like changes in the stress state induced by tensioning of boundary cables, or deployment of the supports) is an essential part of the design process. In addition, the materialization stage, that is, the determination of the way in which the design forms (that are in general very complex) can be realized without creating creases or wrinkles, needs an accurate analysis.
The project aims to study some of this problem, with the possibility of testing the design procedure within the enterprise that cooperates with the project.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of Stiltenda, Catania. A stage of 12 months is required in the programme.
Project 10
Title of the project:
Procedure speditive e metodologie geofisiche applicate alla mitigazione dei rischi geoambientali naturali, finalizzate ala conservazione del patrimonio costiero.
Il fenomeno dell'erosione delle coste siciliane (oltre 1000 km) è rilevante e per contrastarlo si rende necessario una gestione integrata della zona costiera con strategie di ripascimento a cadenze temporali programmate che tengano conto di eventi ordinari e straordinari (es. mareggiate) con utilizzo dei sedimenti provenienti da depositi sottomarini (scelta recente adottata dalla regione) , opzione che apre un nuovo capitolo di studi e sperimentazioni che comportano la progettazione e redazione di un geodatabase contenente tutte le informazioni, finalizzate per la progettazione di opere di ripascimento nel rispetto stringente delle norme di valutazione ambientale.
Le note indagini attive e passive della Geofisica applicata all'Ambiente, unitamente agli strumenti offerti dalle procedure speditive per l’analisi, lo studio e la pianificazione di interventi territoriali volti alla conservazione del patrimonio naturale costiero, sono strumenti indispensabili quando si intende studiare ambienti interfaccia terra-mare e ancor di più quando si opera su scala regionale, per fornire elementi di corretta pianificazione degli interventi (ad esempio, conservativi del patrimonio costiero).
In special modo, quando l'area di studio è particolarmente estesa (poichè coinvolge più bacini idrografici o interessa un versante particolarmente esteso, etc.), per cui è necessario analizzare grandi moli di dati georiferiti (tra cui quelli satellitari, etc.) su piattaforma GIS, rendendone particolarmente complesso il procedimento di analisi, la pianificazione di attività di monitoraggio o di protezione, finalizzati al successivo recupero o ripristino ambientale.
Tutto ciò si traduce in un dispendio di tempi e risorse economiche non indifferente, tale da invocare la sperimentazione e successiva messa a punto di procedure speditive in grado di ottimizzare l'approccio temporale ed economico, senza penalizzare la qualità del risultato finale e facendo ricorso anche a strumenti quali i metodi di analisi numerica, la modellizzazione matematica e il machine learning.
This is an Industrial PhD programme developed with the cooperation of DEME Building Materials. A stage of 6 months is required for the programme.
Scientific responsible. Prof. Sebastiano Imposa
Project 12
Title of the project:
Sviluppo di tecnologie a supporto della realizzazione di digital twin per la gestione operativa del servizio idrico integrato
The PhD programme is jointly developed with EHT, Etna High Technology district, and includes a stage of 12 months in the enterprise.