Anno accademico 2021/2022 - 1° anno- MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY: Antonino POLLICINO
Organizzazione didattica: 225 ore d'impegno totale, 130 di studio individuale, 36 di lezione frontale, 59 di esercitazione
Semestre: 1°
Obiettivi formativi
- Knowledge and understanding: Basic knowledge on the relationships between the structure of polymeric materials and their mechanical properties, on the transformation technologies of polymeric materials and on the problems related to their manufacturing.
- Applied knowledge and understanding skills: Ability to apply what has been learned during the lectures in the exercises carried out during the course.
- Autonomy of judgment: Students learn to objectively evaluate what they have learned during lessons and exercises.
- Communication skills: Students acquire communication skills that are formed both during the lessons, thanks to a continuous verbal conversation with the teacher, and during the oral exam.
- Learning skills: Learning skills are assessed through the oral exam and exercises which are an important part of the course.
- Knowledge and understanding: Basic knowledge of materials of interest for mechanical engineering, correlating their application characteristics to composition, structure, production and processing technologies
- Applied knowledge and understanding skills: Ability to apply what has been learned during the lectures in the exercises carried out during the course.
- Independent judgment: Students learn to objectively evaluate what they have learned during lessons and exercises.
- Communication skills: Students acquire communication skills that are formed both during the lessons, thanks to a continuous verbal conversation with the lecturer, and during the oral exams.
- Learning skills: Learning skills are assessed through the oral exam and exercises which are an important part of the course.
Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento
The teaching includes frontal lessons and excercise.
If course should be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
The course will be done through lectures, ongoing tests and exercises. If course should be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the program planned and outlined in the syllabus
Prerequisiti richiesti
Frequenza lezioni
Attendance to the course is compulsory. In addition to the cases already provided for by the Regulations, partial or total motivated exemptions from attendance can be recognized, through a specific resolution of the Course Council, upon presentation of a motivated request recognized by the Council and if the conditions exist, agreed with the lecturer, to activate the necessary forms of supplementary didactic support, designed to guarantee the adequate preparation of the student. As regards the status of student worker, student athlete and student in situations of difficulty ascertained through formal certifications, please refer to Article 27 of the "University Didactic Regulations".
Attendance to the course is compulsory. In addition to the cases already provided for by the Regulations, partial or total motivated exemptions from attendance can be recognized, through a specific resolution of the Course Council, upon presentation of a motivated request recognized by the Council and if the conditions exist, agreed with the lecturer, to activate the necessary forms of supplementary didactic support, designed to guarantee the adequate preparation of the student. As regards the status of student worker, student athlete and student in situations of difficulty ascertained through formal certifications, please refer to Article 27 of the "University Didactic Regulations"
Contenuti del corso
Classification and structure of polymeric materials. Mechanical behavior at small deformations: viscoelastic behavior, creep tests, relaxation tests and dynamic-mechanical behavior. Boltzman's principle, viscoelastic models. Module diagrams. Mechanical behavior at large deformations. Rheology: flow curves and constitutive relationships. Rheometry. Rheological behavior of polymers in the liquid state. Transformation technologies of polymeric materials.
1.GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS. The Price and Availability of Materials.
2. STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES - MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. Tensile Test. Stress–Strain Curves. True Stress–Strain Curves for Plastic Flow. The Elastic Moduli. Hooke's Law. Measurement of Young's Modulus. Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity. Bonding between Atoms. The condensed states of matter. Interatomic forces. Packing of Atoms in Solids. The Physical Basis of Young's Modulus. Moduli of Crystals. Rubbers and the Glass Transition Temperature. Composites. Dislocations and Yielding in Crystals. Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility. Plastic Work. Hardness Test. Strengthening Methods and Plasticity of Polycrystals. Fast Fracture and Toughness. Micromechanisms of Fast Fracture. Probabilistic Fracture of Brittle Materials. Fatigue Failure. Creep and Creep Fracture. Kinetic Theory of Diffusion. Mechanisms of Creep, and Creep-Resistant Materials.
