Roberto Rosario CORSINI
Roberto Rosario Corsini è Ricercatore RTDA - ssd IIND-04/A (EX. ING-IND/16), AREA 09 con dottorato in Sistemi Complessi e laureato in Ingegneria Industriale (triennale) e Gestionale (magistrale). Docente in Programmazione e controllo della produzione nel Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale e in Tecnologia meccanica nel Corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica.
- Dal 01-03-2024 a oggi: Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo a (RTDa) presso il dipartimento DICAR dell’Università degli Studi di Catania. Progetto europeo di ricerca: “Heterogeneous Integration for Connectivity and Sustainability (HiConnects)”.
- Dal 26-05-2022 al 26-09-2023: Assegno di ricerca presso il dipartimento DICAR dell’Università degli Studi di Catania. Progetto di ricerca: “Giustizia Smart: Strumenti e modelli per ottimizzare il lavoro dei giudici - JustSmart”.
- Dal 31-10-2018 al 30-01-2022: Dottorato di ricerca in Sistemi Complessi presso il dipartimento DFA dell'Università degli Studi di Catania. Titolo della tesi: "Improving the operations management in outpatient chemotherapy oncology departments for reducing the patient waiting time".
- Dal 20-01-2020 al 14-05-2020: Periodo di ricerca presso l’Industrial Management Research Group dell’Università di Siviglia (Spagna).
- Dal 03-03-2023 al 15-03-2023: Attività di insegnamento per la materia dal titolo “Advanced design and management of supply chains” per il corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Siviglia (Spagna).
- Dal 20-06-2024 ad oggi: Partecipazione al comitato editoriale della rivista scientifica European Journal of Industrial Engineering.
- Dal 18-06-2023 al 22-06-2023: Partecipazione come chair alla 32nd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Porto (Portogallo).
- Dal 23-08-2021 al 27-08-2021: Partecipazione come co-chair alla 17th International Conference on Automation Science And Engineering (IEEE CASE 2021), Lione (Francia).
1. Costa, A., Corsini, R. R., Pagano, D., & Fernandez-Viagas, V. (2025). A new composite heuristic to minimize the total tardiness for the single machine scheduling problem with variable and flexible maintenance. Computers & Operations Research, 173, 106849.
2. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Framinan, J. M. (2024). Digital twin model with machine learning and optimization for resilient production–distribution systems under disruptions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 191, 110145.
3. Corsini, R. R., Cannella, S., Dominguez, R., & Costa, A. (2024). Closed-loop supply chains: How do production capacity and production control policies impact the performance?. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 189, 109939.
4. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., & Framinan, J. M. (2024). An adaptive product changeover policy for a capacitated two-product supply chain in a non-stationary demand environment. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 19(2), 155-166.
5. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., Pluchino, A., & Parrinello, V. (2024). System design of outpatient chemotherapy oncology departments through simulation and design of experiments. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 19(1), 15-28.
6. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Oriti, G., Fichera, S., Vinciguerra, D., Scroppo, M. S., & Pagano, D. (2024). Comparing dispatching rules for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in the cleaning-diffusion manufacturing stage. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 2481-2486). IEEE.
7. Fichera, V., Longo, L. L., Corsini, R. R., Fichera, S., & Costa, A. (2024). Reinforcement learning for the supply chain dynamics problem with production capacity constraints and non-stationary demand. In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 1208-1213). IEEE.
8. Corsini, R. R. (2023). Adaptive production control of two-product closed-loop supply chain dynamics under disruptions. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 40(8), 638-660.
9. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Cannella, S., & Framinan, J. M. (2023). Analysing the impact of production control policies on the dynamics of a two-product supply chain with capacity constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 61(6), 1913-1937.
10. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Pluchino, A. (2023). A configurable computer simulation model for reducing patient waiting time in oncology departments. Health Systems, 12(2), 208-222.
11. Fichera, S., Costa, A., Corsini, R. R., & Parrinello, V. (2023). Application of lean techniques and simulation to improve efficiency of the oncology department. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 44(2), 270-292.
12. Fussone, R., Cannella, S., Corsini, R. R., & Framiñan, J. M. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Remanufacturing Through Industrial Symbiosis on Supply Chain Performance. In International Workshop on Autonomous Remanufacturing (pp. 329-339). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
13. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Framinan, J. M. (2023). DDMRP as Production Control Policy in a Two-Product Closed-Loop Supply Chain. In International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (pp. 103-110). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
14. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Parrinello, V. (2023). Scheduling Chemotherapy Outpatient Appointments: A Self-adaptive Metaheuristic Approach. In International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (pp. 169-177). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
15. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, V., & Framinan, J. M. (2023). Artificial neural networks and metaheuristic optimization to increase the performance of supply chains under disruption. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE. 1, pp. 257–266.
16. Costa, A., Cannella, S., Corsini, R. R., Framinan, J. M., & Fichera, S. (2022). Exploring a two-product unreliable manufacturing system as a capacity constraint for a two-echelon supply chain dynamic problem. International Journal of Production Research, 60(3), 1105-1133.
17. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Parrinello, V. (2022). Hybrid harmony search for stochastic scheduling of chemotherapy outpatient appointments. Algorithms, 15(11), 424.
18. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., Fichera, S., & Framinan, J. M. (2022). A new data-driven framework to select the optimal replenishment strategy in complex supply chains. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(10), 1423-1428.
19. Corsini, R. R., Fichera, S., & Costa, A. (2022). Assessing the effect of a novel production control policy on a two-product, failure-prone manufacturing/distribution scenario. Selected Topics in Manufacturing: AITeM Young Researcher Award 2021, 1-20.
20. Corsini, R. R., Costa, A., & Fichera, S. (2021). Comparing production control policies in two-product supply chain dynamics. In 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp. 1002-1007). IEEE.
21. Costa, A., Corsini, R. R., Cappadonna F. A., & Fichera, S. (2018). MILP models for scheduling dynamic jobs with sequence dependent setup times and a variable maintenance on a single machine. Journal of Advances in Applied & Computational Mathematics. 5, 29-36.
Scheduling | Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems | Production Control | Supply Chains | Simulation model | Heuristic | Metaheuristic | AI - Machine Learning | Healthcare Systems | Lean Manufacturing