3. METALS Metal Structures. Phase Diagrams. Driving Force for Solidification. Solid-State Phase Diffusive Transformations. Solid-State Phase Changes. Nucleation. Displacive Transformations. Diffusive F.C.C. to B.C.C. Transformation in Pure Iron. Time–Temperature–Transformation Diagram. Displacive F.C.C. to B.C.C. Transformation. Details of Martensite Formation. Light Alloys. Solid Solution Hardening. Age (Precipitation) Hardening. Carbon Steels. Microstructures after slow cooling and their mechanical properties. Quenched-and-Tempered Steels. Alloy Steels. Stainless Steels. Cast Iron.
4. POLYMER COMPOSITES. Matrices and fibers. Production technologies. Nanocomposites.
5. CORROSION. Dry corrosion and its mechanisms. The Energy of Oxidation. Rates of Oxidation. Wet Corrosion of Materials. Thermodynamics of wet corrosion processes. Pourbaix (Electrochemical Equilibrium) Diagrams. Kinetics of wet corrosion: Evans’ diagrams. Forms of wet corrosion. Wet corrosion mechanisms. Methods of protection.
Testi di riferimento
Course notes
Introduction to physical polymer science (L.H.Sperling – Wiley)
Mechanical properties of solid polymers (I.M. Ward-J.Sweeney – Wiley)
Fundamental of Polymers Science for Engineers – (S.Fakirov - Wiley-VCH)
1. W. D. Callister, Jr.: “Materials Science and Engineering; An Introduction” - Wiley
2. W. F. Smith: “Materials Science and Engineering” - McGraw - Hill
3 . D. R. Askeland, P. P. Fulay, W. J. Wright, "The Science and Engineering of materials" – Cengage learning
4. Manufacturing processes for advanced composites (F.C. Campbell – Elsevier)
5. Class notes
Programmazione del corso
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | ||
1 | Classification and structure of polymeric materials. | S.Fakirov - Fundamental of Polymers Science for Engineers – (2017) - Wiley-VCH Pgg 3-33 L.H. Sperling - Introduction to Physical Polymer Science - Wiley-VCH Pagg. 1 – 28 Course Notes – Unit 2.1 and 2.2 | |
2 | Mechanical behavior at small deformations: viscoelastic behavior, creep tests, relaxation tests Dynamic-mechanical behavior. Boltzman's principle, viscoelastic models. Module diagrams. | L.H. Sperling - Introduction to Physical Polymer Science - Wiley-VCH Pagg. 349 - 415 I.M. Ward, J. Sweeney – Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers – Wiley 87-147; Course Notes – Unit 2.3 and 2.4 | |
3 | Mechanical behavior at large deformations | L.H. Sperling - Introduction to Physical Polymer Science - Wiley-VCH Pagg. 557 - 601 I.M. Ward, J. Sweeney – Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers – Wiley 379-434; Course Notes – Unit 2.5 | |
4 | Rheology: flow curves and constitutive relationships. Rheometry. Rheological behavior of polymers in the liquid state. | Sperling - Introduction to Physical Polymer Science - Wiley-VCH Pagg. 507 – 548 Course Notes – Unit 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 | |
5 | Transformation technologies of polymeric materials | S.Fakirov - Fundamental of Polymers Science for Engineers – (2017) - Wiley-VCH Pgg 307-325 Course Notes – Unit 2.10 | |
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | ||
1 | Tensile Test | Class notes - Unit 1_1, Textbook 1 – Chapter 6 | |
2 | Elastic Moduli | Class notes - Unit 1_2, Textbook 1 – Chapter 6 | |
3 | Dislocations and Yielding in Crystals | Class notes - Unit 1_3, Textbook 1 – Chapter 4, 6, 7 | |
4 | Fast Fracture and Toughness | Class notes - Unit 1_4, Textbook 1 – Chapter 8 | |
5 | Probabilistic Fracture of Brittle Materials | Class notes - Unit 1_5 | |
6 | Fatigue Failure | Class notes - Unit 1_6, Textbook 1 – Chapter 8 | |
7 | Creep and Creep Fracture | Class notes - Unit 1_7, Textbook 1 – Chapter 8 | |
8 | Kinetics Theory of Diffusion | Class notes - Unit 1_8, Textbook 1 – Chapter 5 | |
9 | Metal structures | Class notes - Unit 1_9 | |
10 | Phase Diagrams | Class notes - Unit 1_10, Textbook 1 – Chapter 9 | |
11 | Phase Changes. Nucleation | Class notes - Unit 1_11 Textbook 1 – Chapter 10 | |
12 | Diffusive and displacive transformations | Class notes - Unit 1_12, Textbook 1 – Chapter 10 | |
13 | Light Alloys | Class notes - Unit 1_13, Textbook 1 – Chapter 11 | |
14 | Carbon Steels | Class notes - Unit 1_14, Textbook 1 – Chapter 10 | |
15 | Alloy Steels. Stainless Steels. Cast Iron | Class notes - Unit 1_15, Textbook 1 – Chapter 11 | |
16 | Polymer composites | Class notes - Unit 1_16 | |
17 | Production technologies of polymer matrix composites | Class notes - Unit 1_17 | |
18 | Nanocomposites | Class notes - Unit 1_18 | |
19 | Dry corrosion and its mechanisms | Class notes - Unit 1_19, Textbook 1 – Chapter 17 | |
20 | Thermodynamics of wet corrosion processes | Class notes - Unit 1_20, Textbook 1 – Chapter 17 | |
21 | Kinetics of wet corrosion | Class notes - Unit 1_21, Textbook 1 – Chapter 17 | |
22 | Wet corrosion mechanisms | Class notes - Unit 1_22, Textbook 1 – Chapter 17 | |
23 | Methods of protection | Class notes - Unit 1_23, Textbook 1 – Chapter 17 |
Verifica dell'apprendimento
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
During the year, seven (ordinary) exam sessions are scheduled plus four sessions reserved for out-of-course students.
During the periods allowed by the academic calendar it is also possible, by contacting the teacher by e-mail or by telephone, to arrange further exam interviews (on a weekly basis)
How to register for an exam session: Booking on the university portal
The exam consists in the oral presentation of topics addressed during the course
The evaluation of the exam is based on the following criteria: level of knowledge of the required topics, expressive ability and language properties, ability to apply knowledge to simple case studies, ability to connect the different themes of the course program.
Verification of learning can also be carried out on line, if the conditions require it.
During the year, seven (ordinary) exam sessions are scheduled plus four sessions reserved for out-of-course students.
In the periods allowed by the academic calendar it is also possible, by contacting the teacher by e-mail to agree on further exam interviews (on a weekly basis)
How to register for an exam session: Booking on the university portal
The exam consists in the oral presentation of topics addressed during the course
The evaluation of the exam is based on the following criteria: level of knowledge of the required topics, expressive ability and ownership of language, ability to apply knowledge to simple case studies, ability to link the different themes of the course program.
Verification of learning can also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti
Rubber elasticity theory.
Viscoelastic properties of polymers. Constitutive equations. Compliance.
Dynamic mechanical measurements and study of the structure of polymers and transitions.
Viscoelastic models.
Mechanical principles of brittle fracture of polymeric materials. Mechanical properties of fibers.
Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior.
Dependence of viscosity on deformation rate.
Dependence of viscosity on molecular mass.
Melt elasticity phenomena.
Constitutive equations of melted viscoelastic polymers.
Printing. Extrusion. Injection molding.
Fibers and matrices. Fiberglass. Carbon fibers. Aramid fibers. Fiber format for composites.
Particle composites. Mechanical properties. Micromechanics of the lamina.
Manual forming technologies. Forming in an autoclave. Resin Transfer Molding. Filament winding. Pultrusion molding.
List and describe the defects of the crystalline structures describing their influence on the mechanical and technological properties of processing
Plot TTT cooling diagrams for FeC alloys describing the technologically relevant phase transformations
Modes of material failure: illustrate the differences between fatigue, creep and fracture.
Plot the Cu-Ni diagram commenting on both the ideal and the real cooling case